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Classroom 2.0. Composing free and open online educational resources - Wikiversi. Short name: oercourse (you may use this as the tag in all course related things) This course with an online class of ten weeks started on March 3rd 2008 and was finished in May 5th 2008.

Composing free and open online educational resources - Wikiversi

If you want to join the next cycle, please add yourself here. A new version is build with the title Composing free and open online educational resources 2011 and the course may start in January 2011. You may follow the progress of the course from facilitators' course blog. You may also have a look of of the participants of the 2008 course. Introduction[edit] Free and open educational resources have become one of the most discussed topics in the field of education. The free software movements idea of developing free, libre and open source software, as well as the Creative Commons search for alternatives to traditional copyright, have had an everlasting effect on the ways we think about education and educational resources.

Course / Class News[edit] There are several ways to follow the course events. Assignments: Sobre web 2.0 en educación. Pagina nueva 1. KnowNet - Open Source for Collaborative Knowledge Development an. The Edublogger — Tips, tricks, ideas and help with using web 2.0. Fundació Jaume I. Sme-learning: ICT & SMEs Project Website.

Lesson Writer. Australian Flexible Learning Framework - Home. Curriwiki. El Web Educatiu de les Illes Balears. VETNET - Home. B-Learning4All » Welcome to the b-learning4all Project Website. Consell Municipal Escolar. E-Aprendizaje - knowledge, collaboration, information, partnersh. SCoPE. E-Aprendizaje - knowledge, collaboration, information, partnersh. CETIS. EduSpaces. E-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education. Written by Steve O'Hear and edited by Richard MacManus.

e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies are shaping education

This is a two-part series in which Steve will explore how Web technologies are being used in education. In Part 2 he will profile Elgg, social network software for education, and interview its founders. Much has been written on Read/WriteWeb (and elsewhere) about the effect that web technologies are having on commerce, media, and business in general. But outside of the 'edublogosphere', there's been little coverage of the impact it is having on education. Teachers are starting to explore the potential of blogs, media-sharing services and other social software - which, although not designed specifically for e-learning, can be used to empower students and create exciting new learning opportunities.

As I wrote in The Guardian last year: "Like the web itself, the early promise of e-learning - that of empowerment - has not been fully realized. Blogging Students use of blogs are far ranging. From the Secret Life of Bees Study Guide Summary. Bienvenid@s a Diálogo Iberoamericano, Agencia Universitaria de N. JISC : supporting education and research. Marzo 2006. Post número 1: (autor:alvaro gregori blog: mandarina-learning ) (p.d.ultimamente estoy mu pillao por los cítricos) Tecnocentrismo e Infocentrismo Archivado en: artículos — Alvaro Gregori @ 1:27 pm Esas son las dos mayores lacras que sufre el e-learning. Primero pasamos el sarpullido del tecnocentrismo. Estabamos obsesionados con las plataformas, LMS, aulas virtuales síncronas… estabamos convencidos de que la mejor y más avanzada tecnología supondría la mejor formación online… y nos equivocamos.

Ahora el énfasis anda en los contenidos… pero nos volvemos a equivocar. Powerful Learning Practice: About Us. CinEscola. El cinema a l'aula. [AulaMèdia]