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Historia de los Blogs. Sphere - Blog Search and Discovery. Jan Chipchase - Future Perfect. » Get a Free Blog Here. ..TintaChina.. - Anotaciones acerca de la Nueva Economía. - weblog de bajo impacto. Juan Freire: Wikis, blogs y docencia: todo lo que la universidad. Hace unas semanas, en BlogAUT, tuve la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano diversas experiencias de aplicación de la web 2.0, blogs y wikis, en las enseñanzas medias. Se quejaban algunos de los participantes, con razón, que en lo eventos relacionados con estas herramientas cuando se plantea tocar el tema de la educación se invita, casi exclusivamente, a pofesores universitarios, y se olvidan las enseñanzas no universitarias. De este modo, los proyectos “no universitarios” son invisibles para muchos interesados y se desaprovecha la oportunidad de conocer ideas e iniciativas enormemente interesantes e innovadoras, mucho más que la mayor parte de las que se realizan en el ámbito universitario.

Tanto en la universidad como en los centros de enseñanzas medias, blogs y wikis siguen siendo fenómenos minoritarios y en gran medida incomprendidos. Blogs y wikis saben a Web 2.0 y a «Software Social». //////////////////////////////////// G U A R A R A ///////////// Minding the Planet: Technology. Tim O'Reilly, recently blogged another article about Web 2.0 Versus Web 3.0 in which he responded to some of my points about what Web 3.0 is and is not. There are several points in his post that I need to respond to. Here is what I am going to cover in this article: Correcting some factual errors in Tim's post about Web 3.0 Web 2.0 = Industry Renaissance + Marketing Hype Web 2.0 was NOT mainly about back-end innovation Web 2.0 = The Social Web What's After Web 2.0?

The Semantic Web = The Data Web The Value of Open Data Key Points of Differentiation Before I address where I agree/disagree with his article, there are some factual errors that should be corrected. Contrary to what Tim states, the term "Web 3.0" was NOT originated by me, and I've never claimed it was. In fact, the term, Web 3.0, was independently originated by Jeffrey Zeldman, Tim Berners-Lee, Reed Hastings, John Markoff, and Dan Gillmor. Tim is annoyed because he thinks that Web 3.0 is "marketing hype.

" I'm with Stowe. Seth's Blog. We still teach a lot of myths in the intro to economics course, myths that spill over to conventional wisdom. Human beings make rational decisions in our considered long-term best interest. Actually, behavioral economics shows us that people almost never do this. Our decision-making systems are unpredictable, buggy and often wrong. We are easily distracted, and even more easily conned. Every time we assume that people are profit-seeking, independent, rational actors, we've made a mistake. The free market is free. The free market only works because it has boundaries, rules and methods of enforcement. Profit is a good way to demonstrate the creation of value. In fact, it's a pretty lousy method.

Profit is often a measure of short-term imbalances or pricing power, not value. I hope we can agree that a caring nurse in the pediatric oncology ward adds more value than a well-paid cosmetic plastic surgeon doing augmentations. The best way to measure value created is to measure value, not profit. Neurosistotal. .Lomography 3.0~ / _homesDeLuxe. A softer world. What is a blog? TheWeblogProject - the first open-source movie d. PI -producir inconsciente- El blog no tiene futuro. Una novedad impresionante en el tejido contemporáneo de las escrituras, nos deja ver que el flujo de la opinión inmediata y la literatura parecen fusionarse. En otro plano, el periodismo impersonal y la carta de lectores amenazan con perder su sutil distancia. El género de la carta del lector nació con el periodismo mismo y postulaba un ejercicio superior de ciudadanía –la enmienda, la queja, la reescritura, la rectificación, la protesta–, así como exigía del periodismo el trabajo con un incipiente derecho a réplica o con perspicaces elaboraciones de un lector, que si pasaba el cedazo riguroso de la redacción estable de un diario, era una señal de fuerte opinión editorial proveniente de la sociedad civil.

Mirado de otra forma, este hecho consistía en una manifestación de la sólida alianza entre la invisible sociedad lectora y la orientación de un periódico, cualquiera que sea. Pero hace décadas asistimos a notorios cambios en la idea misma de escritura, de opinión y de testimonio. Accueil - DotClear - DotClear 2. Daypop - a current events/weblog/news search engine. Action Streams | Plugin Directory | Action Streams The Action Streams plugin is an amazing new plugin for Movable Type 4.1 that lets you aggregate, control, and share your actions around the web as well as a list of your profiles on various services.

With the Action Streams plugin you keep control over the record of your actions on the web. And of course, you also have full control over showing and hiding each of your actions. The Action Streams plugin, by default, also publishes your stream using Atom and the Microformat hAtom so that your actions aren't trapped in any one service. If you already have a Movable Type blog, it's pretty straightforward to add your action stream to your site. You can already see it in action on a number of sites, like Movable Type's Product Manager Byrne Reese's personal blog. If you're not yet running Movable Type, you can grab all of this functionality for free with Movable Type Open Source which just shipped its first stable release. Twitter search. Presentation Zen. Blogak 2.0 - Jornadas Web 2.0 en Deusto, Bilbao. ClickTale Blog.