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I.E.2. Training Children

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What to Do with Too Many Toys. As some of you already know, I’ve been on a mission this year to simplify my family’s life and rid ourselves of excess.

What to Do with Too Many Toys

Over the course of the past nine months I have probably given away about 75 percent of my girls’ toys, keeping only the items that I felt encouraged their imagination and that they actually played with. I thought I was doing pretty good. Even so, there were warning signs that my kids still had too much stuff. In June, we took a field trip to Reptile World in Orlando. Afterwards we decided it would be fun to take the girls to dinner at a dinosaur-themed restaurant called T-Rex in Downtown Disney. All through our delicious dinner, surrounded by dramatic (fake) meteor showers and animatronic dinosaurs, she fixated on the one thing she couldn’t have rather than the cool sights we were actually experiencing. The Breaking Point In the weeks that followed, Chuck and I talked a lot about how we were going to handle this lack of contentment we were noticing.

Paradigm Shift. 5 Tips for Raising Non-Picky Eaters. Picky eating can be a pretty touchy subject.

5 Tips for Raising Non-Picky Eaters

No mom wants to hear they might be making a mistake, especially once you’ve gotten to a point where it seems impossible to change the course you’ve already charted. Over the past few months, several people have asked me for advice on this topic. I’ve pondered writing this post many times but until today, something always held me back. Even just the title seems so self-congratulatory, so smug, like somehow I’ve mastered the art of parenting, having successfully raised perfect Stepford children who can do no wrong. One Small Change: Frugal and Simple Behavior Incentives. Choosing Chores And Behaviours For Your JillyChart. Home - Rush Limbaugh - The Rush Limbaugh Show. Why Your Kids Need Five Other Adults in Their Lives « Orange Parents. I have something like 1,300 contacts in my phone.

Why Your Kids Need Five Other Adults in Their Lives « Orange Parents

No doubt, 1,300 is a crazy number. You might have double that, or half that. It’s just the world we live in. But even if you only had 100, you wouldn’t really know each of them well. Not deeply. But there’s also a “favorites list” on my phone, as there probably is one on yours. These five know me inside out . . . my good points and not so good ones. I’m sure you’ve got those people too. But do your kids? When your kids need to talk, who do they talk to? So who do they go to? I dream of a culture in which every child has five adults, other than their parents, they can talk to about the important stuff. If you were fortunate when you were growing up, you might have had someone you could talk to other than your mom or dad about the big stuff and the little stuff. That’s why I wanted my kids to have at least five other adults in their life guiding them and giving input.

Five people who know their hopes and dreams, Organizing Kids’ Pay Day & Bank System. If you're new here, I encourage you to subscribe to my RSS feed . Thanks for visiting! I finally got fed up enough to find the fix, without splurging on special set-ups like Dave Ramsey’s set . The back-to-school display was my inspiration! 1 3-ring binder 1 binder organizer with multiple zippered pockets 1 binder pencil pouch per child 1 pencil pouch that fits inside the binder pouch per child 1 small coin purse per child 1 roll of dimes & quarters and 5 1-dollar bills, or whatever amounts you need for your family. The coin purse is for spending money, the smaller pencil pouch is for savings, and both go inside the binder pencil pouch, which is inserted into the 3-ring binder. The binder organizer pouch is for storing the coins and cash.

As money is earned (from extra jobs or doing work for grandparents or neighbors), it is deposited for safe-keeping into the child’s binder pouch. We pull out any coins earned during the week and then I hand them their weekly pay.