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- StumbleUpon. DIY Cardboard desktop objects. Posted by admin on August 7th, 2012 08:32 PM | Misc “All the items of this collection are DIY assembled by users just folding paper no glue or other particular istruments are required” – author Eduardo Alessi, Italy. THESE RINGS on The Hunt. AMS Design Blog: Product Spotlight : Knock Knock Stationary. I first saw a knock knock product in the shop at the Saatchi gallery here in London and it was love at first site.

AMS Design Blog: Product Spotlight : Knock Knock Stationary

Self proclaimed as putting the fun in functional, their products are totally useless but incredibly amusing and make for great gifts. Check out their website here. Panties for Geek Girls. CRACK KILLS: Super Sexy Butt Cleave Dress. Just Don’t Blow Your Nose With It. Bottled Unicorn Burps & Tears. Unicorns—or more specifically, the bodily secretions of unicorns—have become quite popular recently.

Bottled Unicorn Burps & Tears

But why stop at Unicorn farts lip balm and Unicorn Poop cookies? Now you can enjoy the sweet scent of unicorn burps and tears too. Essence of Unicorn Burp and Unfiltered Unicorn Tears are available from the Museum of Unnatural History in Washington, DC… which is not so much a real museum as it is a store featuring surreal “artifacts” from an imagined history. No details about what this stuff actually smells like, but it’s gotta be even nicer than Unicorn farts—and those taste like spearmint and cotton candy! Via: The Scent of Departure: Bottled City Smells. Really Really High Waisted Pants. I heard high-waisted pants were making their way back in style, but this is cray cray.

Really Really High Waisted Pants

Here’s yet another piece of fashion (and I use the term loosely) from the wacky (I’m being polite here) minds of Viktor & Rolf. These are really really really REALLY high-waisted pants. Viktor & Rolf call the creation a Top Belt Jumpsuit. I call it goofy as hell. Fortunately, the pants are on sale – 30% off! Via: ThingThong: A Flip-Flop/Swimsuit Hybrid. Imagine: you show up at a BBQ and it turns out it’s also a pool party.

ThingThong: A Flip-Flop/Swimsuit Hybrid

Win, right? Except you didn’t bring a swim suit. Booooooo! Usually I’d say “Who gives a shit — CANNON BAAAAALL!” But that was before I knew about ThingThongs. Have Your Cake And Eat The Candles Too. A Whimsical Balloon Supported Coffee Table. The UP coffee table by designer Christopher Duffy is suspended by balloons.

A Whimsical Balloon Supported Coffee Table

Well it looks like it is. You couldn’t actually expect it to be supported solely by balloons, because you know what would happen by, like, day three or four of the balloon’s life? Exactly, your coffee table would be slooping on the floor all uneven, and you’d be wondering why you spent so much money on such a poorly designed product. The coffee table is limited edition, as in, only 20 will be made! So if you want one, you gotta act fast. Via: New Pizza You Can Eat For Every Meal. Scientist Mike Lean (NOT to be confused with Mike Lean Cuisine) has created a sea weed based pizza which contains all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need if you eat it 3 times a day, every day.

New Pizza You Can Eat For Every Meal

I’m just not sure how I feel about this. Yeah, my mom would feel a lot more comfortable with pizza making up my entire food pyramid (which makes total sense considering it’s a TRIANGLE and don’t get me started on the four basic food groups: dough, sauce, cheese, pepperoni), but what the hell is a pizza without the greasy-greasy? I’m talking like the kind that you need no less than 6 napkins to mop up the fat juices. So greasy it just slides down my throat and lands in the pizza party in my stomach. No chewing necessary! Image via NY Daily News Via: Sorry I’m Such An @$$hole Balloons. Brain Matter, It’s What’s For Dinner. Analog Minesweeper Postcards. Recently I was introduced to a crazy new thing.

Analog Minesweeper Postcards

Apparently there’s a real life version of solitaire called “deck of cards.” This is very handy in the case of a power outage when you have no access to computer games. Now there’s also an analog version of Minesweeper. The Minesweeper postcard by the folks at the Korea Institute of Design Connect Design let you satiate your addiction for scratch-offs without any of the pesky gambling. The cards include flag and smiley face stickers and come in easy or hard modes with 80 or 120 mines respectively. Via: