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How Competition Made Me Less Successful. Soften Up that Stiff, Scratchy Acrylic Yarn. I live in the middle of butt-freaking nowhere, and the only yarn that’s regularly stocked is Red Heart Super Saver. Sure, they carry Lion Brand Hometown USA and a few skeins of Caron Simply Soft, but once that’s bought up they won’t restock it for months because Red Heart is all anyone around here really buys. There are lots of crocheters in Southwestern VA, crochet uses a LOT of yarn, and a lot of smaller stores around here only carry good ‘ol Red Heart Super Saver and nothing else. A lot of people in this area grew up with it and aren’t keen on trying anything else.

Bottom line: Even though it’s stiff and scratchy, most of the time I have to use Red Heart Super Saver, even if it’s just for the sheer amount of available colors. It’s a great, cheap yarn for big decorative projects and stuff like amigurumi that needs to have some sturdy hold to it. Pickles - Pickles. It's true, isn't it? You're aware that copyright laws exist and that they somehow apply to you. Perhaps you also wonder if your blissful ignorance will one day be your undoing, like the time you decided not to swatch before starting a project and wound up with a sweater half your girth and twice your height.

Is this some kind of sermon about doing the right thing? No. Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing. Copyright is a legal right that exists to protect both authors and users with respect to the creation and use of literary, artistic, dramatic, musical, and other works. Copyright, as law, sets a standard of behavior enforceable in civil [and sometimes criminal] courts. Don't get me wrong. Before we begin Knitty readers are all over the place. The basics What makes a work a copyrighted work? [a] Suitable subject matter for copyright includes literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works. [b] Whether a work is sufficiently original is also a subjective assessment. 1. 3. 4. 5. Bergère de France knitting and crochet patterns - buy direct from the designer.

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