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Patatas guisadas con especias :: recetas veganas recetas vegetarianas. Sección Recetas Esta es una receta vegana de patatas guisadas con muy pocos ingredientes para facilitar su preparación. La gracia de estas patatas veganas es que están aromatizadas con clavo y cúrcuma, pero es un ejemplo para que hagáis experimentos de otras recetas veganas de patatas guisadas especiadas de manera diferente o añadiendo más ingredientes. Dificultad: fácil Preparación: Ingredientes para 3 personas 1 kilo de patatas 300 gramos de tomate 3 dientes de ajo 1 cebolla 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 3 vasos de agua (600 ml.) 3 clavos de olor 2 cucharaditas de cúrcuma 2 cucharaditas de sal 1/2 cucharita de pimienta Preparación Lavar y rallar los tomates. Poner 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva en una olla a fuego alto-medio y dorar los ajos. Añadir la cebolla picada y bajar a fuego medio. Echar la sal, la pimienta, el clavo y la cúrcuma y sofreir 10 min. removiendo de vez en cuando con la cuchara de madera.

Comentarios a la receta Receta enviada por Juan Otras recetas veganas relacionadas. Recetas Veganas: Galletitas de banana, avena y coco. Pocas veces el título de la receta te delata todos los ingredientes. Esta es una de esas (maravillosas) veces. Generalmente me dan un poco de miedo las cosas “sin” (sin azúcar, sin harina, sin huevos, sin manteca...), pero esta vez no hay nada que temer.

La mezcla es riquísima cruda y riquísima en formato galletita. Se hace en 10 minutos y las proporciones se pueden cambiar para hacer galletitas con diferentes cualidades (estas quedan algo húmedas y no son crocantes). También quedan perfectas con canela, o pasas, chocolate, nueces... se prestan para jugar un rato e inventar variantes :) Ingredientes: 1 taza de bananas maduras y pisadas (tienen que tener marcas negras en la cáscara, son las mas dulces), serían unas 3 bananas medianas mas o menos.1 taza de coco rallado.1 taza de avena.

Preparación: Pisar la banana. 9 Scientific Strategies for Healthy Weight Without Dieting. The best cookbooks of all time, as chosen by the experts. Writer and chef Prue Leith made waves last week when she said that contemporary cookbooks are now destined almost exclusively for the coffee table: we drool over them, then either order takeaway or Google our way into the kitchen. “We don’t need cookbooks,” she said, “except to feed the internet.” Do cookbooks still have a place in today’s kitchens? We asked some cooks and chefs to share their favourites. Raymond Blanc I am completely self-taught, so cookbooks have always been a wonderful way to learn; to discover new techniques.

Jack Monroe One of the first things I did when I found myself living on a low budget was to borrow books from friends and the library and adapt all the recipes to cheap ingredients. Jeremy Lee Cookbooks have always been important to me. The most important book though, by a long stretch, is Elizabeth David’s French Provincial Cooking. Claudia Roden I started collecting recipes from refugees who had been expelled from Egypt and left in such haste. Karam Sethi. The science of weight loss (Infographic) 35 Cheap And Ingenious Ways To Have The Best Classroom Ever. You’ve Been Making French Toast All Wrong (Until Now)

The eatwell plate. The eatwell plate highlights the different types of food that make up our diet, and shows the proportions we should eat them in to have a healthy, balanced diet. It's a good idea to try to get this balance right every day, but you don't need to do it at every meal. You might find it easier to get the balance right over a longer period, like a week. Try to choose options that are lower in salt when you can. Eating healthily is about eating the right amount of food for your energy needs. Based on the eatwell plate, try to eat: Plenty of fruit and vegetables Did you know that we should be eating at least five portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day? More on 5 A DAY. Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods Choose wholegrain varieties whenever you can, or eat potatoes with their skins on for more fibre.

More on starchy foods. Some milk and dairy foods Go for lower-fat milk and dairy foods. More on milk and dairy foods. More on meat, fish, eggs and pulses. Ratatouille con Queso. Sencilla receta esta que te presentamos aquí para preparar una sorprendente Ratatouille con queso, una variante muy sabrosa. Ingredientes: - 300 gramos de queso de cabra, o cualquiera que os guste - Un par de berenjenas - Otro par de calabacines - Un tomate grande - Un diente de ajo - Una buena cebolla - Un pimiento verde y uno rojo - Aceite de oliva y sal - Pimienta - Un poco de orégano Preparación: Lavamos y cortamos en finitas rodajas todas las verduras, además del queso de cabra al que cortaremos en rodajas un poco más gruesas.

Le añadimos unos toques de sal y pimienta a modo de aliño para las verduras. Pasado ese tiempo simplemente nos queda montar el plato, poniendo las verduras en forma de espiral, no se ponen completamente unas encimas de otras, sólo se apoya aproximadamente el 70% de una rodaja sobre la otra. Por último metemos el queso entre ellas, intercalando una rodaja de queso de cabra cada varias rodajas de verduras. What 5 Amazing Athletes Eat for Breakfast. Falafel (Receta auténtica y original) | Recetas Arabes | Recetas de Cocina Arabe. Receta de Falafel auténtica y original. El Falafel es una de las recetas más populares del Medio Oriente. Dependiendo del lugar al falafel se le da la forma de croqueta, pequeña hamburguesa o bola la cuál es frita con aceite de oliva y se elabora principalmente con garbanzos. Esta receta de falafel es muy sabrosa y fácil de hacer.

Se suele servir como entrante o cómo bocadillo en pan de pita caliente. Importante: La receta de falafel original está basada en los garbanzos pero en países como Egipto se elabora principalemente con habas, por tanto el falafel de habas es otra opción muy sabrosa y su elaboración es similar. Ingredientes: (4 Personas) Preparación: Paso 1: Lavar con agua y escurrir los garbanzos o habas dejados en remojo la noche anterior. Paso 2: Triturar directamente los garbanzos «sin cocer» o habas con la batidora o picadora junto con las cebollas, los ajos, el perejil, el cilantro fresco y una taza de agua. Paso 3: Paso 4: Paso 5: Esperamos que disfrutéis de esta receta.

Canal House's Marinated Zucchini Recipe on Food52. Cooking is more fun with friends. Find your friends who are already on Food52, and invite others who aren't to join. Let's GoLearn more Join Our Community Follow amazing home cooks. Sign Up ♥ 349 + Save ▴ If you like it, save it! Save and organize all of the stuff you love in one place. Got it! If you like something… Click the heart, it's called favoriting. Author Notes: The summer side you can make whenever you have 15 minutes, and then completely forget about.

Serves 2 to 4 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 1/2 pound very small zucchini, trimmed and halved lengthwise Salt 1/2 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar Pepper A small handful fresh basil leaves, sliced Working in batches as needed, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy medium skillet over medium-high heat. This recipe is a Community Pick! More Great Recipes: Zucchini|Vegetables|Side Dishes|Basil|Olive Oil 💬 View Comments (33) Share this Recipe Tweet this Recipe. 9 Healthy Predinner Snacks. Food: 7 Practical Cooking Tips From Ina Garten's 'Barefoot Contessa' I’ll start by saying this: I’m not athletic, nor do I particularly like working out. But after graduating from college, I discovered a motivating factor that got me to the gym: Barefoot Contessa.

I don’t have a TV at home, so I've been timing my gym workouts for the past five years with episodes of my favorite cooking show. After all those years and all those episodes (which I’ve seen multiple times), I’ve learned some surprising but practical tips from the inimitable Ina. While I originally went to the gym to lose a few pounds, I ended up gaining a whole lot of knowledge from Barefoot Contessa. 1.

This is a recurring tip mentioned throughout many Barefoot Contessa episodes. 2. Before seeing this tip, I used to mash my guacamole with a fork, eliminating almost all the chunks. 3. Similar to the coffee-chocolate trick, Ina adds a splash of various fruit liqueurs to enhance the flavors of fruit dishes. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you as big a fan of Barefoot Contessa as I am? 12 Laundry Mistakes You Should Stop Making Right Now. Food Synergy: 8 Healthy Food Pairings That Are Even Better Together. Pairing the perfect foods is good for more than just your tastebuds.

In fact, the right combinations can take a healthy food and kick its disease-fighting powers into overdrive. Most credit researcher David Jacobs, Ph.D. for dubbing this concept "food synergy. " The basic idea is that foods affect our health in a number of complex ways, and we may get even more bang for our buck when certain foods are eaten together. In the past 10 years, research has come a long way toward understanding just how food synergy works, according to Elaine Magee, M.P.H., R.D., author of a recent book on the topic.

"A decade ago, we didn't even know about phytochemicals like lycopene (the one that has made tomatoes famous) or anthocyanins and pterostilbene (which have propelled blueberries into the news)," she wrote for WebMD, and there is still much more we don't know. The research does suggest that the following foods are better together. Do you already eat any of these pairings? Close Tomatoes And Avocado. Super Creative DIY Table. Make your foyer more entertaining with these fun DIY Hangers - Home Arch Design. Make your foyer more entertaining with these fun DIY Hangers Adnana Mocian 2015-05-11 Adnana Mocian · We pretty much leave hangers outside when we think about our interior design and the ones we find in shops don’t really bring much personality to our home.

That’s the part where you can intervene and create something of our own. DIY hangers are easy enough to make, at least those which we will present you. With a bit of creativity it won’t be hard to improvise a one of a kind hanger, since all you’re looking for is something to support your coats, some hats, your pretentious cashmere scarf and a hat or two. Fixing drawer ears on a piece of wood can result in an entertaining and fun hanger and using shoulders in a creative way like in the photo gallery below your hanger will definitely be the main attraction of your foyer. Tags:creative recyclingdiydiy hangerdiy hat rackdiy projectsentertaining projectsFoyerhangerhat rackstylish foyertree hangerwood hanger Previous post Next post The Author.

10 Stylish DIY Side Table Ideas. Posted by on måndag, juli 2, 2012 · 1 Comment Lately I’ve been on the prowl for side table ideas…As always, there ain’t no better way than D.I.Y to score some of that true quirky cool magic…Only problem is I can’t seem to decide which one of all the awesome doable DIY ideas out there I want to go for…While I’m in deciding I thought I might as well share a round-up of my 10 favorite ideas, hoping you too will find a little something in there to tickle your fancy and inspire some D.I.Y action – Enjoy!

D.I.Y genius Brittany of ‘The House that Lars built’ made this rad copper tubing side table, a beautiful DIY TUTORIAL awaits you at DesignSponge Jennifer of awesome blog SeaKettle made this D.I.Y Log slice side table using the legs from IKEA Marius, check out here DIY TUTORIAL HERE Stylish upcycling of an old door! Edgy Industrial DIY Design from ‘Lowes Creative Ideas’ – DIY TUTORIAL HERE! Pure & Simple by designer Silvia Song for DesignSponge – DIY TUTORIAL HERE. My DIY Bedside Table! Over the past few weeks I've developed an obsession with side tables. You see, I needed one, and when I need a piece of furniture, I get crazoid trying to figure out how to make it. And here's what I cannot figure out about the side tables in the stores. Why are they so short? I saw lots of cute ones at Target, and when you take one off the shelf and set it on the floor, you realize that it only comes halfway up your shins.

And I loooove the martini tables at West Elm, but oh my goodness. So I made one! The cardboard tube comes in a 4 ft length. Once you've cut through the cardboard, you can insert the saw into the hole and cut around. I used a keyhole saw that I got at Target for $7. I got my wood circle table top at Lowes, too. Now stand up the tube and place the table top on it. Attach the bottom the same way.

Paint and polyurethane! While the paint dries, you can cut a million little strips of vinyl. Tack the vinyl on like this. That's $27!!! DIY Project Idea: How to Make a Small Entryway Wall Organizer (with Magnets!) — Apartment Therapy Tutorials. As renters, we take what we can get, and what we often get are miniscule (or non-existent) entryways and a lack of built-in storage. This multi-faceted organizer has a variety of ways to hang your stuff — coats, bags, and umbrellas — so they are at your fingertips as you head out the door, and stay tidy when you come back in.

As a neat bonus, it also has a magnetized area for keys. You can learn how to make one yourself, right after the jump! What You Need Materials 1/2" thick wood or MDF panels S hooks Rare earth magnets (slightly smaller than your 1/2" drill bit below) Bungee-style elastic cord L brackets (two sets) with small screws Spray paint Tools Table saw (optional— otherwise have cuts made at the hardware store) Drill 1/2" Forstner Bit Wood Glue Ruler Pencil Scissors Instructions 1. 2.

Tip: Take care to place the holes low enough so you can slip the S hooks in without a problem. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tip: Use very short screws so as to not go through the MDF panels. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 10 Ultra Easy DIY Table Project Tutorials Anyone Can Tackle. Tables: They're not just handy and convenient, they're nice to look at occasionally, too! And you know what makes a table even more awesome? When you get to beam with pride every time you look at it because you were the one who made it.

If you don't have a ton of DIY skills (or even if you do) this small collection of table tutorials will give you the pride and joy of creating with your own hands — and give you a useful furniture object when you're done! Pictured above: Make yourself a Danish mid-century modern inspired coffee table out of a few simple materials. Channel your inner industrial look with this table that uses pipe for legs on a table. Use some plywood and some saw skills for this cute coffee table with storage and hairpin legs. This IKEA hack is perfect for folks seeking very narrow table needs.

An old barn door turns into a rustic and charming desk! Some surprising materials transform into this concrete-inspired round side table. Tutorial: How to Sew DIY Black-out Lined Back-tab Curtains. Let’s just get this out of the way: I don’t know whether to call these “curtains” or “drapes.” Or “drapery panels.” Or “window dressings.” Skivvies for your wall orifices? I also never know whether to say “armoire” or “armuaaaaahh.” Or “vase” or “vahhhze.” Also unfortunately, my sewing skills are about on-par with my decor-pronunciation (in)abilities. This process is not hard. And in the nursery. I leaned pretty heavily on this great tutorial at Midwest Magnolia, but I improvised my own back-tab system because I love how the back-tabs look hanging up: So here’s how it all goes down!

Materials Needed: Curtain Fabric (I used this in the nursery and “Premier Prints Avery” in the master bedroom.)Lining Fabric (I used this brand.)Thread (my fabrics are THICK but regular thread seamed to work okay.)Bias tape (I think this is the one I used) or ribbon for back tabsPatience. 1. Measure the finished length you want your panels to be. Source 2. It’s all about the lining isn’t it? 3. Sew the hem. 4. Here Is What A Registered Dietitian Eats In A Typical Day. World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms - WWOOF. Ultimate Guide to Budget Backpacking Europe - The Savvy BackpackerGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe – The Savvy Backpacker | How to Backpack Europe Cheap. Travel Tips, Costs, Itinerary, Routes, Packing Lists, Hostels, Eurail Passes, Planning Checklist.

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