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Creative / This is Brilliant! Things I need to try / why didnt i think of this sooner?!? 6 Frugal Containers You May Already Own. Bulk Mini Plastic Oval Storage Tubs at CRAFT: boxes, boxes, everywhere. the greenologist challenge numero uno. Organizing Measuring Cups and Spoons. Organize Your Make Up. I’m not gonna sugarcoat this. I have a problem. It begins and ends at Sephora. I have too much make up. Too too much. Here’s the thing..not only do I love make up, I am relentlessly fickle. The thing about being fickle, though is that I am also weirdly loyal…I find something new, but can’t seem to say goodbye to the old…which leads me to today and a big old pile of cosmetics… The organization of all that make up consisted of multiple bags filled stuffed under my bathroom sink.

I am also a victim of buying essentially all the same colors ALL THE TIME! I went on a search for a make-up organizer and was honestly appalled at the prices of some. Now, when you have an organizer, start by separating your stuff into piles…foundation, skincare, eye shadow, liner, bronzer etc… When you look at everything in piles it’s easier to see how many of the same thing you have…at least that’s what it did for me… Here are my piles…the before and afters. Staring with skin care: Peace, love, and crafts. I actually had the energy to do a project around the house!

peace, love, and crafts

There are tons of projects to do but clearly i tackled the bathroom first. actually it was the closet :) which was fun but nothing to post about. here’s the before pic in the bathroom. i’m an organized person but just didn’t have the time, and husband was not happy about that section. it is right in front of the main mirror in the bathroom so there’s no escaping it’s craziness. so i made the super long field trip to ikea and bought these simple yet useful canvas organizers. they’re 2 for 3 bucks. i wanted to decorate them somehow since white was a little boring. got some felt and glued the words on them. hair=head bands, wraps, etc. skin=lotions, perfumes, face=face wash, lotion, neck=necklaces, wrist=bracelets….you get the point :) here’s the after!

Beauty / Make up brushes in an old toothbrush holder. 335857503_OFfTUt0I_c.jpg (JPEG Image, 341 × 400 pixels) DIY / How To Make a Wall-Mounted Magnetic Spice Rack Reader Tips. Young House Love. Email Answer: Inspiration Wrangling?

Young House Love

Q: I am wondering how you keep all your decorating ideas and images organized. Do you keep all the magazines and catalogs with good design ideas (if so how do you organize them?). Do you cut out images? Do you keep everything electronic or scan in images? Just wondering because I always want to keep lots of inspiring decorating ideas but then never know how to organize them or find them again without allowing the clutter to get overwhelming. A: Good question! We also keep an inspiration folder on our computer desktop (with many of the same categories as the binder) for all of the virtual rooms and projects we love (blogger tip: we rename them with the source so if we ever want to use them on the blog we can properly credit them) . … and we keep all of our favorite House Beautiful issues stacked on the pedestal table in the den… So that’s how we keep the stream of never ending inspiration in check around these parts.

Organize Your Hair Accessories. Now that we have found a solution for organizing your girls hair bows, what are we going to do with all the little barettes, bobbers, and hair elastics you have floating around…?

Organize Your Hair Accessories

Use a craft box. Market / display. Crafty / Genius Altoid Tin Storage Bin Idea. Upcycle and Re-purposing / When attached to the underside of a desk, a kitchen basket is perfect for corralling cords. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Repeat - Mason Jars. Yes, they are everywhere.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Repeat - Mason Jars

Thai Fried Garlic (Gratium Jiew) Recipe and a DIY Mason Jar Spout. When I eat at my parents house, my mother always brings out a small jar of fried garlic.

Thai Fried Garlic (Gratium Jiew) Recipe and a DIY Mason Jar Spout

These little morsels of heaven have a very distinct garlic flavor (more mellow than raw garlic, but more bite than roasted garlic). They also add a nice crunch to "kao thom" (a thai rice porridge), noodle soup or Hainan chicken. I asked my mom for the recipe to share with you. There are two versions of this recipe. The images below show the dry version where the oil is strained out. Ingredients: 1 head of garlic pealed and minced 1/4 cups oil (canola or vegetable) Place both garlic and oil into a medium sized saute pan or wok (do not preheat). To create a pour spout for your mason jar cut out the top of a salt carton. Ribbon_organizer.jpg (JPEG Image, 629x450 pixels) Tin_can_organizer.jpg (JPEG Image, 616x462 pixels) CRAFTY STORAGE_5.jpg (JPEG Image, 360x400 pixels) Tic_tac_ribbon_storage.jpeg (JPEG Image, 450x321 pixels) Duringquiettime_embroidery_hoop_wall_pocket.jpg (JPEG Image, 629x643 pixels)

Good to know / DIY - Upcycling old Tins. Spray paint used was Krylon's Indoor/Outdoor Satin Catalina Mist. Step-by-Step Tutorial. Clever7.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x380 pixels) Bunk Bed Organizer. D.I.Y & Home Ideas / Organization :-) I Could Do That / embroidery hoop bags. D.I.Y & Home Ideas / Use an old VHS cover as a picture frame with hidden storage. Great way to organize little things. FamilyFun March 2010.