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Facebook Twitter - America's Only Humor Site | Video Games. The 5 Biggest Cheaters in Game Show History. On game shows, cheaters never win. However, they can come pretty close sometimes. Here are the five biggest game show heists by four sinister people who almost got away with it, and one who totally did. #5. Press Your Luck -- Amount Stolen: $110,237 Michael Larson had a part-time job as an ice cream truck driver, but was cursed to look like a wolf digging its way out of a child molester's corpse.

This left him a lot of free time to watch game shows and daydream about free money. When you sit at home watching TV it's only a matter of time until you hit it big, and that's what happened to Michael. On Press Your Luck, a box spun randomly around a board and you stopped it with your buzzer to win whatever it landed on. The producers obviously knew something was strange, but since he wasn't technically cheating, they gave him what he won.

Like all ideas stolen from the awful children in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, his plan ended badly. . #4. . #3. 10 Highly Anticipated Video Games You'll Never Get To Play. Making video games is a perilous process that has claimed many a promising title. While countless games get quietly axed when development hits a snag, some games live on in vaporware purgatory, with loyal fans longing for their release. Why do we care? Because if these games were ever allowed to see the light of day, they would almost certainly kick ass. You know those legions of ant-sized grunts you'd cruelly send marching to their bloody demise in Starcraft? Well it turns out one of those grunts was actually a sexy girl named Nova with a penchant for ass-clinging outfits. OK, deep down, all of us knew. How much ass would it have kicked?

... then this game may have cured cancer had it ever seen the light of day. So is there any chance it'll come out? When a company has erected a towering camel-toe flashing statue of a character near the front door of their headquarters, that can usually be taken as a good sign they may still have plans for them. How much ass would it have kicked? 7 Video Game Easter Eggs Designed to Screw With Your Head. Video game Easter eggs come in a variety of flavors. Some are meant to amuse the player, some are meant to creep the hell out of the player and some ... some have no discernible purpose other than making the player go what the actual fuck?

These are the latter kind. #7. Silent Hill 2: The Dog Ending Via The Silent Hill franchise is generally recognized as one of the most terrifying game series ever produced. So these games are pretty freaky to begin with, but somehow, a secret ending for Silent Hill 2 managed to make the entire franchise even weirder. It may take you as many as three playthroughs to get this right, but it's totally worth it, because once you open the door, you'll find ... ... a dog in a headset, mucking around at a control panel. "Now it all makes sense! " Realizing that the search for his wife has all been for naught and he's been a puppet of a freaking dog all this time, James falls to his knees for the small comfort of said dog licking his face. #6. . #5. . #4. 7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found. Video game Easter eggs can be a fun way to motivate players to continue exploring a game they've completed ... or they can be terrifying experiences that make sure the players never go near that game again.

We've told you about those Easter eggs that took years to be found; here are some more that we wish had remained undiscovered. #7. Portal 2 -- Hidden Messages and Rape-y Sounds Portal 2 brought us everything we loved about the first game (portals) and left out everything we hated (cake-related meme horseshit). What it also brought us is a whole bunch of weird secrets, and some of them are downright creepy. Who knew a game about ripping holes in reality could get creepy? For instance, in one of the earlier test chambers of the game, you can find an abandoned room hidden off to the side of the level, much like the abandoned rooms found in the original game. Above: Either a screen grab from Portal, or literally any alley in Philadelphia. Rat Man's DenUm, spoilers? #6. Looking at you. #5. . #4. The 5 Most Hilarious Abuses of Video Game Glitches.

There are two types of gamers: Those who pick up a game and immediately think, "I will not quit until I have emerged victorious in this grand quest! " and those who think, "I will not quit until I find a glitch that will let me fill this fucking castle with watermelons. " Actually, I suppose most of us start out as the first one and become the second after we get bored enough. My point is, video game glitches have become the canvas onto which smart-asses create masterpieces. Let us take a moment to appreciate a small sampling of their genius: #5. I never got into Assassin's Creed, but after watching that video, I'm ashamed of myself for giving up on it so easily.

"Ugh. Calmly -- almost bored, even -- they step up to their posts, lean up against the wall, grip the top with both hands ... and just dick the living shit out of it. At first, there's just the one guy. The guy on the right is the player, who is my new favorite person. I could seriously watch that all day. . #4. . #3. Nailed it! The 5 Ballsiest Easter Eggs Hidden in Video Games. #2. Overworked Programmer Turns Helicopter Game into Gay Celebration Before the wildly popular SimCity game series transitioned into the even more wildly popular The Sims , their creators at Maxis tried out about a dozen other "Sim + some other word" combinations to see if they caught on. They did not. SimFarm failed because it lacked the option to annoy your family and friends with invitations.

The best known of that bunch is SimCopter , but not for the reasons Maxis intended. The game, released in 1996, allowed you to fly through pixelated cities of your own design with a helicopter, doing things like rescuing people trapped on rooftops, putting out fires, stopping riots ... or watching muscular half-naked men with fluorescent nipples making out with each other. We're not sure who that dude in the gray hoodie is, but we'd bet money he's taken a human life. This last part wasn't fully intentional, it turns out. Which explains the mysterious bulge in the girl on the right. #1. 9 Video Game Easter Eggs That Took Years to Find. Video game Easter eggs are fun extras for the fans and are usually even easier to find than the real thing--they might demand 10,000 coins, but you never need to stand up.

But some of these little secrets, cheats or glitches are so well-hidden they stay out of sight for years, even with millions of gamers exploring every nook and cranny of the game world. For instance... Sarcastic Announcer (Wave Race Blue Storm, GameCube) Right off the bat here's one that took nine years to find. The jet ski racing game Wave Race: Blue Storm for the Nintendo Gamecube already had a secret password entry screen (accessed by pressing START+Z+X on the options menu) unlocking everything from dolphin riding to secret time attack competitions.

The cheat was based on messing around in the audio options and, sadly, the only three people who play with the audio options screen are the guy who programmed it, the guy testing it, and the guy who doesn't exist. Chris Houlihan Room (A Link to the Past, Super Nintendo) 8 Creepy Video Game Urban Legends (That Happen to Be True) The urban legends of every era always seem to reflect whatever teenagers are doing at the time: Forty years ago, they told stories about serial killers attacking kids making out in cars and escaped criminals hiding in someone's backseat, because they didn't have jetpacks yet. Today, most young people seem to spend their time sitting or standing in front of video game screens, so it makes sense that we should get legends like ... Super Mario Galaxy 2 -- The Shadow People of Hell Valley In a game like Mario, you're usually too focused on not falling off the crumbling catwalk into the lava below to ever really stop and look around.

Especially in Mario Galaxy, where you are zipped across space from one world to the next, the vastness of the game world just whipping by you in a blur. GettyFor the same effect, we recommend huffing spray paint. But if you ever do get the chance to stop and stare into the distance, you'll find some extremely creepy shit. Via gonintendo.comThey're just THERE. Getty. The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Happen to be True) The best creepy campfire stories are always the ones that end with the words, "...And it’s all true, because I have the damned documentation here to prove it! " In that spirit, we've tracked down five of the creepiest tales and urban legends that really happened to real people, proving once and for all that nothing is more terrifying than everyday life. The Dead Body Under Your Freaking Matress The Legend: A couple checks into a hotel and have to put up with a foul odor in their room all night.

They call the staff to complain and somebody figures out the stench is coming from the bed. Now, there's no way that scenario is going to have a good ending. The Truth:This actually happened, in Las Vegas. It makes sense if you think about it. The strangest part isn't that the bodies wind up in such a terrible hiding place (killers often aren't the type to plan ahead). Most people we know will complain if they detect that someone might have smoked a cigarette in their room four months ago. The Truth: 7 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 5!)

Halloween's nearly here, and that means it's once again time to prove that the urban legends that scared you as a kid should still totally scare you as a rational adult, because they're totally true. As we've shown four times before, sometimes the stories told late at night at sleepovers really did happen to that kid's brother's cousin's sister. For instance ... #7. Man-Eating Escalators The Legend: Parents can't seem to resist the urge to play amateur horror movie director when teaching you the importance of tying you shoes.

Getty"I thirst for child-blood. " The Truth: Escalators are hungry like the wolf -- in this case, an unseeing, unfeeling robotic wolf that appears to grow hungrier once it tastes blood. GettyAre you listening, Hollywood? Toes and entire pieces of feet have been chewed off by escalators. For instance, in 2003 a girl lost part of her hand when she reached down to free her shoe, which the escalator was in the process of eating. . #6. Everyone knows the feeling. . #5. . #4. 6 MORE Creepy Urban Legends (That Happen to be True) As we are fond of pointing out, fact is usually much creepier than fiction. So around this time of year we like to share some of the most gut-wrenchingly disturbing stories, the kind we would tell around the campfire if we ever actually went outside. And most importantly, they're all true. Something Off About That Picture The Legend: A young man is dropping off groceries at the house of an eccentric old lady when he notices an old photo that makes the hair on his arms stand on end.

"Oh," she replies, trying to stuff a cat in the dishwasher "isn't that beautiful? The Truth: While most folks today are too squeamish to take more than a glance into the casket during a funeral, in the late 19th through early 20th centuries someone dying meant it was time to break out the camera for a family photo. And, while it all sounds like the set-up for some terrifying practical joke on the photographer, there was actually a somewhat reasonable explanation for the practice. The Corpse in the Carpet. The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth.

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night. These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted. " Places like... Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood. It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around. What Niagara Falls is to weddings, Aokigahara is to suicide. More than 500 fucking people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s. The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) where two of his characters commit suicide there.

Also skulls. Besides bodies and homemade nooses, the area is littered with signs displaying such uplifting messages like "Life is a precious thing! Winchester Mystery House Oh, bitch...! 7 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 4) Once again, it's that time of year when Cracked goes out our way to fact check the outlandish stories that allegedly happened to your friend's former roommate's cousin's girlfriend.

As we've shown three times before, sometimes the stories that get told and retold around a flashlight at slumber parties aren't as full of shit as we might've hoped. The Legend: We've all gotten emails about tourists who are abducted or drugged, only to wake up with a ragged scar where one of their kidneys used to be. These kind of stories sound like good fodder for an Eli Roth movie, but they couldn't possibly be true, could they? Survey says "yes". The Truth: Tell that to Indian construction worker Mohammad Saleem, who thought he had just lucked into a new, higher paying job working construction in New Dehli. Admittedly, we learned everything we know about India from Slumdog Millionaire. Unfortunately for Saleem, his new employers never showed up. Saleem wasn't the only victim either.

Getcha' kidney! Ew. 6 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 3!) It's that time again. It's becoming a reader favorite and Halloween tradition for us to count down those ridiculously over-the-top gruesome urban myths that, oh by the way, happen to be true. This is our third year (HERE is the first one, and HERE is the second) and once again these stories prove that truth is far more horrifying than fiction.

Man Killed by Saw-style Explosive Neck Device The Legend: So all those convoluted puzzles and traps the Jigsaw killer uses, they're all just so ridiculous, right? Danny Glover knows. So then you run into somebody on the Internet who heard about how a real guy showed up at a bank and said he had an explosive collar around his neck that would deposit his brains all over the walls unless he robbed the bank on behalf of a criminal mastermind. Oh, please. The Truth: On a day like any other in late August 2003, pizza deliveryman Brian Wells was about to end his shift when a fateful order came in. Flava Flav is indirectly responsible for this. The 6 Creepiest Things Discovered by New Homeowners. Approximately 99 percent of haunted house stories begin the same way: The owners move into a house that seems too good to be true.

Then there is some foreshadowing via rumors from the neighbors, and finally a gruesome discovery. But that chain of events isn't just the stuff of movies and campfire stories. Real homeowners have moved into their new digs only to find horrors like ... #6. An Old Burial Ground OK, based on what you have seen in horror movies/novels/TV shows, what is the one single thing that ensures your home will be infested with ghosts and/or poltergeists?

Getty"You could at least desecrate our graves tastefully. " So of all the possible things in the world you can find in your new home, none can be quite as unsettling as plunging a shovel into the floor of your basement only to have a child's skull come rolling out. Getty"See, honey? Wait, What? That's exactly what happened to Helen Weisensel. Wisn"We're just miffed about the dry rot. "Everybody asks me. . . . #5. . #4. Holy shit! The 5 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes Nobody Can Explain. 6 Terrifying Experiments Parents Did on Their Own Kids. The 5 Most Terrifying Diseases That Doctors Can't Explain. The Creepy Scientific Explanation Behind Ghost Sightings. The 5 Creepiest Disappearances That Nobody Can Explain.

The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth (Part 2)