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Articles about the Occupation

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How a seedpod led to $400,000 bail and eight felony charges. “I always wear a rainbow-colored scarf,” said 65-year-old grandmother Sweet Grass Longhouse over the phone. “That’s how you’ll know it’s me.” It was Sweet Grass’s first time attending a General Assembly of Occupy Oakland, and as she approached the group that gathered before the Sunday afternoon GA at 19th and Telegraph, she wrapped both of her hands around a large paper pad.

At the top of the pad, she had taped a photograph of her arrested son. Judge's Ruling on Occupy Prosecutions Threatens DA's Reliance on "Violations" Thanks to a potentially far-reaching ruling by Multnomah County Judge Cheryl Albrecht, a whole mess of Occupy Portland-related misdemeanor cases that had been busted down to time- and cash-saving citations, or "violations," may now have to be prosecuted as vigorously as any other criminal case.

Judge's Ruling on Occupy Prosecutions Threatens DA's Reliance on "Violations"

Instead of the usual routine for so-called violation trials—hearings without a defense attorney, in front of a judge, with the threat of fine, but not jail time or probation—the Occupy defendants covered by Albrecht's ruling will now be entitled to jury trials and public defenders. And the burden of proof will rise to "beyond a reasonable doubt. " The ruling, issued late Monday, came in response to a motion by attorney Bear Wilner-Nugent, the lead attorney on a case with some 20 occupiers named as defendants.

"They're going to have to give our clients court-appointed lawyers," Wilner-Nugent says, "or they're going to have to dismiss the cases. " Judge rules covered police badge serious violation. An Oakland police officer who covered his nameplate at an Occupy Oakland protest in November, and the lieutenant who failed to report him, committed serious violations of court-approved conduct standards for the city's police force, a federal judge has ruled.

Judge rules covered police badge serious violation

A video of the Nov. 2 demonstration showed Officer John Hargraves with tape over his name. Lt. Clifford Wong approached Hargraves and removed the tape but did not report the incident to the internal affairs office, and said later he considered it a minor violation. The Police Department later ordered Hargraves suspended for 30 days and demoted Wong to sergeant, according to sources quoted by The Chronicle on Jan. 12. They are the only public reports of disciplinary orders against Oakland police during the protests. On Friday, U.S. Anonymous claims Stratfor spied on OWS. Obama Administration Comes Out Against SOPA And Protect IP. Edward Murray: Occupy Vancouver Picks Up the Tab. The media's latest attempt to undercut the message of Occupy movements all across the globe is by touting the "cost" of these protests.

Edward Murray: Occupy Vancouver Picks Up the Tab

Many sources are reporting that Occupy movements are costing cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in police overtime because apparently it takes an entire precinct to make sure that 50 people don't sleep through the night. When an internal city memorandum stated that Occupy Vancouver had cost its city nearly a million dollars in taxpayer money, the organizers did something brilliant: they broke down the cost of what they were doing for the city of Vancouver. Referencing a recent press release from the Occupy Vancouver Communications Committee, activist Eric Hamilton-Smith noted "...over 37,000 meals were served, $672,000 of primary medical care was provided, and 30 people were housed for 37 days at a time when beds at primary shelters were not available. " List of Koch Brother’s 2008-2010 Donations to Federal Candidates « Frederica Cade's Blog.

We are in The Koch Brother’s have more than one affilitation that raises money for majority of the Republican Party, not including the brother’s individual donations.

List of Koch Brother’s 2008-2010 Donations to Federal Candidates « Frederica Cade's Blog

Koch Industries also has more than one business subsidery under them in which I included a summary of those donatins in 2010. However the following information on the subsidery is not part of the break down of donations made to federal candidates listed below. Creates Plan To Hack Democratic Sites. Right-wing website has offered a comprehensive plan for its followers to infiltrate left-wing sites by pretending to be progressives to hurt the Democratic Party. Creates Plan To Hack Democratic Sites

The list of directions created by the site are below. First, infiltratethe site. Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income. The St.

Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income

Columbanus Church food pantry in Chicago feeds 500 households a week, but some weeks it struggles to keep up with demand. CBS. Three myths about the detention bill. Condemnation of President Obama is intense, and growing, as a result of his announced intent to sign into law the indefinite detention bill embedded in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Three myths about the detention bill

These denunciations come not only from the nation’s leading civil liberties and human rights groups, but also from the pro-Obama New York Times Editorial Page, which today has a scathing Editorial describing Obama’s stance as “a complete political cave-in, one that reinforces the impression of a fumbling presidency” and lamenting that “the bill has so many other objectionable aspects that we can’t go into them all,” as well as from vocal Obama supporters such as Andrew Sullivan, who wrote yesterday that this episode is “another sign that his campaign pledge to be vigilant about civil liberties in the war on terror was a lie.” In damage control mode, White-House-allied groups are now trying to ride to the rescue with attacks on the ACLU and dismissive belittling of the bill’s dangers.

Occupy Wall Street Must Expand as Middle Class Shrinks. COMMENTARY| With 2011 coming to a close, we find the trend of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer gaining momentum.

Occupy Wall Street Must Expand as Middle Class Shrinks

According to The Guardian, American CEOs saw pay increases of between 27 percent and 40 percent, while the rest of us saw either stagnate or declining wages. The CEOs' stock options increased by a median value of 70 percent. According to Reuters, the data on U.S. income in 2010 that was recently released showed the median paycheck down 1.2 percent to $26,364, and that's for people who are lucky enough to be working. The number of people with any work has fallen by over five million since 2007, and with unemployment benefits ending for many people without jobs, they are joining the ranks of the poor. Occupy Wall Street Releases List Of Demands! View Gallery The Occupy Wall Street protesters are planning on holding a National General Assembly convention on July 4, 2012.

Occupy Wall Street Releases List Of Demands!

STORY: It’s About Time! Obama Comes Out And Shows Solidarity To Occupy Wall Street. #Occupy protests on Monday target shipping ports, Walmart distribution center - Minneapolis Top News. Local #Occupy protests targeted West Coast shipping ports on Monday, with groups from Alaska to San Diego launching efforts to shutdown shipping.

#Occupy protests on Monday target shipping ports, Walmart distribution center - Minneapolis Top News

Other groups across the U.S. are planning protests in solidarity with the West Coast groups, as the "Occupy" protests move into a more confrontational phase. Protesters chanting, "Whose port? Our port! " marched on ports in Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland and Long Beach on Monday. How Goldman Sachs and Other Companies Exploit Port Truck Drivers — Occupy Protesters Plan to Shut Down West Coast Ports in Protest. Photo Credit: Michael @ NW Lens via Flickr December 9, 2011 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Occupy Wall Street And Homelessness: Millions Spent To Evict Camps, While Cutting Shelter Funds. Whistleblowers ignored, punished by lenders, dozens of former employees say.

Darcy Parmer ran into trouble soon after she started her job as a fraud analyst at Wells Fargo Bank. Her bosses, she later claimed, were upset that she was, well, finding fraud.