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JSNES: A Javascript NES emulator. Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management. @rchiveSIC :: Accueil. Salon. CC Salons are global, informal events focused on building a community of artists, developers, and creators of all kinds around Creative Commons licenses, standards, and technology. The first event took place in San Francisco in 2006 with the idea to replicate in other locations internationally. Since then salons have sprung up in cities around the world. Whether you're familiar with Creative Commons or are brand new to the concepts behind it, we encourage you to check out a salon near you.

The format for each event varies based on the location, but the overall concept is simple. CC Salons are open forums for people who are interested in the issues surrounding Creative Commons and global participatory culture. If you're interested in attending - check out the upcoming salons. If your city doesn't have one - feel free to start your own. Resources for starting your own CC Salon There are a few important items to consider before you start a Salon. Theme Frequency Venue Equipment Cost Format. CMS Matrix - - The Content Management Comparison T. Enterprise Integration Patterns - JMS Publish/Subscribe Example. This is a simple example that shows the power of publish/subscribe messaging, and explores the alternative designs available. It shows how multiple subscriber applications can all be informed of a single event by publishing the event just once, and considers alternative stratagies for how to communicate details of that event to the subscribers.

Publish/Subscribe using a JMS Topic To understand how helpful a simple Publish-Subscribe Channel really is, we first need to consider what it is like to implement the Observer pattern in a distributed fashion, amongst multiple applications. Before we get to that, let's review the basics of Observer. The Observer Pattern The Observer pattern [] documents a design through which an object can notify its dependents of a change, while keeping that object decoupled from its dependents so that the object works just fine no matter how many dependents it has, even none at all. Distributed Observer Distribution also favors the push model over the pull model. Java theory and practice: Instrumenting applications with JMX. How many times have you looked at a running application and wondered "What the heck is it doing, and why is it taking so long? " In these moments, you probably wish you had built more monitoring capabilities into your application.

For example, in a server application, you might be interested in viewing the number and types of tasks queued for processing, the tasks currently in progress, throughput statistics over the past minute or hour, average task processing time, and so on. These statistics are easy to gather, but without an unintrusive means of retrieving the data when it is needed, they are not very useful. You can export operational data in lots of ways -- you could write periodic statistics snapshots to a log file, create a Swing GUI, use an embedded HTTP server that displays the statistics on a Web page, or publish a Web Service that can be used to query the application status. Figure 1. Using jconsole to view heap usage Transports and security Back to top Listing 1.

Listing 2. REDS Home page. Welcome to NetBeans. home. BlueJ - Teaching Java - Learning Java. Developer Resources for Java Technology. Licence publique générale GNU. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir GPL. Licence publique générale GNU Logo de la licence publique générale GNU, version 3. Cette licence a depuis été adoptée, en tant que document définissant le mode d'utilisation, donc d'usage et de diffusion, par de nombreux auteurs de logiciels libres, en dehors des projets GNU.

Principe de la licence GPL[modifier | modifier le code] La GPL met en œuvre la notion de copyleft, un jeu de mots anglais faisant référence à la notion de copyright (right en anglais signifie à la fois le droit, c'est-à-dire la règle juridique, et la droite, qui marque une direction) que l'on peut transposer en français en parlant de « Gauche d'auteur » par référence au Droit d'auteur. La GPL est la licence de logiciel libre la plus utilisée. L'esprit et l'objectif[modifier | modifier le code] Son histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Richard Stallman en discussion au deuxième jour de la première conférence GPLv3 le 17 janvier 2006. WordPress | France. Livres Blancs.