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Intuitive Emotional Healing. 20 Awesome Life Coaching Blogs Erickson College. It is no secret that coaches are busy folks! With a bursting schedule it can be a chore to keep up to date with coaching news and community opinions. However, we should not let this slip. Reading coaching blogs helps us to stay relevant. Sharing and commenting on coaching blogs reinforces our social authority and helps build a strong coaching community. To give you a hand, check out this list of 20 coaching blogs that seriously rock: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 17000 Days – 17000 Days is a unique blog with a countdown. What life coaching blogs do you recommend?


About. You can see what I’m up to by vistiting my Localendar page here: Michele’s Localendar I absolutely love working with solopreneur businesses for two reasons. First, I see solopreneurs becoming a powerful force in the post-recession economy. Everywhere I turn, people are starting heart-centered, highly ethical and customer-focused businesses either by choice or necessity. Second, I see solopreneur businesses as a force for good in the world.

Like most solopreneurs, I came to this mission by a non-linear path. I started my solopreneur business in January 2009 as a professional organizer with a specialty in productivity and time management. What has been really rewarding is going through all the process and pieces of setting up my business, and then being able to take that knowledge and smooth the way for someone else to build their business.

Stress management

My Battle with Disordered Eating and How I Got Over It - Nia Shanks. Many years ago, I struggled with disordered eating habits. For a period of about three years, I had daily battles with my mind, food, and personal issues. I debated for a while as to whether or not I would share this with the world in such detail, but I have been receiving more and more emails from women who have, and are, battling the same disordered eating patterns that dominated my own life for a few years.

It’s my hope and intention to provide some insight into a form of disordered eating I experienced, and maybe even help some people who struggle with similar issues. But, please, keep in mind that what helped me conquer my problems with food may not be the best solution for you. A Little Background Information When I first started working with clients over eight years ago, I supplied them with basic nutrition information.

At that same time, I was blissfully unaware of how many calories were in common foods, mostly because I just didn’t care. I Completely Lost Control It was Personal. The Whole Journey | About Christa. Christa Orecchio Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor Whole Journey Founder About me Hi there! First off, I want to say welcome and thanks for stopping by. My name is Christa Orecchio. I'm a clinical and holistic nutritionist and founder of The Whole Journey. I am also a former caffeine and sugar junkie who was raised on pizza, pasta, and antibiotics. In my early 20's, I took a year off to backpack around the world so that I could "find myself", and ironically, I actually did.

Having a degree in international business, I spent the first few years out of college working in international relations and thought my next step would be to get a Master's Degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution. But during that year spent internationally we were at war with Iraq, and I started to wonder if world peace would ever really be possible. So I started with me. I had a thriving private practice for the past eight years with a team of nutritionists and chefs. . ^ back to top.