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Read to know about SAP in brief. If you are about to construct a new building anywhere in the UK, you would require a new building SAP assessment.

Read to know about SAP in brief

SAP calculations are a key part of the design process for any residential scheme. But do you know what are SAP calculations and why are these needed? No! Well, don’t worry, we have mentioned the important things that you should know about SAP. SAPs UK - Contact SAPs UK for SAP Assessment Procedure London. Energy Statements London. Energy Statements were introduced as a toll to be used as a part of Planning Applications, to show a specific target being met which is stipulated by the Local Authority as a part of their Local Plan.

Energy Statements London

These were introduced after the London Plan was adopted by many of the local authorities and they are now aiming to achieve a much better energy performance than building regulations through renewable technologies, better insulation and other methods. The statement is carried out using SAP for residential properties, and encourages the developer to look at energy saving measures at planning stage rather than building control stage of the development. SAPs UK can offer a fully inclusive package for Planning and Building Control stage assessments for a fixed price. The price includes Design Stage assessments, U Value Calculations, Energy Statement, As Built Assessments and EPCs at the end of the project. Energy Statements are carried out from plans and no site visit is required.

Convervatories Assessment London. Conservatory assessments are carried out in the same way as assessments for extensions.

Convervatories Assessment London

These SAP Assessments can be undertaken on existing older conservatories where the homeowner would like to remove the wall or doors between the existing house and the conservatory, or where there is a new conservatory proposed without thermal separation from the house. Approved Document L1B states that any extension can have an allowable glazing amount of 25% of the new floor area, plus the area of any openings being covered by the extension (i.e. the existing windows in the wall between the house and the extension).

However, if you are planning a conservatory with, you can still show compliance by using SAP to show that your carbon emissions are no worse than if you had a normal extension with the correct amount of glazing. SAPs UK carry out many of these types of assessment every year, and always find a solution to achieve compliance. Click here to view our prices or to book your assessment. Sap Calculations for Extensions – SAPs UK. Approved Document L1B states that any extension can have an allowable glazing amount of 25% of the new floor area, plus the area of any openings being covered by the extension (i.e. the existing windows in the wall between the house and the extension).

Sap Calculations for Extensions – SAPs UK

However, if you are planning an extension with glazing in excess of this amount, you can use SAP to justify your glazing by carrying out an assessment to show that the carbon emissions are no worse than if you had the allowed amount of glazing. SAPs UK are experienced in proving compliance with Approved Document L1B through the use of SAP, and have never had an assessment not pass. We can provide advice on how to offset any additional carbon emissions and find a solution which works for you. Glazing Assessments start at £125 per unit and are carried out in 2 – 3 days. Sap Calculations and Assessment for New Build, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Kent. When you are building a new home, from an individual house to a large scale development of new houses or a block of flats, a SAP Assessment is required by Building Control to show that the building complies with Approved Document L1A.

Sap Calculations and Assessment for New Build, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Kent

This assessment is done entirely from plans and involves the assessor measuring everything up from drawings which are scaled, and inputting the areas of the elements (walls, floors, roofs and windows) into SAP software, along with details of insulation, thermal bridging, ventilation, heating and hot water systems and renewables. To comply with the Building Regulations, the assessment must meet two main criteria; the DER (Dwelling Emission Rate) must be lower than or equal to the TER (Target Emission Rate) and the DFEE (Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency) must be lower than or equal to the TFEE (Target Fabric Energy Efficiency).

Reports are then produced to show whether these criteria have been met. Click here to view our prices or to book your assessment. SAPs UK - SAP Prices & Services, Cheap SAP Assessments. SAPs UK - SAP Calculation and Report London. SAPs UK was created in 2013 after the founder had 10 years experience working as a Building Control Officer for a Local Authority.

SAPs UK - SAP Calculation and Report London

For the last 7 years of this employment, she also undertook SAP Assessments for the Building Control Department and their clients. We believe that the combination of Building Control background and experience undertaking SAP Assessments, sets us ahead of our competitors by giving us more understanding as to what is required. We are now well known amongst some Building Control Bodies, both Local Authority and Approved Inspectors, and our work is trusted by them. We are fully accredited and trained through NHER scheme. In 2017 the NHER merged with Elmhurst Energy to become the largest scheme of Energy Assessors throughout the UK. SAPs UK - SAP Assessments London, SAP Reports, SAP Calculations, Energy Statement, Residential SAP.