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Cymatics in water

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Fingers and holes in a Shaken Corn Starch Solution. Moving Mandala in Water. WaterSoundImages. What is a cymatic water-sound-motion? Water in a round cup, that is oscillating up and down with a certain frequency, will react on this impulse with waves on her surface. The water oscillates up and down in the middle, like when a stone is thrown in a pool. Like there a ringwave will grow out, and is been followed by other circular waves, all with the same centre, so concentric. When they meet the circular border (the cup), those waves will bounce back to the centre. Outgoing and backstreaming waves will influence each other, they interfere. Then we turn the volume higher, and the water begins to dance, i bit like a hidden drumhead... Vibrating of Circular Membranes The vibration of a circular membrane , for exemple of a drum, bear resemblance to the general pattern in the watersurface (that forms a kind of membrane as well), namely one, two, three or more regular devided crests and troughs oscillating up and down. a three-unity: the periodic, pulsating VIBRATION generates the two poles of.

Water has Memory. HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER - Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment With Meditation At Brahma Kumaris HQ. Cymatic experiment.