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Hackeando el cerebro para ver a Dios (VIDEO) Un estudiantes de computación y un estudiante de cine desarrollan un protocolo para tener visiones místicas.

Hackeando el cerebro para ver a Dios (VIDEO)

Estudiando las religiones del misterio y el arte sagrado encuentran patrones que se repiten, los cuales unen a conocimientos modernos de neurociencia para desarrollar una tecnología de imágenes teofánicas. Jugando con estimulación fótica, geometría sagrada, códigos matemáticos y tecnología óptica, los jóvenes crean un patrón que mimetiza la estructura del cerebro, pero les falta un último ingrediente. Debe de haber un componente emocional para simular a Dios en el cerebro: la producción de neurotransmisores provocados por una situación de estrés, algo como una descarga de DMT endógeno, es la clave final.

Esta es más o menos la trama del cortometraje The Brain Hack, dirigido por Joseph White. CINEMOSAIC. Three Essential Dadaist Films: Groundbreaking Works by Hans Richter, Man Ray & Marcel Duchamp. Iconoclastic art movements need manifestos—to explain themselves, perhaps, to announce themselves, surely, but also, perhaps, to soften the blow of the work that is to come.

Three Essential Dadaist Films: Groundbreaking Works by Hans Richter, Man Ray & Marcel Duchamp

In the case of Dadaism, the manifesto issued by Tristan Tzara in 1918 presents us with a curious paradox. Tzara expounds at length in several thousand words on the idea that “DADA DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING.” In so doing, he tells us quite a bit about what Dada is, and what it is not. It is decidedly not, he writes, unified by any formal theory: “We have enough cubist and futurist academies: laboratories of formal ideas.”

Experimental Half-Hour. 200 Free Documentaries: A Super Rich List of Finely-Crafted Documentaries on the Web. The 10 Greatest Documentaries of All Time According to 340 Filmmakers and Critics. 44 Essential Movies for the Student of Philosophy. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “philosophical film”?

44 Essential Movies for the Student of Philosophy

The Matrix, most likely, an obvious example of a movie—or franchise—that explores timeless questions: Who are we? What is reality? Are our lives nothing more than elaborate simulations programmed by hyperintelligent supercomputers? Okay, that last one may be of more recent vintage, but it’s closely related to that ancient cave allegory of Plato’s that asks us to consider whether our experiences of the world are nothing more than illusions emanating from a “real” world that lies hidden from view.

Another influence on The Matrix is Rene Descartes, whose dualistic separation of consciousness and body receives the maximum of dramatic treatment. But The Matrix is only one film among a great many that concern themselves with classic problems of philosophy. Another category on the list is “Movies featuring a philosopher.” Zizek! Related Content: Watch The Reality of the Virtual: 74 Minutes of Pure Slavoj Žižek (2004)

David Cronenberg: Virtual Exhibition. Contrapunto: Guerra contra la televisión. Entre las rarezas de Errol Morris está su cuenta de Twitter.

Contrapunto: Guerra contra la televisión

Watch The Amazing Sci-Fi Story Told With One Camera Trained On One Guy's Face. In every war, there are winners and losers--and, in the future, space marines and "forensic accountants.

Watch The Amazing Sci-Fi Story Told With One Camera Trained On One Guy's Face

" That's the premise of Mis-Drop, an innovative short film from director Ferand Peek that's told entirely though the camera of one such accountant, whose job--apparently--is to review the conduct of the mercenaries it hires, 300 years in the future, to fight an interplanetary war. As such, we spend almost the entire film focused on the face of Private Jason Glenn as he's launched from a drop-pod onto the surface of a planet he's invading. There's a lot of storytelling that can be done even when the camera spends its time in a close-up of one person's face: for one, the actor who plays Glenn, Elliot Travers, carries a lot of story in his face--no mean feat for a young actor. For another, the film's conceit requires that soldiers on a drop wear helmets equipped with a heads-up-display, which we see in reverse from the outside of his helmet. Google 02 - Why. November 27, 1965: A Rare Recording of Stanley Kubrick’s Most Revealing Interview.

By Maria Popova “People react primarily to direct experience and not to abstractions; it is very rare to find anyone who can become emotionally involved with an abstraction.”

November 27, 1965: A Rare Recording of Stanley Kubrick’s Most Revealing Interview

In the spring of 1965, the physicist and prolific author Jeremy Bernstein wrote a short piece for The New Yorker’s “Talk of the Town” about of 37-year-old director Stanley Kubrick, who was accelerating towards the zenith of his cultural acclaim after releasing Lolita and Dr. Strangelove and was about to release his greatest film, his cult collaboration with Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey. The piece garnered enough interest that Bernstein was assigned to write a feature-length profile of Kubrick — something the reclusive director wouldn’t have ordinarily agreed to, had it not been for one peculiar passion he shared with Bernstein: the love of chess.

The profile, fittingly titled “How About a Little Game? Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Share on Tumblr. Obey: How the Rise of Mass Propaganda Killed Populism. Evolutive Organic iNterface. The Evolution of Storytelling. The Century of the Self (BBC documentary by Adam Curtis) Documentary Film Festival Archive. 59 cortos de Ciencia Ficción para pasar los findes del verano - Marcelo Pedra.

Llega el verano, y mientras cuentan los minutos para tomarse unas vacaciones, pueden disfrutar de esta gran colección con los mejores cortos de ciencia ficción de Internet. 59 videos para consumir cuando te encuentres sin nada que hacer en una tarde de sábado, o cuando no haya nada que hacer en la oficina.

59 cortos de Ciencia Ficción para pasar los findes del verano - Marcelo Pedra

5 artistas digitales que estimulan la creatividad contemporánea. El arte digital es una expresión del arte contemporáneo que de algún modo se volvió inevitable cuando la tecnología se convirtió en una presencia constante de la vida cotidiana.

5 artistas digitales que estimulan la creatividad contemporánea

Why Her Will Dominate UI Design Even More Than Minority Report. A few weeks into the making of Her, Spike Jonze’s new flick about romance in the age of artificial intelligence, the director had something of a breakthrough.

Why Her Will Dominate UI Design Even More Than Minority Report

After poring over the work of Ray Kurzweil and other futurists trying to figure out how, exactly, his artificially intelligent female lead should operate, Jonze arrived at a critical insight: Her, he realized, isn’t a movie about technology. It’s a movie about people. With that, the film took shape. Sure, it takes place in the future, but what it’s really concerned with are human relationships, as fragile and complicated as they’ve been from the start.
