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Food Colorants Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025. Food Colorants Market Global Market Insights has recently published a study titled 'Global Food Colorant Market Research Report'.

Food Colorants Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025

In this report, analysts have provided a detailed evaluation of the global Black Tea Extract market. The report is inclusive of a completely comprehensive study of the Food Colorant Market alongside all the important factors that are likely to have an impact on the commercialization matrix of the market. Growing population coupled with improved food demand across the region is anticipated to boost food colorants market share during the forecast period. Busy lifestyle and changing demographic trends are mainly resulting in the adoption of ready to eat products in major countries.

Request sample copy of this report @ Natural products including fruit pulp, bakery products, ice creams, and other dairy product lose its natural look with the time. Top Key Players : 1. Matcha Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025. Matcha Market Global Market Insights has recently published a study titled 'Global Matcha Market Research Report'.

Matcha Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025

In this report, analysts have provided a detailed evaluation of the global Black Tea Extract market. The report is inclusive of a completely comprehensive study of the Matcha Market alongside all the important factors that are likely to have an impact on the commercialization matrix of the market. Growing health awareness and consumer inclination towards organic products would drive global matcha market. For producing matcha, tea leaves are shade grown & unfermented in order increase chlorophyll content, amino acids to cure high blood pressure, and obesity. Food Colorants Market Trends, Strong Application Scope, Key Players, Growth and Forecast by 2026.

Mar 25, 2020 (AmericaNewsHour) -- Global Market Insights has recently published a distinguished study on the Global Food Colorants Market.

Food Colorants Market Trends, Strong Application Scope, Key Players, Growth and Forecast by 2026

The study examines the market thoroughly and has provided a rather structured evaluation analysis of the business. This structured analysis is a collection of diagrammatic and graphical representations of the worldwide Food Colorants Market along with certain information on the regional landscape. Colors have been added to foods & beverages for centuries to stimulate appetite and enhance flavors. Global food colorants market, on these grounds, has been gaining quite some appreciation lately. Studies have found that colors play a crucial role in food perceptions. Request for a sample of this research report @ In the present, visual centric world, color is one of the most important factors for determining what products will sell more.

Top Key Players : Carotenoids Market 2020: Industry Analysis, Share, Statistics, Trends& Forecasts to 2026. Mar 25, 2020 (AmericaNewsHour) -- Global Market Insights has recently published a distinguished study on the Global Carotenoids market.

Carotenoids Market 2020: Industry Analysis, Share, Statistics, Trends& Forecasts to 2026

The study examines the market thoroughly and has provided a rather structured evaluation analysis of the business. This structured analysis is a collection of diagrammatic and graphical representations of the worldwide Carotenoids market along with certain information on the regional landscape. Carotenoids market will collect significant revenue over the years ahead, owing to growing health consciousness among people. The occurrence of obesity, diabetes, and blood pressure has been escalating across the globe subject to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. However, recognizing the need for healthy nutrition and sound health, people have begun to alter their diet by including dietary supplements that have carotenoids as their chief constituent.

Request for a sample of this research report @ Animal Feed Protein Ingredients Market to Hit $220 Billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc. SELBYVILLE, Del., Feb. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Global Animal feed protein ingredients market value is set to cross USD 220 billion by 2026, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.

Animal Feed Protein Ingredients Market to Hit $220 Billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc.

Rising animal feed protein ingredients demand due to fostering agricultural business supported by a global rise in living standards will promote overall market growth. Swine livestock accounts for more than 20% share in the animal feed protein ingredients industry due to the rising prevalence of African Swine Fever (ASF) which is highly contagious and mainly affects pigs and wild boar with no vaccines found yet. Animal feed protein ingredients help in boosting immunity and nutritive value of livestock, resulting in battling contagious viruses and high productivity which should propel product demand. Beta Glucan Market value to cross $815 million by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc. Selbyville, Delaware, Feb. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Beta glucan market is anticipated to surpass USD 815 million by 2026, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.

Beta Glucan Market value to cross $815 million by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc.

Changing consumer perceptions towards adopting natural and easily digestible ingredients in food & beverage industry and rising competition to introduce innovative products is likely to boost market demand. Changing consumer perceptions towards the use of high quality and natural ingredients in food industry is likely to boost market share. Increasing awareness on potential benefits of beta glucan induced food preparations along with rising cases of obesity, infections, and diabetes in increasing market share. Consumers are rapidly shifting towards easily digestible and nutritious alternatives owing to changing perceptions towards nutrition and overall well-being. Algae Protein Market revenue to hit $1 billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc. Selbyville, Delaware, Feb. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global algae protein market value is anticipated to cross USD 1 billion by 2026, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.

Algae Protein Market revenue to hit $1 billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc.

Growing concern and awareness among consumer towards healthy and nutritious food products will escalate the product growth globally. According to market analysis, chlorella-based protein products consist of numerous active ingredients containing fatty acids, dietary essential amino acids, beta-carotene, RNA/DNA, and more than 20 vitamins and minerals. Chlorella cultivation process under direct sunlight in mineral-rich freshwater ponds is monitored by biologists to ensure optimum nutrient quantity. Chlorella algae protein are widely used as food supplements to improve immunity, lower blood cholesterol and maintain gut bacteria.

Edible Insects Market value to hit $1.5 billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc. SELBYVILLE, Del., Feb. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The market value for global edible insects is anticipated to cross USD 1.5 billion by 2026, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc.

Edible Insects Market value to hit $1.5 billion by 2026, Says Global Market Insights, Inc.

A rapid shift of consumers towards high protein and low-calorie ingredients and rising competition to introduce innovative edible insect products is likely to boost the industry demand. Industry players are utilizing cricket and mealworm powders rich in protein and nine essential amino acids to prepare snack bars, energy, and protein bars. Functional Food Products Market 2020 Global Industry Analysis, Size, Growth, Share, Trend and Forecast 2025. Mar 24, 2020 (AmericaNewsHour) -- Global Market Insights has recently published a distinguished study on the Global Functional Food Products Market.

Functional Food Products Market 2020 Global Industry Analysis, Size, Growth, Share, Trend and Forecast 2025

The study examines the market thoroughly and has provided a rather structured evaluation analysis of the business. This structured analysis is a collection of diagrammatic and graphical representations of the worldwide Functional Food Products Market along with certain information on the regional landscape. Global Functional Food Products Market size is expected to rise at a significant CAGR during the forecast period. The driving force of this category is innovation in the food industry due to increased consumer awareness about the health and nutritional value. The rising medical expenses has also resulted in the growth of functional food products. Request for a sample of this research report @ Geriatric population is expected to benefit from the consumption of functional foods. Specialty Feed Additives Market Industry Analysis, Latest Trends, Demand and Forecast by 2025.

Mar 24, 2020 (AmericaNewsHour) -- Global Market Insights has recently published a distinguished study on the Global Specialty Feed Additives Market.

Specialty Feed Additives Market Industry Analysis, Latest Trends, Demand and Forecast by 2025

The study examines the market thoroughly and has provided a rather structured evaluation analysis of the business. This structured analysis is a collection of diagrammatic and graphical representations of the worldwide Specialty Feed Additives Market along with certain information on the regional landscape. Specialty Feed Additives Market size is gaining huge importance as a nutrition content and hygiene and digestibility enhancer to augment the nutritional value of the animal feed that improves their intestinal health.

Dairy Processing Equipment Market is set to surpass USD 13 billion by 2024. Global Dairy Processing Equipment Market is set to grow from its current market value of more than USD 9.15 billion to over USD 13 Billion by 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. Corresponding to the growing inclination toward including milk products in daily diet, dairy processing equipment market has experienced a significant proliferation on a global scale. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, a population growth rate of nearly 1.2 to 1.3% per year worldwide would lead to an increase in the average per capita milk consumption of almost 7 to 9 million tons annually.

The commercialization potential of dairy processing equipment market is rather evident from past year statistic that claims the business space to have garnered nearly USD 10 billion revenue in 2017. India has always been at the vanguard of dairy industry, which by extension, has made it stance stronger in the global dairy processing equipment industry. Marktbericht: Weiterhin deutliches Wachstum bei pflanzlichen Milchalternativen erwartet - Ein detailierter Markforschungsbericht von Global Market Insights beschäftigt sich mit dem globalen Markt für pflanzliche Milchalternativen und prognostiziert diesem für die kommenden Jahre robuste Wachstumsraten in so gut wie jedem einzelnen Segment. Laut Branchenanalyse verzeichneten Neueinführungen von pflanzlichen Milchprodukten zwischen 2012 und 2016 ein Wachstum von über 20%.

Laut Branchenexperten ging der weltweite Pro-Kopf-Konsum von Flüssigmilch von 2000 bis 2016 um fast 23% zurück, während der Verbrauch von Milchersatzprodukten im gleichen Zeitraum dreistellig zugelegt hat. Marktbericht: Weiterhin deutliches Wachstum bei pflanzlichen Milchalternativen erwartet - Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market is estimated to exceed USD 750 million by 2024. Global Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market is set to grow from its current market value of more than USD 500 Million to over USD 750 Million by 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market demand is depicting a rapid expansion rate as these minerals are used in animal feeds to enhance bioavailability and increase the gut absorption. The organic trace minerals assist in activating essential enzymes and hormones which proves vital for livestock’s metabolic processes. Rising consumption of meat, poultry, and dairy products has given a considerable push to the global animal feed organic trace minerals market size.

As per statistics, globally, 75 pounds of meat is consumed per person on an annual basis. Animal feed organic trace minerals industry is likely to garner profits from escalating meat production demand in India, China, and South Asia. Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market is estimated to exceed USD 750 million by 2024. Feed phosphate market to register significant growth trends with increasing meat consumption, Asia Pacific to be a pivotal business ground over 2018-2024. A joint venture signed between Ecophos and Chanhen has sent a wave of anticipation through the feed phosphate market as the 5 billion RMB investment, when completed, will process 2.2 million tons of low grade phosphate rock annually into 400,000 tons of high-quality feed phosphate. The joint venture will serve local and regional demand for specialty feed and fertilizer phosphates besides addressing other needs in the Chinese construction and ceramics industry.

So far, experts seem to be keen on stating that this is one of the most lucrative JVs feed phosphate industry has witnessed of late. In 2017, feed phosphate market size surpassed $3.5 billion and is forecast to surpass a consumption of 11 million tons by 2024, primarily driven by the rise in worldwide consumption of meat. As the demand for meat and meat products witnesses an incline, the necessity to improve meat quality surfaces as a vital challenge. Frozen Bakery Additives Market to Reach USD2.3bn by 2025 - Frozen Food Europe. Global Probiotics Market to hit $64bn by 2023.

It was during 1980's when the concept of functional food first took its commercial shape in Japan. Since then, the business space for functional food has been expanding and will continue to rise over the coming years. Functional foods are referred to as the food additives with health benefits. The growing awareness among the consumers pertaining to the relation between health, nutrition, and diet is basically propelling the demand for these functional food products. One of the most popular names in this industry is ‘Probiotics’ which has become the eye-catcher for the food manufacturers to increase their product’s value.

Food Additives Market to hit $115 bn by 2024. Food Additives Market size is set to surpass over USD 115 billion by the end of 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. Growing consumer awareness about health consciousness along with supportive government schemes has led to widespread usage of food additives in market. Technology innovation in food industry pertaining to consumer’s demand for healthy and organic product options will positively affect market growth. Food additives have various applications in bakery and confectionary, beverages, dairy and frozen products, sauce and dressings amongst others. Global frozen desserts market size accounted over USD 10 Billion in 2017 and is predicted to register substantial gain in future period owing to rising trend of outside dining and inclination of young population towards tasty flavors.

Food additives are used to improve the safety and quality along with lengthening the shelf life, keeping it fresh and suitable to consume for longer periods. Frozen Bakery Market to Witness Substantial Growth - Frozen Food Europe. Global Organic Ice Cream Market size was valued at over USD 950 million in 2018 and is anticipated to grow at over 4% in the forecast timespan. Animal Feed Additives Market worth over $25 Bn by 2024. Non-protein nitrogen in feed market to surpass the billion-dollar benchmark by 2024. Endorsing a wide application scope in fodder business space, the profitability quotient of non-protein nitrogen in feed market is projected to substantially upscale in the coming years.

Over the past few years, animal nutrition has managed to grab a bigger role than anticipated. Manufacturers across the world have been increasingly investing in R&D activities to develop a palate of new protein sources which expectedly would widen up the non-protein nitrogen in feed industry opportunities. In this regard, it is prudent to mention that protein-rich leguminous fodders are usually not extensively grown in many areas, which are prone to attack by ruminants, as they are comparatively more expensive than non-protein nitrogen sources. The growth of non-protein nitrogen in feed industry can be fundamentally credited to this factor. Health and processed foods to drive growth in vegetable oils Oils & Fats International. January 08, 2018. EPA/DHA (Omega 3) Ingredients Market to surpass USD 4bn by 2022. Poultry Probiotics Market worth over USD 1.8bn by 2024. EPA/DHA (Omega 3) Ingredients Market to surpass USD 4bn by 2022.

The industry trends report “EPA/DHA (Omega 3) Ingredients Market Size By Application (Dietary Supplements, Pharmaceuticals, Functional Foods, Pet & Animal Feed, Infant Formulas), By Source (Anchovy/Sardine, High Concentrates, Medium Concentrates, Low Concentrates, Algae Oil, Tuna Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Salmon Oil, Krill Oil, Menhaden Oil), Industry Analysis Report, Regional Analysis, Application Potential, Price Trend, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2015 – 2022” by Global Market Insights, Inc. says EPA/DHA ingredients market share is set to reach USD 4 billion at the end of 2022. Global Feed Phytogenics Market to hit $744 Million by 2022.

Edible Insects Market to witness over 40% growth by 2023. Global human population is anticipated to increase by more than 2 billion by end of 2050 giving rise to food problem. Increase in food production will lead to more pressure on environment. So consumption of edible insects is one of the food alternatives through which one can get high quality protein, amino acids and vitamins at affordable costs.

Edible insects possess high food conversion rate and emit less greenhouse gases than traditional livestock. Global Probiotics Market to hit $64bn by 2023. Global Animal Feed Additives Market will be worth over $22bn by 2022. The animal feed additives market size, worth USD 16.11 billion in 2014, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.7 % over the period of 2015-2022. Rise in meat consumption of livestock such as poultry, cattle, and swine as a protein source is expected to boost the global industry trends over the coming years.

Animal feed additives such as minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acids enhance metabolism and weight gains of the livestock. Livestock production estimated at 305 million tons in 2014, is expected to increase significantly over the coming years and will drive animal feed additives market growth. Furthermore, increase in meat consumption due to growing purchasing capacity and population base is expected to drive the global animal feed additives industry size over the next few years. Based on the livestock, animal feed additives market is segmented into cattle, poultry, swine, and aquaculture. Omega-3 ingredients market est. $3.79 billion by 2022. Study: astaxanthin market growth >7% CAGR. APAC biostimulants market to accrue substantial proceeds by 2024.

Organic Ice Cream Market progression to be characterized by extensive product upgradation bids, technological advancements to alter the industry landscape. Frozen Bakery Market to Witness Substantial Growth - Frozen Food Europe. Gdpr-policy?url= Animal Feed Additives Market worth over $25 Bn by 2024. Non-protein nitrogen in feed market to surpass the billion-dollar benchmark by 2024. Health and processed foods to drive growth in vegetable oils Oils & Fats International. EPA/DHA (Omega 3) Ingredients Market to surpass USD 4bn by 2022. Poultry Probiotics Market worth over USD 1.8bn by 2024. EPA/DHA (Omega 3) Ingredients Market to surpass USD 4bn by 2022.

Global Feed Phytogenics Market to hit $744 Million by 2022. Edible Insects Market to witness over 40% growth by 2023. Global Probiotics Market to hit $64bn by 2023. Global Animal Feed Additives Market will be worth over $22bn by 2022. Omega-3 ingredients market est. $3.79 billion by 2022. Study: astaxanthin market growth >7% CAGR.