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Analytics Report Automation (Magic Script) - Google Analytics. CSS를 배웁시다. “Right click and save as” needs to go away. For a long time it has been standard practice to ask visitors to “right click and save as” when downloading a file that the browser itself is capable of rendering, but where doing so is not desirable.

“Right click and save as” needs to go away

One reason for doing this is to spare people from the annoying experience of accidentally clicking a link to a 25 MB PDF, which subsequently launches a browser plugin that of course crashes while trying to download and display the file. From a UX perspective though, adding instructions on how to click a link is not optimal, and feels like a hack. Not to mention that lots of people are literally afraid of the right mouse button. PathFinding.js. Click within the white grid and drag your mouse to draw obstacles.


Drag the green node to set the start position. Drag the red node to set the end position. Choose an algorithm from the right-hand panel. Click Start Search in the lower-right corner to start the animation. How to make Chrome understand the Sass/SCSS in your rails app. When you open the Chrome web inspector, you can browse to the styles that are being applied to your elements.

How to make Chrome understand the Sass/SCSS in your rails app

It’s great. Unfortunately, if you’re using a framework like LESS or Sass, then by default Chrome will reference the CSS files that those frameworks generate, even if you’ve never seen them before. If you pay attention to these references in the Web Inspector, it can be meaningless at best and outright misleading at worst. Enter Google Chrome’s native Sass support.

This has been available in Canary and Beta channels for a while, but it’s now firmly available in the stable Chrome releases. First, ensure you have Experiments enabled in Chrome. Next, enable support for source maps in Chrome. Next, select the the Experiments tab and check “Support for Sass”: Close the inspector and restart Chrome for good measure. Finally, configure your sass compiler to output debug info when compiling. Using Redis as a Secondary Index for MySQL. Hey, did you notice, on the brand-spanking-new Yahoo homepage, right there on the side of the page, it’s photos from your Flickr contacts (or maybe your groups)!

Using Redis as a Secondary Index for MySQL

No? Go check it out, I’ll wait. Ok, great, you’re back! What you should have seen, assuming you have Flickr contacts (or are a member of some groups), is photos from your most recently active contact (or group!). Something like… this: (thanks schill!) What you see above is the 10 most recent photos from my contact who most recently uploaded any photos. Controller의 naming convention은 어떻게 가져가고 있나요? What have you tried? If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question “What have you tried?”

What have you tried?

This of course isn’t specific to software developers, but that’s my field and it’s thus the area in which I’m most familiar with the issue which motivated me to write this. I’m (sadly) quite sure that it applies to your own industry too, whatever that might be. The thing is, there’s a disease in the software development world; a sort of sickness. It’s an unusual sickness in that it’s often not something you acquire once you actually join the industry (like greying hair, caffeine addiction and an ulcer), but rather it’s something that new recruits already have when they arrive.

Now, a quick clarification before I continue: when I say “new recruits”, I don’t just mean graduates and other young people. The illness, of course, is a flawed approach to solving problems. Breaking down Amazon’s mega dropdown. The hover effects on Amazon’s big ‘ole “Shop by Department” mega dropdown are super fast.

Breaking down Amazon’s mega dropdown

Look'it how quick each submenu fills in as your mouse moves down the list: It’s instant. I got nerd sniped by this. QuickAndDirty. 난 예전에 프로그래머에게 필요한 피드백이라는 글에서 TDD, 리팩토링 등의 기법의 목적은 프로젝트를 더 빨리 완료하는 것이며, clean code니까 빨리 개발할 수 있다는 주장을 펼친 바 있다. 이번엔 이 주장을 한발짝 더 깊게 들어가되, 약간 다른 관점으로 풀어보려고 한다. Ajaxload - Ajax loading gif generator. Even Faster Web Sites by Steve Souders. Steve Souders - High Performance Web Sites. Doloto. Doloto stands for Download Time Optimizer and is also the Russian word for chisel.


Problem: Modern Web 2.0 applications, such as GMail, Live Maps, Facebook and many others, use a combination of Dynamic HTML, JavaScript and other Web browser technologies commonly referred as AJAX to push page generation and content manipulation to the client web browser. This improves the responsiveness of these network-bound applications, but the shift of application execution from a back-end server to the client also often dramatically increases the amount of code that must first be downloaded to the browser.

This creates an unfortunate Catch-22: to create responsive distributed Web 2.0 applications developers move code to the client, but for an application to be responsive, the code must first be transferred there, which takes time. Solution: Doloto is a system that analyzes application workloads and automatically performs code splitting of existing large Web 2.0 applications. Experimental Results: How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete. Ruby Inside: The Ruby Blog. Ruby - Valid email address regular expression. Bbatsov/ruby-style-guide. Bbatsov/rails-style-guide. Open Graph Tutorial - Facebook 개발자.

If you load the app, you should see the following: Log in, authorize the app to post to your timeline and click the "Create a story...

Open Graph Tutorial - Facebook 개발자

" button. You should see something like this: You'll note that the result is listed below the button. If you click it, it takes you to the activity that was created on Facebook. Things I wish I knew about MongoDB a year ago. Gradle [권남] Maven 을 대체할 수 있는 프로젝트 구성/관리 및 Build tool.

gradle [권남]

Redmine과 Eclipse의 Mylyn 연동하기. MoreUnit. Step 1: Install MoreUnit Option A: Use Eclipse Marketplace If you have Eclipse Marketplace installed, open it from Eclipse's Help menu.


Then search for MoreUnit, and click on the "Install" button displayed on the result. It will add MoreUnit update site to your settings and install the plugin altogether. Option B: Add MoreUnit's update site manually Go to Help > Install New Software.... Apps Script – Google Apps Script. Emmet Documentation. [Vim] CTags를 이용한 코드 탐색에 관하여. Git - 간편 안내서 - 어렵지 않아요! In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery. Base · Twitter Bootstrap. Http - JavaScript post request like a form submit. Inspiration for web development with Twitter Bootstrap – Weavora. We love prototyping, and a chance to bring our coding skills to the table and integrate them with UX design puts a big smile on our faces :) We see more and more folks coming around to our way of thinking and getting their products on board the prototyping train. There are many responsive HTML/CSS frameworks out there, but one of our favorites is Twitter Bootstrap due to ease & speed of development and quality documentation it provides as well as its slick visual appearance.

Course Catalog. (1) 타임라인 사진. Screenrc 설정.

Dev presentation/words