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Mexico's Geography

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Mexico's Geography. Meixco's Geography. Pop-tenochtitlan. Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website. Aztec Empire The Aztec Empire dominated Mesoamerica from Mexico and Guatemala to the territories of Salvador and Honduras in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for almost one hundred years.

Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website

This was at the same time as the Inca Empire in Peru. Descibe the natural and man-made features of Tenochitilan? Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website. Welcome to the Exotic World of the Aztecs This website will present a brief history of Aztec culture and provide a timeline and chart showing the rise and fall of their empire during the 14th to 16th century.

Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website

As a free service to help promote Aztec websites, businesses and organizations using the Aztec name will be invited to add a link to our database later in June 2008. Aztec empire map1519CE.