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Pure ecstasy can be 'safe' if consumed responsibly: B.C. health officer. How Dya Smoke Pot and Stay Out of Jail? "Be cool, be careful, and keep your mouth shut. " This one caused quite a stir. (See The Strangers Letters to the Editor: 12/6/01 and 12/13/01.) (2 pages) Marijuana-revenue-by-states.jpg (864×1580) Cannabis Vault : Cannabis Cookie Recipes. Great Pot Cookies From: P. Bartel Date: Wed, 31 May 95 21:30:14 -0700 for 1 cookie: 1 joint worth of pot 1/4 tsp. oil (just enough to moisten the pot) 1 tbsp. oats 2 tsp.

Eier Likoer (or just egg) (a few raisins? ,a bit of brown sugar or molasses?) Mix pot & oil, add rest and form into cookie on a piece of foil. bake at 350 for 10 min, or until bottom starts to turn brown. Originally archived by the Hyperreal Drug Archives. Cannabis Cookies by Axelrod Date: Jan 14, 2008 I have an excellent recipe that is made mostly using the microwave, and is incredibly difficult to screw up. - 3 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated) - 1/4 cup amaretto liqueur, or an amaretto-flavored syrup - 1 teaspoon almond flavoring - 3/4 cup sliced almonds - 1 ounce finely ground cannabis - 1/2 cup butter Heat cannabis in the melted butter for 45 minutes or so (or however you prefer to make it).

Archived by Erowid with permission of author. Weed Recipes | Marijuana Cooking, Recipes, Tutorials, Cannabutter, more. The Cannabis Chef Search Weed Recipes Marijuana (Cannabis) Cookies by The Cannabis Chef February 5, 2013 in Sweet Recipes, Weed Recipes 4 comments Canna-Melon (Vegan) 1 comment Cannabis Rice Krispies Treats 5 comments Caesar Salad Cannabis Dressing (Vegetarian) in Savory Recipes, Weed Recipes 0 comments Pesto Verdi Marijuana(can be made vegan) Cannabis Balsamic Vinaigrette (Vegan) Marijuana Bruschetta (Vegan) 2 comments Bhang (Cannabis) Drink in Drink Recipes, Weed Recipes Cannabis Whipped Cream Topping by The Cannabis Chef January 15, 2013 in Recipe of the Month, Sweet Recipes, Weed Recipes Gingerbread Stoner Cookies Cannabis Hard Candy and Lollipops Tagged as: Cannabis, Hard Candy, Lollipops, Sweets 33 comments Pot Apple Pie Classic Crash Brownies Tagged as: Brownies, Cannabis, Recipe, Sweets Fudge Freak-Out Chocolate Red Velvet Cannabis Cupcakes Hemp Hermits – An Alternative Cookie Marijuana Pizza 8 comments Nip Dragon 3 comments Blasted Cow Bloody Mary Jane A Pot of Cannabis Coffee Cannabis Ale Cannabis Jello Shots Pages.

- Jeg har lært uendelig mye av Nini. NEW YORK/OSLO (Dagbladet): Organisasjonen «Global Commision on Drugs Policy» la i ettermiddag fram en knusende rapport om verdens narkotikapolitikk. De vil avkriminalisere bruk av narkotika og klassifisere brukere som pasienter. De ber nasjoner vurdere om narkotiske stoffer bør legaliseres for personer som ikke skader andre. Med dattera som rådgiver - Dette er radikale forslag, men jeg tror dette er forslag i helt riktig retning for å begrense de store problemene narkotika skaper i samfunnet, sier Thorvald Stoltenberg til Dagbladet etter pressekonferansen i New York i dag. - Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg hadde hatt den samme kunnskapen uten min yngste datter.

Han mener dagens situasjonen ikke på noen måte er tilfredstillende. - I Norge dør 200 unge mennesker av overdose hvert år. Feilslått Bak rapporten står et bredt spekter av fremtredende internasjonale profiler. De er enige i at verdens politikk i kampen mot narkotika er feilslått. Privatfinansiert De mest sentrale punktene: What cannabis actually does to your brain. Chances are they would've ended up brainless morons with or without the pot. It's quite frankly not strong enough of a narcotic to destroy one's life such as you describe.

It's very dependent on the user's persona. @Tadashii: Are you also for alcohol and tobacco prohibition? Those ruin more lives every year then marijuana has ever. Wow- Tadashii, pot is not meth or cocaine. Yes, its a chemical that can intoxicate and has been embraced by, and been the cause of some lazy folks, underachievers, and Grateful Dead fans not amounting to much. Pot is like anything else- tobacco, alcohol, vicodin, valium, caffeine, etc. Cannabis has great promise for any treatment that requires appetite stimulant (such as cancer, HIV, etc), and has also been found to act as an anti-inflammatory or nausea reliever, Don't just stamp marijuana "evil".

Do you enjoy any caffeinated sodas, cigarettes, or the occasional alcoholic beverage? Yes I am against alcohol too and I agree that it's worse than pot. Two new scientific studies reveal hallucinogens are good for your mental health. Marijuana Strain Effects. List of misconceptions about illegal drugs. LSD[edit] Some of the strangest urban legends told are those about lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a potent psychedelic drug that gained popularity in several countries in the 1960s and 1970s, and experienced a brief resurgence in the mid to late 1990s before declining from 2000 onward.

The drug's relation to the 1960s counterculture was likely part of the reason for such legends. Attempted murder[edit] "Anyone caught selling LSD can be charged with attempted murder. " This is a common urban legend that the psychotropic effect of LSD is such an extreme danger to human life that the seller could face charges of attempted murder or manslaughter.

This myth may have origins in stories about long prison sentences for possession or sale of LSD, that may have been comparable to sentences given to those convicted of murder. [citation needed] Babysitter places baby in the oven while high on LSD[edit] Bad LSD[edit] "Bananadine" LSD[edit] Blue star tattoos[edit] Legally insane[edit] Strychnine[edit] If you support keeping drugs illegal… By Tom++, June 27, 1995 From the Talk.Politics.Drugs Usenet newsgroup You support robberies and assaults on innocent people. The high prices of drugs caused by prohibition force many drug addicts to turn to robbery in order to pay for their drugs. Legalization would drop drug prices. You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people. Nearly 50% of all people in prison and jail are serving time for nonviolent drug charges. You support organized crime and drug cartels. Huge drug cartels and criminal organizations thrive off the enormous profits caused by drug prohibition.

You support environmental destruction. Underground cocaine and methamphetamine labs use toxic chemicals to produce those drugs—the wastes are recklessly dumped in forests and streams. You support drug dealers and street gangs. Drug dealers and street gangs fight over drug territories. You lure thousands of young people into quitting school. You do nothing to keep drugs away from kids or out of schools. Legalisering av hasj og marihuana - Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt. 1 November 2010Last updated at 14:11 Professor David Nutt: "In terms of the cost to society, alcohol causes the biggest harm" Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack when the overall dangers to the individual and society are considered, according to a study in the Lancet. The report is co-authored by Professor David Nutt, the former government chief drugs adviser who was sacked in 2009. It ranked 20 drugs on 16 measures of harm to users and to wider society.

Heroin, crack and crystal meth were deemed worst for individuals, with alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine worst for society, and alcohol worst overall. Harm score Professor Nutt refused to leave the drugs debate when he was sacked from his official post by the former Labour Home Secretary, Alan Johnson. He went on to form the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, which says it aims to investigate the drug issue without any political interference. 'Valid and necessary' 'Extraordinary lengths' "We are talking about a minority.

Release : Drugs, The Law & Human Rights. Mexico wary as Calif. votes on legalizing marijuana. TIJUANA, MEXICO - To embattled authorities here, where heavily armed soldiers patrol the streets and more than 500 people have been killed this year, marijuana is a poisonous weed that enriches death-dealing cartel bosses who earn huge profits smuggling the product north. "Marijuana arrives in the United States soaked with the blood of Tijuana residents," said Mayor Jorge Ramos, whose police department has lost 45 officers to drug violence in recent years. But just over the border in California, cannabis is considered by law a healing herb. After the Obama administration announced that it would not prosecute the purveyors, about 100 medical marijuana dispensaries opened in San Diego alone in the past year, selling vast quantities of Purple Goo, Green Crack and other varieties of super-charged pot.

The marijuana divide between these sister cities points to major disparities between the fight against drugs in Mexico and their acceptance in the United States. California's Prop 19, on legalizing marijuana, could end Mexico's drug war. MEXICO CITY -- On Nov. 2, Californians will vote on Proposition 19, deciding whether to legalize the production, sale and consumption of marijuana. If the initiative passes, it won't just be momentous for California; it may, at long last, offer Mexico the promise of an exit from our costly war on drugs. The costs of that war have long since reached intolerable levels: more than 28,000 of our fellow citizens dead since late 2006; expenditures well above $10 billion; terrible damage to Mexico's image abroad; human rights violations by government security forces; and ever more crime. In a recent poll by the Mexico City daily Reforma, 67 percent of Mexicans said these costs are unacceptable, while 59 percent said the drug cartels are winning the war.

We have believed for some time that Mexico should legalize marijuana and perhaps other drugs. Proposition 19 changes this calculation. Today, almost anyone caught carrying any drug in Mexico is subject to arrest, prosecution and jail. Høye kostnader ved hasjforbud - kultur. DAVID NUTT var formann for ACMD, Storbritannias vitenskapelige råd i rusmiddelspørsmål. Da myndighetene klassifiserte hasj som mer skadelig og alvorlig enn før, påpekte han at dette var uten faglig grunnlag.

Sammen med en artikkel der han sammenlignet risikoen for akutt skade ved hesteridning (1 per 350) med tilsvarende for ecstasybruk (1 per 10 000), var det nok til at innenriksministeren ga ham sparken sent i 2009. - En rådgiver for myndighetene, sa ministeren, - kan ikke samtidig motarbeide myndighetenes politikk. GITT DE FUNN forskere har gjort, kan dette snus på hodet: Kan en vitenskapelig rådgiver her la være å motarbeide politikken som føres?

1. Forskerne MacCoun og Reuter studerte konsekvensene av ulike typer avkriminalisering, fra lisensiert salg i coffeeshops til å gi bøter snarere enn fengsling og strafferegistrering. Senere forskning peker i samme retning, som vist av en større kunnskapsoppsummering fra Beckley Foundation i 2008: Frykten for en brukseksplosjon er ubegrunnet. Marijuana: Less Dangerous Than Aspirin - The Daily Dish. I don't for a minute buy cannabis "fatalities". It's impossible to kill yourself with pot. The press reports "cannabis-related" deaths which is surreal. David McCandless, who devised the graph and runs Informationisbeautiful, adds: There has never been a single documented case of fatal cannabis overdose. Also, the government's own figures don't tally.

While drug figures from the Office Of National Statistics register 19 cannabis related deaths, the mortality stats from the same office log only 1 death. But even granted that, you can see how the media irrationally focuses on what isn't the biggest problem by any objective assessment.