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How My Six Year Old Boy Debunked Intelligent Design. I was attempting to explain to my son, Brance, who just turned six two weeks ago, why it was better to refrain from saying “Oh God!” Especially around his grandparents. He didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to them and asked if “God” was a bad word. This caught me off guard a bit. I had no reason to think that he should have known what or who God was. I half suspected that either the Mormon or Catholic set of grandparents had tried to explain it to him already. By the time I was his age I could tell you who God was and recite most of the common Bible stories chronologically. That’s what threw me off; he was never going to have to struggle with his faith and go through the anguish and torment that I did. I had been spending so much time teaching him about evolution by natural selection that I forgot to tell him the lie he would be confronted with someday.

I decided that it was time that he heard the creation story that I grew up with. “Why do we have to save water then? “Why?” ID Creationist Bingo - Skeptico. I Am An Atheist. God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs. State of the Nation. What it feels like to be an Atheist I've always been an atheist, I know nothing else.

From my earliest memory of considering the question, I'm talking maybe age three or four, I was skeptical as hell. The God stories just didn't add up. I'm amazed everyday of my life that everyone isn't an atheist like me. But they're not, I have no idea why that is, but it is reality. And based on many questions over the years it sounds possibly hard for someone who is not one to understand it. Imagine that you live in a world where 90% of the people around you sincerely believe in something that appears to you to be downright whacky, if perhaps relatively pleasant on the surface in many respects. Imagine, seriously imagine for a moment now, that these people, the vast majority of the electorate, vote for politicians based in large part on what they think Santa wants, campaign speeches all end with "Be good or Santa won't come to visit". They're Not Pretending. Egads! Pretty ridiculous, huh?