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NEXT KITTEH! Kitteh Roulette. Discover the Best of the Web. Puppetfetishist: TEXT COLOR RESOURCE FOR HOMESTUCK CHARACTERS. Simply look up the character/style you want, copy-paste the code, go forth and be awesome. ALSO! If any of you have anything else to suggest/add, please do so. I'm thinking of adding a .gif/smiley database to this as well (for stuff like L rd English's rotating pool ball, so if you guys have suggestions feel free to post 'em and I'll put 'em up. the big man HASS! Standard Homestuck plain black text <font face="courier"><strong>Standard Homestuck plain black text</strong></font> john egbert! <font face="courier" color="#0715cd"><strong>john egbert! Rose Lalonde. <font face="courier" color="#b536da"><strong>Rose Lalonde. dave strider <font face="courier" color="#e00707"><strong>dave strider</strong></font> jade harley!!!

<font face="courier" color="#4ac925"><strong>jade harley!!! "But OMG my Troll quirk is SO HARD :( " Well I have a solution to that too: Troll Text Creator Put whatever you want to say in there, then use the color cheats below to color and font it, and voila! Aradia medig0 Hoo hoo! Gimundo | Good News... Served Daily. Vic Mignogna's Head Pasted On Things. Happy freedomignogna day if you live in canada/elsewhere, happy vic wednesday and sorry for the america Submitted by drmarat! Wow, Vic, looking classy! Consider me impressed. That cape does wonders for you. ths was reQUESTED………. by T HE ANONysMOUS????? But what diD IT MEAN is this…………… ((Note: I apologize for any decreases in intelligence this post may have caused.))

Submitted by both drmarat and hellnohistory, who both say that we’re all loved children of Vic! Youandmeareinthistogethernow asked for this a while ago, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to this sooner! Submitted by Kat, who says: Saw the most recent update, had to make this. Wow, Vic! Father Vicnello Submitted by frankie2411, who calls this masterpiece “Father Vicnello”. Hi is this a blog where you post Vic Mignogna's head on things? Anonymous What?? This is a cat blog! Submitted by cracked-vinyl!