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Erotic photos vol.2. 1000 LOST GIRLS. Black & White (część 6) 04080.jpg (538×800) Sweet and Sexually Charged Photography (20 photos) Originally from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Carlos Nunez is an LA-based photographer whose gorgeous shots can easily range from sweet and demure to downright sexy.

Sweet and Sexually Charged Photography (20 photos)

You can tell that he has that rare ability to put his models at ease, making them feel free to express themselves and show us a side to them few people ever get to see. Take a look at Nunez's blog and you'll see shots we can't necessarily feature here on My Modern Met (in other words, NSFW). Sexually charged, the photos are a tribute to the empowered woman and her willingness to be unabashedly free.

I was able to get in touch with the elusive Nunez to ask him a few questions. Read that short interview, below, after enjoying his sweet and seductive photos. NsTEp.jpg (1600×1066) 66706248463342415204.jpg (800×638) Black and White photographs. The beauty and fascination of black and White photography conjugated with nudity of bodies.

Black and White photographs

Contrasts, wavy forms, strong textures, stains of light and shade turn this type of register into true plastic art. Expressionism or abstractionism... We´re all voyeurs. To look with a more detailed view. Hot Girl Stripper Pole Skills. 11.jpg (800×1200)