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Facebook Twitter Kyzen - Precision Cleaning Chemistries and Services - Home. Peters. Global Solder Supplier | Electronics Assembly Materials | Indium. Solder. Navigation:: Home >> Electronics manufacture >> this page - information, tutorial, article about solder, what it is, how it can be used in electronics construction and manufacture and what it is made from. Solder and soldering techniques technology includes: • Solder • Soldering basics tutorial • Solder paste and how to use it • Lead free soldering • Solder resist • Soldering irons and stations • SMT soldering techniques • Infrared reflow soldering • Wave soldering • BGA solder process Solder is an essential material for the electronics industry. Without solder the assembly methods currently used in the manufacture of electronics equipment would need to completely change.

Apart from being used in the electronics industry, solder is also used in plumbing and many other areas such as in jewelry, where metals need to be joined together. The word solder comes from the middle English word "soudur" which in turn came from the Latin "soldare" meaning to make solid. What is solder? By Ian Poole. What is SMT Surface Mount Technology. Navigation:: Home >> Electronic components >> this page - an overview or tutorial about surface mount technology, SMT and surface mount devices SMDs Virtually all of today's mass produced electronics hardware is manufactured using surface mount technology, SMT.

The associated surface mount devices, SMDs provide many advantages over their leaded predecessors in terms of manufacturability and often performance. It was not until the 1980's that surface mount technology, SMT became widely used. Once SMT started to be used, the change from conventional leaded components to surface mount devices, SMDs took place quickly in view of the enormous gains that could be made using SMT. Why SMT? Mass produced electronic circuit boards need to be manufactured in a highly mechanised manner to ensure the lowest cost of manufacture. It was reasoned that the wires that had traditionally been used for connections were not actually needed for printed circuit board construction. What are SMT components?