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International & Domestic Photography Exhibitions - Hy V Huynh. Know about Community Psychologist & Humanitarian Photography. Expert in Humanitarian International Photography. When you are into photography, you have the whole world open before you- you can capture breathtaking landscapes, architectural photography, the immense natural glory, opt for wildlife photography, can set up the pace of your career in fashion and advertising photography, indulge in fine art photography and many more.

But then, apart from these and several other popular photography genres, there is something more- we today will discuss about humanitarian photography which is all about narrating human-centered stories typically depicting life, hardships, hopes, dreams, scope of improvement and real emotions. This genre of photography is opted by those social activists and philanthropists who are deeply involved into bringing a positive change in society. They create and organize several public events like marathons, fundraising campaigns etc. to attract the attention on some important cause or to create awareness for an issue.

Like this: Like Loading... International Photography. Visual Storytelling International Humanitarian Photographer - Hy V Huynh. Portraits in the Valley by Hy V Huynh. One of my favorite memories of my recent trip to Colombia was photographing Julian and his abuelo on a hike at Cocora Valley. The day before, his abuelo had asked if he could join us, even expressing interest in hiking with us. He wanted to do it all. It wasn’t until later that I learned he hadn’t been back to Cocora Valley in more than twenty years. As we hiked deep into the valley, through the noiseless fog, over the laughing-green hills, beside these 100 foot sacred totems, I watched as he and his grandson looked up in awe and wonderment together, enchanted and stunned by the surrounding beauty.

I never had grandparents while growing up, but it was clear as day that I was witnessing a special day for a grandparent and his grandkid. Tags: cocora valley, colombia travel, documentary photography, ecological portraiture, environmental portrait, salento colombia, travel portrait Trackback from your site. International photography at its pinnacle. During his time in Vietnam, Hy took photos for several non-profit organizations and social enterprises, including Fashion4Freedom, Volunteers In Asia, Hue Help, and Friends of Hue Foundation.

These organizations have used his photos and photo-stories for their websites, promotional materials, and even charity auction pieces. From 2008-2011, Hy maintained a popular photo-story blog about street food and culture in Vietnam that eventually landed him a spot as one of two representatives for Vietnam at the First ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Blogger’s Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the conference, Hy was able to speak about his passion for photography as a vehicle for social change. In summer of 2012, Hy designed and facilitated a 2-week photography character development program for 40 kids at his orphanage in collaboration with 10 volunteers from San Jose, CA. Relationships and Place - International & Humanitarian Visual Storyteller. Visual Storytelling- The mountains and the trees. Once on horseback and another time on foot, I’ve been fortunate to experience the wonder and wisdom of Cocora Valley in Salento, Colombia.

It’s become my place of refuge this month, a place where I’ve been able to both calmly reflect and seek advice and perspective during these difficult times. “By becoming the mountain in our meditation practice, we can link up with its strength and stability and adopt them for our own. We can use its energies to support our energy to encounter each moment with mindfulness, equanimity, and clarity. It may help us to see that our thoughts and feelings, our preoccupations, our emotional storms and crises, even the things that happen to us are very much like the weather on the mountain. Yes, at times visited by violent storms, high winds, and heavy rains– but through it all, the mountains and trees still sit, stronger than ever. Tags: cocora valley, jon kabat-zinn, landscape photography, mindfulness, mountain meditation, salento colombia, wax palm trees.

Visual Storytelling International Humanitarian Photographer - Hy V Huynh.