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An enthusiastic person, who is ready to experience the adventure of life with an optimistic view.

Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women? - URLife Wellness Platform. The first Covid-19 vaccines are available to the public, but with that come many questions regarding their safety among pregnant and lactating women.

Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Women? - URLife Wellness Platform

Don’t worry, Our experts Dr. Sneha Varahala, Pharm.D and Dr. Sunitanarra Reddy, ID specialist, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad have all the answers. Q. Common Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine - URLife Wellness Platform. Covid-19 vaccines have been proven to be well-effective against the coronavirus, but with a vaccination drive as large-scale as this, concerns about the side effects are natural.

Common Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine - URLife Wellness Platform

Our experts Dr. Sneha Varahala, Pharm.D and Dr. 7 Best Books On Women’s Health That Educate And Empower - URLife Wellness Platform. Can the Covid-19 Vaccine Cause Infertility? - URLife Wellness Platform. The misconception that vaccines can cause infertility isn’t entirely new.

Can the Covid-19 Vaccine Cause Infertility? - URLife Wellness Platform

And with the prevalence of Covid-19, this fear is more common than ever. Our experts Dr. Common Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine - URLife Wellness Platform. How To Reduce Inflammation In The Body - URLife Wellness Platform. Inflammation is the normal defence mechanism of a body.

How To Reduce Inflammation In The Body - URLife Wellness Platform

Find out what causes inflammation and natural ways to reduce it. Did you know that the word inflammation originates from the Latin word inflammare which means ‘to set up on fire’? It is characterised by pain and swelling in the body. Can the Covid-19 Vaccine Cause Infertility? - URLife Wellness Platform. Common Workout Mistakes You Make at the Gym - URLife Wellness Platform.

Fitness trainers reveal how skipping on these basics can sabotage your workout.

Common Workout Mistakes You Make at the Gym - URLife Wellness Platform

Vijay Simha, fitness trainer at Apollo Fitness Studios and Vinod Channa, celebrity fitness trainer share advice on the ways to make the most of your workout. Not hiring a fitness trainer Everyone needs a good gym trainer, whether you are a novice or a ripped everyday athlete. A well-qualified coach will help you get started and chart your progress so you don’t hit the inevitable workout plateau. “You should hire a good trainer in the first stage,” says Channa. Foods That Help You Sleep Better - URLife Wellness Platform. Have trouble falling or staying asleep?

Foods That Help You Sleep Better - URLife Wellness Platform

Wait, don’t pop a pill! Improve the quality of your sleep with these easy changes to your diet and lifestyle. We have all been in that situation when we have counted all the sheep in the barn but still sleep evades us. 8 Simple Tips to Boost Your Immune System - URLife Wellness Platform. Thankfully, it’s no rocket science to naturally improve immunity.

8 Simple Tips to Boost Your Immune System - URLife Wellness Platform

All it takes is simple tweaks to your lifestyle—eat nutritious food, combat stress, stay active, and more. Our immune system is like a tough soldier standing guard. It is made up of a network of cells, chemicals and tissues, that constantly watch out for invaders. A defence action is mounted as soon as a threat is spotted. Immunity preserves the integrity of the body by detecting and responding to a wide variety of pathogens, preventing various illnesses and diseases in an efficient manner. Best food for thyroid patients - URLife Wellness Platform. From changes in weight and hair, to feeling sluggish and depressed, the symptoms of thyroid trouble can leave you drained out.

Best food for thyroid patients - URLife Wellness Platform

Understanding the abnormalities of thyroid gland function, learning its signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment can help. Read more here Thyroid gland is situated in our neck. This butterfly shaped gland produces three major hormones, thyroxine or T4 and triiodothyronine or T3 and calcitonin which regulates how the body uses calcium. T3 and T4 travel the entire body and are responsible for controlling the metabolism of the body and influence almost all other processes in the body.

Foods That You Should Eat to Get Better Sleep - URLife Wellness Platform. Home Remedies - URLife Wellness Platform. Variation of Intermittent Fasting - URLife Wellness Platform. Home Remedies for Pitta on Skin - URLife Wellness Platform. Everyone desires to have beautiful & radiant skin throughout the year, I mean, who doesn’t?

Home Remedies for Pitta on Skin - URLife Wellness Platform

But the sad part is that not everyone is born with flawless skin we all yearn for. Self-care takes time, patience and a lot of tests and trials until we find what works for our skin and soul. I’m sure we all can agree that we’ve all exhausted our savings and product trials to the max. But, have you tried something different from what you were doing all along? How about taking an organic and holistic approach to nip UR skin concerns in the bud.

4 Easy Yoga Poses to Enhance UR Day - URLife Wellness Platform. We all know the importance of yoga in helping us de-stress and keeping our health in good condition.

4 Easy Yoga Poses to Enhance UR Day - URLife Wellness Platform

But we live in busy times, making it difficult to find time for yoga. So, here’s a quick, short sequence of exercises that won’t need much of UR time. The poses of yoga explained here, are based on the movement of the spine. We, the Yogis, believe that if the spine moves in different directions, it can help U to maintain a healthy body. It results in increased body awareness and healthy long life. How to Make Compost with Kitchen Waste - URLife Wellness Platform. Ingredients Greens: Vegetable peels, fruit peels, coffee or tea powder and leftover food bits (organic matter only) – 1 large bowl Browns: Dried leaves, cardboard or sawdust – 2-3 bowls Microbes: Sour buttermilk- 1 tbsp or cow dung – 2-3 tbsp Container: Terracotta pot, a red mud pot with a lid, or a small bucket with holes (for air circulation) and a lid. Preparation of compost from kitchen waste. Hibiscus Tea: Recipe and it's Benefits for Skin - URLife Wellness Platform.

Boil a pot of water. Add the dried/ fresh hibiscus flowers to a clean and empty teapot. Add the boiling water into the teapot. Home Remedies to Reduce Bloated Stomach - URLife Wellness Platform. Bloated Stomach Remedies - URLife Wellness Platform. Hibiscus Tea For Glowing Skin - URLife Wellness Platform. Miracle drink for Skin - URLife Wellness Platform. Disadvantages of Drinking Milk for your Healthy Body. Milk is one of ancient wholesome food since evolution and is said to nourish and promote the growth of young mammals. It also offers a range of nine essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, D and B12, riboflavin, and niacin that are necessary for growth and development.

Milk production is gaining prominence around the world. India, China, Pakistan, Brazil, and the US are the top five countries in dairy production. Is Milk Healthy For Your Body? - Pros and Cons of Milk. Home Remedies for Pitta on Skin - URLife Wellness Platform. Home Remedies for Pitta on Skin - URLife Wellness Platform.