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Experts say, Coronavirus will change the world forever, here is how! What to Expect Post-Pandemic? Frontline Workers of Corona Pandemic – Role and Challenges They Face. Yet again, our soldiers, the frontline workers of corona pandemic, took it up as their responsibility to directly expose themselves to the enemy itself.

Frontline Workers of Corona Pandemic – Role and Challenges They Face

The same ones that had stepped forward during the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, and the American Polio epidemic. We all are hiding away in the comforts of our homes, whining about the unfavorable conditions. While the frontline heroes are exerting themselves relentlessly and selflessly to save as many lives as possible. Where to Buy N95 and KN95 Masks Online in USA. The world is grasped in an emotional and mental struggle amidst the corona-virus pandemic, more commonly known as COVID-19.

Where to Buy N95 and KN95 Masks Online in USA

Every individual is busy playing his part in order to handle medical emergencies at such an hour. Skills to Learn During Quarantine. How to Date During Coronavirus? – Peace Quarters. Words which have struck fear in our hearts amidst other problems.

How to Date During Coronavirus? – Peace Quarters

Nobody imagined a small virus could halt the world or our life in this way, leaving a trail of regrets and unwanted goodbyes. With so much pessimism during these times, it’s no wonder our dating lives have taken a hit too. Somehow the thought that people might lose hope in love or the opportunity to love is frightening. We can’t get our old lifestyle back or go back to the way things were, but we can adjust. Adjust to this ever-changing chaotic world and still be optimistic enough to date. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Changes to Lifestyle Due to COVID-19) It was near the end of 2019 when reports of a new strain of coronavirus infecting the population of Wuhan had surfaced on the mainstream media.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Changes to Lifestyle Due to COVID-19)

Three months since that revelation, the novel coronavirus has now spread to more than 190 countries across the world. The global number of coronavirus cases has exceeded 2 million and the death toll has risen to almost 150,000. How To Break a Child's Video Game Addiction - Optimistic Mommy. Knowing And Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property Rights. Whether you are starting a business or already a business owner in the US, it is necessary to know what are the rights you have over intellectual property (IP) and how to protect and enforce those rights in case of any inconvenience.

Knowing And Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property Rights

If you don’t know these rights how can you enforce them so knowing them is a must for any business in order to survive in the long run. 1. Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property (IP) is basically a term referring to a brand, invention, design or other kind of creation, which a person or business has legal rights over.

Here’s How Badly Coronavirus has Hit the Education System in the US! The outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus has slumped the dynamics of the world.

Here’s How Badly Coronavirus has Hit the Education System in the US!

The surge in corona infected patients has disrupted various aspects of life in the US. Coronavirus has badly hit the education system all around the world, including the US. Most of the countries have completely shut down their education system including public and private schools, colleges and universities. The pandemic doesn’t seem to slow down its infection rates and things look quite troublesome for the future. Modern Technologies And Reproductive Rights. Nowadays, we are living in an era where people talk about their rights independently, where others value their opinion and hear them.

Modern Technologies And Reproductive Rights

We have gone through the racism stage, we have seen the gender discrimination stage, and we have a long way. We are living in an era of modern technology, where we recognize evolution. We see robots managing hotels, cooking and serving food for us. We observe the automatic application house controlling systems for preventing fire which wasn’t even believable if we talked about it a few decades ago. We have compiled some aspects of modern technology to see if it would help us stand for reproductive rights regardless of men’s or women’s, read more to know about it! Anti-Discriminatory Act And Gender Identity. An act was passed to protect people from unfair discrimination, harassment and it provides a means to bring a complaint and have it resolved.

Anti-Discriminatory Act And Gender Identity

Anti-discrimination laws protect humans so that we can prevent discrimination on the basis of race, origin, sex, and color. Later laws were made to prevent discrimination based on age or disability. Discrimination does not only violate a most basic human right but has a wider social and economic consequences. Protection from Discrimination On The Basis Of Sex or Gender Identity: Sadly, there is no protection from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender identity in federal law. This anti-discriminatory act may protect a person who is discriminated against on the basis of their legal sex, even if this is different from their sex at birth. Federal anti-discrimination legislation states that: 10 Thought Leaders of 2020 You Must Follow For Your Bright Future. 1.

10 Thought Leaders of 2020 You Must Follow For Your Bright Future

Christy Wright Talk about a truly passionate woman and you have Christy Wright. Christy is living the dream, she is a tremendous author. One of the most wanted women in the world, Christy makes sure she gives enough time to family as well. She is happily married and has two beautiful sons. 2. Bestselling author and spokesperson, Jon Gordon is definitely someone I’ll be looking up to this year. Recycling And Conservation - The Pros And Cons. Since the Earth is getting weaker day by day, it is our responsibility to make it better, if we want our grandchildren to live in clean air.

Recycling And Conservation - The Pros And Cons

Many factors are responsible for damaging the environment of the Earth, most before which is plastic, pollution, and global warming. Most scientists emphasize the fact that this world wouldn’t survive if we don’t make efforts to reduce these factors. The Unheard Story of Every Girl in a Relationship. Love is something we all crave and we do all we can to fall in love with the right person. However, most of the times we often mistake love with affection. Affection is different than love, love is all about growth and constant care for someone who cares for you back. Love is a two-way street and an exchange of feelings. Love is something that can not be described in words, but all a girl can say about love is that; love is something which is irreplaceable, it can not be disposed and it can not be thrown away.

If it could be thrown away, it would be anything but not love. Moreover, love is difficult for girls than it is for boys. Countries Most Badly Affected by the Coronavirus. In December of 2019, a mysterious virus broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei province. Exhibiting similar symptoms to the common flu yet more fatal. It caused panic all around the world and is right now one of the most heated discussion topics. SARS-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-2) is the virus in this case that causes the disease COVID-19 or rather, as its commonly called coronavirus. This strain shares similarities to the SARS outbreak in China in 2003 and also to the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) yet as of now the current outbreak has become more severe. Coronavirus and Its Effect on the US Economy. The COVID-19 outbreak has had a dire effect on the economy of all those countries in which its cases have been reported in a large number. The damage which has been caused by the emergence of this virus has led to a global economic crisis, not even sparing developed and larger countries like the US, UK or even the rich countries of the Middle East.

As one would expect, the current economic conditions of the US has left all major American businesses’ stakeholders in a state of panic. Renowned brands like Apple, Zara, H&M and various others have all closed down their retail stores. Stock prices, which were contracting each day resulted in a crash, which further worsened the situation. What the Future Holds For Them? Regarding that, On March 20, the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. estimated that the economy of the country could fall by 24% on an annual rate. Trigger Warning And Safe Spaces In Universities/Colleges. Italy's Coronavirus Crisis: Why Did it Fail to Control The Virus? Hantavirus Case Reported in China - Things You Should be Worried About. Coronavirus and US Government’s Action Plan to Fight With it.

5 Things China Did To Control Coronavirus in Their Country. Is Coronavirus a Man-Made Disease? Since the rise of coronavirus, it is being spread among millions of people in and outside China. What Is Coronavirus And How To Fix It? - Healthy Life - Medium. 10 Reasons You Should Give Your Relationship A Second Chance. Relationships these days are hard because people are less likely to commit, even when they do, it usually does not last long. Technology on one side is ruining it for us. Instructions to conquer your worry by making the most of your time with a little child : pqofficial — LiveJournal. Stress is one of the most hazardous sicknesses ever. Something which ensures that you experience different difficulties too.

Stress is the underlying driver of a few mental issue, for example, PTSD, gloom, uneasiness and some more. Coronavirus, a Deadly Disease: It's Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. Our world has had its equal share of deadly viruses without cure; whether be Black Plague, Dengue or Marburg virus. Expensive Healthcare And Modern Day Unemployment. 5 Questions You Must Ask Your Partner Before You Get Engaged. 5 Questions You Must Ask Your Partner Before You Get Engaged. Step By Step Instructions To Know The Distinction Between Narcissistic And Narrow Minded Individuals! These Two Riddles Can Determine Whether You Are A Psychopath or Not. 10 Easy Tips To Ace To Take Care Of Your Irritating Baby At The Table: pqofficial — LiveJournal. Humans are the new robots of today's world. - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE TIPS. 7 Best Toys For Dads Which Kids Want to Play With! Sustainable Consumption Of Meat And Fish: Its Effects On Environment.

Why Self-Motivation is Important for a Successful Life. What is Emotional Intelligence and How You Can Improve It? 5 Things Parents Must Do To Raise Honest Kids. 8 Quick Ways to Get Back on Track If You've Been Feeling Frustrated. 10 Best Foods To Eliminate Joint Pains Naturally. Arrogance and Relationship - The Not So Perfect Match. Does scolding your child help in making him/her a better human?: pqofficial — LiveJournal. Best Mindfulness Activities: Traveling: The Ultimate Way Of Manifesting Your Mind.

Dominant Personality Traits and Trust Issues. Dominant Personality Traits and Trust Issues. 10 Ways to Keep Your Self Motivated When Depressed. An Empath Can be Both the Hero and The Villain in the Relationship. How To Help Aging Parents With Finances? What is Self-Efficacy and How to Improve It. 10 Reasons of Breakup in Long Term Relationships.