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B12 and Methylation

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Chapter 9: Stories of Hope Rewarded. Jonathan’s Story When our son, Jonathan was born in March 2002, he was a perfectly healthy 7 lb., 4 oz. boy with wide eyes and a loud cry.

Chapter 9: Stories of Hope Rewarded

That first night in the hospital, he breastfed all night without any problem. The next day, the nurses took him away to give him the hepatitis-B vaccine. Little did we know that that would begin a difficult life. That night he lost the ability to latch onto the breast. When Jonathan turned 13 months, he received the MMR vaccine. We took him to his pediatrician who assured us that he was fine. At twenty-seven months, he received his second flu shot and at twenty-eight months, his language and behavior regressed tremendously.

We had lost him. At thirty-three months, we began our journey into alternative medicine following the Autism Research Institute’s Defeat Autism Now! Not only did he tolerate it, but a week later, he came to our bathroom and looked at his daddy brushing his teeth and said “Daddy, what are you doing”. I could not thank Dr. Dr. Anne. Chapter 8: Step Three. Remyelinating the Nerves The major focus of this final phase of the program entails implementing a program of supplementation to support remyelination of the nerves and to foster left/right communication in the brain.

Chapter 8: Step Three

This is essential because many of the symptoms seen in autism and other forms of neurological inflammation result from the demyelination of the nerves that is produced by the assault of virus, metals, and other factors. Most people are pleased to get to this phase, and I want to congratulate you. It’s been a lot of work and a long wait. However, I also want to caution you that your journey is not quite over. Methylation is directly involved in the ability to both myelinate nerves and to “prune” nerves. Beginning This Step Even after detoxifying virus and metals, many underlying factors still remain and will persist over time, as I discussed in the earlier portions of this book. Suggested Protocol to Support Nerve Growth & Myelination General Vitamin/ Organ Support: Vitamin C. Chapter 7: Step Two, Part Two.

Increasing Detoxification In Step Two, Part One, I covered the process of restoring methylation cycle function by supplementing to bypass the SNPs revealed by the Nutrigenomic test.

Chapter 7: Step Two, Part Two

As methylation activity is progressively restored, parents of children with autism will often report that they begin to see improvements in behavior, function, speech, digestion, sleep, mood, and other markers. In addition, on this program, biochemical testing is used to verify the excretion of metals, which in my clinical experience is often accompanied by a reduction in the body burden of infectious microbes as well, as confirmed by a CSA.

However, while one person may recover completely through the use of methylation supports, another may need to step up detoxification in order to recover fully. Chapter 6: Step Two, Part One. Optimizing the Methylation Cycle Once you get the test results, you will most likely wish to move ahead with this program.

Chapter 6: Step Two, Part One

Chapter 5: Promoting Healthy Digestion. After you receive the Nutrigenomic test results, (in Step Two), you will put into place the supports for methylation cycle function.

Chapter 5: Promoting Healthy Digestion

With those supports, you will be naturally undergoing detoxification as well as addressing microbial imbalances more intensively. That’s why it’s vital to prepare the digestive organs for this process—in advance. Chapter 4: Step One, Part One. Building a Foundation for Health Balance In the past when people first learned of this program, I suggested that they make it a priority to spend time getting complete information before beginning to implement the protocol—and I have always applauded those who do this.

Chapter 4: Step One, Part One

But over a number of years, I’ve also seen that many more people want to begin right away. Whether they are addressing autism in their child or their own adult health issue triggered by neurological inflammation, many people feel a sense of urgency. I understand that, and that’s why I’ve designed the program so that you can begin the first step as you continue to inform yourself—as well as wait for your test results. Nutrigenomic test results take approximately eight weeks to come back from the lab, and we don’t want to waste that valuable time simply waiting when there are things that you can do right away, before knowing your own or your child’s specific mutations. However, there is one caveat. Baseline Tests. Chapter 3: Promoting Detoxification Safely.

In addressing multifactorial health conditions, which arise from neurological inflammation, we have to consider the interplay between: Genetic factors that undermine efficient functioningEnvironmental factors, including heavy-metal loads; andInfectious agents Genetic Factors.

Chapter 3: Promoting Detoxification Safely

Chapter 2: Nutrigenomics and the Methylation Cycle. The Dawning of the Age of Personalized Medicine Today we stand at the dawn of the age of personalized medicine.

Chapter 2: Nutrigenomics and the Methylation Cycle

Integrative medical doctors herald its potential, drawn from traditional medical approaches—like Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy— that emphasize individuation of treatment. Chapter 1: Discovering The Pathways. Autism is reaching epidemic proportions in this country and the world.

Chapter 1: Discovering The Pathways

To give you an idea of just how fast it’s growing, the U.S. population grew by 13% during the 1990s, disabilities grew at a rate of 16%, and autism grew at a rate of 172%! According to the Autism Society, within 10 years, the annual costs associated with care for individuals with autism will be $200–$400 billion dollars. Today, at least one out of 150 children born in the United States will develop autism. (In certain parts of the country, those rates are estimated to be 1 out of 100. Some predict that if by the year 2020 we do not make significant changes, 1 in every 10 children will be affected by autism. Most of the general public are not even aware that the condition of autism can be addressed and that it is possible to bring about a reversal of symptoms and recovery. A Paradigm Shift Parents of children with autism desperately seek answers.

Citric Acid Cycle & Methlyation