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Typography. Typography. 10 Examples of Beautiful CSS Typography and how they did it… « Web Design Marketing Podcast & Blog. Lately I have been very interested in how far we can take Typography only using CSS. Sure you can use images or sIFR to produce some very beautiful typography, but there is something unique and special about using only CSS. It is incredibly useful too, if you know the extent you can take CSS you end up with much more flexible websites— especially ones driven by a CMS. Think about how difficult sIFR or images get when you want to replicate that typography or typeface over 100 pages powered by a CMS. If you can get beautiful type via CSS it makes this situation very easy and with out compromise. There are a lot of great sites out there that have beautiful Typography using only CSS, however simply looking at them is only half of the picture. 1. Coudal Partners small headline Larger Headline You may be surprised to find out that the serif font used is… *gasp* times new roman!

2 + 3. Human Sexuality and the Nuptial Mystery Headline Example 3. Seed Conference On Friday, June the 6th 2008 4. 5. 6. 7. Farfromfearless. A tutorial for good typography in InDesign - Setting up a baseline grid. Good clean typography is a fundemental skill of any designer. Most designers believe they have good typography but in my experience it is something which is developed through time and experience.

I think we all begin our design lives with a desire to be outrageously creative, and only as we mature, begin realise that simplicity and structure is just as, if not more important. In this article, I will go through some simple steps to acheive good clean well structured typography in Adobe Indesign. The first step is to choose your typefont. In this case I have chosen a simple standard font of Helvetica Neue. I have set it up at 10pt size and 12pt leading. It is important to consider legibility at this point.

Next choose how many columns you want the page to be. So we have set up a grid vertically, the next step will be to set up a horizontal or baseline grid, which all our text will stick to. Start the grid at 10mm in accordance with your borders. Now we will add a heading. Kristian Madsen. Amerikansk skydning (- Spatiering) For meget luft mellem ordene i en tekst linie. F.eks. hvis en tekst har tvunget for- og bagkant, og det sidte ord i en linie ikke kan deles, og dermed flyttes ned i næste linie. Herved tvinges foregående linie ud på hele satsformatet. Antialias Nogle computerskrifter er vektorbaserede – altså opbygget af af linjer og kurver, der forbliver jævne, uanset hvor store de skaleres. Billeder på en computerskærm er pixelbaserede – altså opbygget af små prikker.

Hvis man forstørrer et sådant billede, kan man sågar se de enkelte pixels. Antikva Antikvaskrifter er alle skrifter med seriffer. Derfor er antikvaskrifterne delt op i nogle grupper, der baserer sig på bestemte perioder. Renæssance-antikva (gammelantikva) opstod sidst i 1400-tallet, efter man havde trykt bøger med frakturskrift. Barok-antikva (gammelantikva) er en videreudvikling af renæssanceantikvaen. Selvom en skrift er tegnet i 1900-tallet kan den godt klassificeres som en førklassicistisk antikva.