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Google and the social Web

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Google+: The Charge Of The Like Brigade. A recent post by a defecting Googler (at his new and previous home, Microsoft) suggests that a fundamental reordering of Google’s priorities has made it far less than the company it once was.

Google+: The Charge Of The Like Brigade

A sudden comprehension of the danger posed by Facebook’s ever-expanding platform caused the company to enter a sort of berserker state, focusing solely on reinventing social while neglecting or amputating anything that didn’t fit into its new mission. Or so the tale goes. There have been times recently when I’ve felt the need to deflect a few of the slings and arrows trained on Google. This time, however, they are well-deserved. Google’s big bet was based on bad instincts, jealousy, and hubris — not the curiosity, experimentation, and agility that have characterized them theretofore.

Could Google+ ever have been anything but a failure? Just as a caveat: the problem with criticizing Google+ is that it’s a good product. That said, Google should never have thought of it that way in the first place. Facebook and Twitter tell Google 'Don't Be Evil' The Social Sharing War Is Fully On. Google and Facebook are at war.

The Social Sharing War Is Fully On

This is old news. They both want to be the center of the Internet — but there can be only one center. For a while, it looked like things were quickly shifting Facebook’s way after years of dominance by Google. Then Google+ appeared — already the most compelling social experience Google has ever offered. While it’s still far from clear what the actual impact of G+ will be on the Internet at large, it’s pretty clear already that it’s something Facebook is going to have to take seriously.

But where things are going to be really interesting is on the social sharing front. As we noted a couple days ago, it is possible to track the referrals coming in to your site from G+, but it’s not straightforward. When you click on a link now in G+, it redirects it through the domain. Facebook does a similar redirect to ensure that the pageviews they’re sending others’ way are correctly counted. Le bouton +1 de google: Chronique d’un flop annoncé?

Google: Larry Page Ties ALL Employee Bonuses To Social Strategy's Success (Or Failure!) Google Sees Facebook Threat in String of Deals - Advertising Age - Digital. Will Facebook Be Tomorrow’s Google, and Google Tomorrow’s Micros. Editor’s note: Can Facebook become the next Google?

Will Facebook Be Tomorrow’s Google, and Google Tomorrow’s Micros

In this guest post an ex-Googler, Bindu Reddy, persuasively argues the case from the perspective of Facebook’s potential as an online advertising platform. Reddy is the CEO of MyLikes, a word-of-mouth ad network funded by other former Googlers. At Google, she managed a team of product managers in charge of various Google apps including Google Docs, Google Sites, and Blogger. How Google Is Secretly Building Its Facebook Killer. How Social Search Will Transform the SEO Industry. Joe Devine is the Chief Executive Officer of The Search Engine Guys, LLC (TSEG), a full-service web marketing company based in Austin, Texas.

How Social Search Will Transform the SEO Industry

Facebook and Bing announced last week an agreement that would allow Microsoft’s search engine to return results based on the Facebook “Likes” of the searcher’s friends. Additionally, Google recently began including Twitter updates in its search returns. It’s a natural innovation that fits into the business models of both companies and takes the trend of individualized search results to its next logical level: results tailored to the searcher’s existing social footprint.

SEO insiders have wondered whether this new search innovation would affect placement strategies. And the simple answer is: yes. Changing the Method, Not the Mission But to think that this development is rocking the SEO world is to misunderstand the realities of the industry. Of course, as with any complex question about a dynamically evolving industry, there is a caveat.