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Arts du Proche Orient

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Ebla Syrie. Mitanni P.O. Babylone. Glyptique syrienne archaique. SCEAUX-CYLINDRES 1 - Documentaire De l Orient a l Occident E06 E07 french xvid. Galerie P.O. Sites de satellites: Suse, en Iran. Sites from Satellites: Susa, Iran (Andrew Sherratt, 2004) Case Studies 2004-6 View images as a clickable sequence. 1) Location map: the Near (Middle) East showing the locations within Iran of the major Bronze and Iron Age sites of Susa and Tepe Sialk.

NASA Blue Marble true-colour global imagery [1km resolution] 2) Relative locations of Susa and Sialk on either side of the Zagros mountains (green ridges running diagonally across the image). Landsat image,30m resolution, circa 1990, with Band 7 displayed as red, Band 4 as green and Band 2 as blue. 3) Location of Susa within the irrigated alluvial plain of Khuzestan, a well-watered plain between the Persian Gulf to the south and the Zagros mountains to the north. Landsat TM imagery provided by NASA. 4) Position of Susa (now visible as the pink oval within the box) on the River, between the larger Karkheh and Dez rivers. 5) Enlarged segment of the previous image, showing areas of the site identifiable on the image. Site List Susa: ArchAtlas VRML. Detail.


Elam. Histoire de l'art en proche orient: Le temps des villages et des villes. Sommaire Nous aborderons successivement l'étude de l`histoire de l`art des pays suivants : Turquie, Syrie, Liban, Israel/Palestine, Irak, Iran, archipel de Bahrein (Dilmun), Oman (pays de Magan), et pour certaines périodes : Asie centrale (Bactriane), Chypre, Afrique du nord et Indus (Melukha). Une approche succincte de la géographie de la région est nécessaire avant d'aborder l'art de ces différents pays. zones de plaine : 1 Temps des villages 1.1 période mésolithique et néolithique (~10.000~à ~5.000) La néolithisation au Proche Orient est remarquablement précoce. La zone où la néolithisation s’est mise en place et s’est cantonnée un certain temps, est limitée par l’arc montagneux que constitue au nord-est le Zagros, au nord le Taurus, à l’ouest la chaîne littorale qui relie l’Amanus au Sinaï.

Les premiers villages préagricoles entre 10000 et 8300 avant J. Par leur habitat, les Natoufiens sont à la charnière entre 2 mondes: On distingue dans le PPN trois sous-classes a, b et c. Çatal Hüyük.


Catal Höyük, Turquie. "This figurine depicts a seated figure and was hailed as a typical Catal hoyuk 'Mother Goddess'. In fact it is unusual in a number of ways... it's one of the smallest ever found at the site... although this figure has a bulging stomach, it has no breasts... this figure has a hole in the top of the body for the attachment of a head, which is missing. The figurine is complete and undamaged.

" Some of the anthropomorphic figurines have removable heads, in similarity to the headless figures in the wall paintings. (5) It is worth noting in relation to this that the bodies of the dead inhabitants of Çatal höyük were often decapitated. Several of the female-goddess figurines on Malta also show this same design feature. Vulture worship - In many of the shrines the walls were adorned with enormous skeletal representations of vultures. Bull Worship - The discovery of evidence of 'Bull veneration' at this early time in prehistory is not uncommon.