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My Interview With APM – PMO. Recently, I did an interview for some friends with the Association of Project Management in the UK.

My Interview With APM – PMO

I wanted to share this interview with you all! Here you go! Welcome to the Association for Project Management PMO SIG web interview. Today we have Laura Barnard, the CEO of PMO Strategies. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Laura is the Founder and CEO of PMO Strategies, and has spent more than 20 years creating impactful and sustainable change for a broad range of organizations, from non-profits to global financial institutions.

Laura believes that project managers are uniquely positioned to assist non-profit organizations in having a greater impact in the local community. 7 Best Practices for PMOs. Photo Credit: Gallo Images/Thinkstock There’s a little bit of ‘karma’ associated with this blog post.

7 Best Practices for PMOs

I sat down to write the post – a post ostensibly to be (onl... Posted in: People, Planet, Profits & Projects NOTE: This post is not an endorsement of any political candidate! PMO Templates Archives - PM Majik. One of the aims of a PMO is to standardize tools and processes.

PMO Templates Archives - PM Majik

One of the core ways that this can be achieved is through the design and implementation of PMO Templates. This post provides an overview. PMO Tools Archives - PM Majik. The last post, Project and PMO Lessons Learned Overview, provided an overview of the project lessons learned review process.

PMO Tools Archives - PM Majik

This post and future posts will go into more detail on the different aspects of the process. I also would like to state that I will highlight where there are differences with PMO lessons learned. However, the principles are similar. Remember the objective It is worth taking a moment to remember the objective of conducting the review. The objective is to learn from what has happened (good and bad) so that changes can be made to improve the process in the future. The problem with process: Why your projects and PMOs are failing before they ever get off the ground – PMO. If I read one more PMO article or book that tells me to focus my energy on process first if I want my PMO to be successful, I’m going to be sick.

The problem with process: Why your projects and PMOs are failing before they ever get off the ground – PMO

Process is NOT the answer (well, at least it’s not the first answer)! I’ve seen many PMO leaders spend a year or more putting in place tons of process, plenty of templates, several tools, and a hire a bunch of methodology zealots to come execute it all. You know what happens to those PMOs? They are extinct within two years.

Establishing Project Management Best Practice: Where Do You Start? Establishing Project Management Best Practice: Where Do You Start?

Establishing Project Management Best Practice: Where Do You Start?

~ By Gina Abudi What is a best practice? For some clients, discussion has focused around putting policies and procedures in place for accomplishing projects. PMI: Next Generation PMO and Portfolio Management. How do you build and sustain a PMO for today’s disruptive world?

PMI: Next Generation PMO and Portfolio Management

How do you enhance strategic execution capabilities? How do you transform your PMO to the next level? How do you provide sustainable PMO value and results? This seminar is designed to address these questions and more with real-world PMO and portfolio management practice and experience from leading PMOs worldwide. Besides the foundational elements and the DNA of a PMO, this seminar will outline the steps necessary to enhance your PMO to the next level. This seminar will focus on creating the right environment for portfolio management by providing a framework for project selection, prioritization, oversight and governance. Portfolio and capacity planning. Cathy Liggett – Sales Director, PPM Solutions Our Customers can connect strategic planning with market and business opportunity definitions.

portfolio and capacity planning

When Innovation Teams fail to deliver on their promises, the most frequent explanation is that the strategy was wrong. But the strategy by itself is not often the cause. Strategies most often fail because they aren’t executed well. Either the team isn’t capable of making them happen, or the leaders of the organization misjudge the challenges their teams face in the market place, or both. The right portfolio and capacity planning tool will allow strategic planners to examine multiple scenarios and predict the probability of success within a set of given budgets, constraints and thresholds. The benefits of empowerment are realized as Portfolio Managers redistribute and balance the opportunity portfolio. Our Customers can align product roadmaps to these market opportunities. Power is the rate at which work is accomplished. The Many Faces of Creative Project Reporting. Oh so many ways of reporting information on a project.

The Many Faces of Creative Project Reporting

What’s your favorite? Status reports? Budget health? Financial forecast? Resource forecast? A One Page Overview of Setting Up An Enterprise PMO. With the evolution of Project Management Offices (PMO) within organisations from a department focus to an enterprise focus, many people who are involved in programmes and projects ask “What is an Enterprise PMO?”

A One Page Overview of Setting Up An Enterprise PMO

The core functions of a PMO have expanded as PMO’s have matured within organisations. Initially they were focused on tactical project management tasks and now they are beginning to be more focused at the strategic enterprise level. Building more agile project management offices. Comment Building more agile project management offices By Kris van Riper, Lulio Vargas-CohenApr 16, 2015 While completing projects on time and on budget is a priority for federal project management offices (PMOs), business partner satisfaction often suffers. In fact, CEB research found that, in both the public and private sectors, 70 percent of projects are delivered according to the original budget and deadline, but only 38 percent meet stakeholders’ expectations. Furthermore, our research determined that most PMOs have a significant percentage of portfolio value that is at risk due to troubled projects.

The key to overcoming those challenges lies with project managers (PMs); their performance is the largest driver of achieving business outcomes. Today’s demands require moving from a workforce that is focused strictly on meeting requirements to one with a more entrepreneurial orientation. The rewards for shifting to an entrepreneurial PM workforce are significant. About the Authors. Shepherdwise - Practical, Adaptable Project Management Solutions. Shepherdwise believes that all companies would greatly benefit from developing effective business-driven project capabilities – and for many companies with growing pains, building these capabilities via a Project Management Office (PMO) makes sense. Today, most large companies have a PMO – an enterprise PMO and/or area specific PMOs such as for IT. Though not all PMOs are created equal (a topic of a future post), most companies see their PMOs as indispensable for handling the large volume of projects generated by the company.

So what about the many small to mid-sized companies that don’t yet have a PMO? Do they need one, and if so, WHEN? Establishing a PMO department: An approach to PMO (Program Management Office)