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Vday party ideas

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Recycled "I HEART YOU" Garlands. It's true, I have a hard time tossing out old magazines. Stacks of magazines make me sad because I know that they could become everything from bowls of paper beads, a super cool collage or even a Valentine's Day"I HEART YOU" Garland. For my Valentine's Day party this year, I'm decorating with tons of garlands made from magazine pages and a few pieces of red paper. Instead of buying tons of glitter hearts and pink streamers I'm going to use what I have to make the party magical.

Even if you're having a small dinner for two, these paper garlands will make the night a little more special. Just don't get them too close to your candles. Happy Valentine's Day! Garlands on my patio (Sounds like a country song) Here's the video Here's the quick how-to A little up close shot Scissors Red paper Magazine pages Sewing machine Red thread (if you have it) Rip out a stack of 5 pages Cut them in half Fold the stack of 5 pages in half Cut out stacks of stars Cut out small stars from the red paper.

DIY Giant Balloon Heart. So the other day, I impulsively bought a bag of hot pink balloons at the 99 Cent Store. Because why not!? Of course, since I have the patience of a two year old, I needed to use them ASAP. Thus, the giant balloon heart was born. I mean, not to toot my own horn, but is this not the most fun thing ever!? Balloons just rock my world, and the fact that they just made themselves into this super ginormous heart? Oh, I am in love. Sorry, Jeff, you’ve got big competition right here. Even the unfilled balloons make me giddy! 19 Latex Balloons (I used 9″ balloons. *A note about helium: You may not know but there is actually a helium shortage in the world right now.

If your balloons aren’t already filled with helium, go ahead and fill them up! You are going to form your heart by taping each balloon to the floor with clear tape at different heights and positions. Following the pattern below, tape each balloon to the floor. Step back away from the heart and take a look. BAM! All Photos by Studio DIY. DIY Pipe Cleaner Heart Toppers. Today’s DIY is one of the simplest things I’ve ever done, but I’m completely in love with these sweet little pipe cleaner heart toppers! I picked up a package of these glittery pipe cleaners at the dollar store while scrounging up extra stocking stuffers over the holidays.

They were too cute to not come home. They’ve been sitting around in a drawer for a month or more now, basically begging to be put to good use. Low and behold, these heart toppers were the answer! Supplies - Tinsel pipe cleaners (or the pipe cleaners of your choice)Bamboo skewersScissors or wire/floral clippersHot glue (optional) Remember when I said this was easy? Use the ends of the pipe cleaner to secure the loop in place by simply wrapping one tail and then the other around the skewer. At this point you have a bamboo skewer with a pipe cleaner attached to it. What you’ll be left with is essentially a heart. I chose to serve mine up on top of a short stack of pancakes. The fine print: Please link with love! Paper Heart Garland // made with love. I thought about saving these decorations as a surprise for Valentine’s Day morning, but couldn’t resist the urge to enjoy them all month long. They are so very simple to make, it’s nutty. I crafted these up while catching up on Glee episodes.

Less than two hours, and our kitchen was looking ready to surprise the girls over breakfast. And honestly, the most essential material was the paper cutter. That is what makes this project so quick. MATERIALS: + Paper in the colors of your choosing + Paper cutter + Stapler + Tape (for hanging) DIRECTIONS:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Surprise your loved ones!