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Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI v2.5) Test & Coach Analysis - MaximizeU. Typical completion time: 30-40 minutes Nine personality types, dozens of applications Enneagram tests are popular in the US — with millions of tests taken to date and an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. With its more intuitive approach, the Enneagram is a great fit for relationally-oriented organizational cultures. Our Enneagram for the Workplace assessment applies the insights of this widely-used system to business and team development. The test will accurately assess the nine personality types on your team and help you discover how each team member’s unique type drives their work style, approach to teamwork, communication and leadership style.

How the Enneagram for the Workplace can benefit your business: After the online assessment and report is generated, you will have a 30 minute session with a MaximizeU Coach to go over the results and analyze the assessment and discuss practical implications of the assessment. How do you build and develop Trust as a Leader - MaximizeU. Push back, say No and Delegate effectively - MaximizeU. When You Want Something in Life - MaximizeU. Take Responsibility and Ownership. Human Transformation Consultant - MaximizeU.

Mental Wellness is Key. Forgiveness Has Power. Moving Forward Step by Step. Build a Firm Foundation-by Sal Celly - MaximizeU. Impact of a positive mindset. Developing Emotional Intelligence. What's keeping you from being Happy - MaximizeU. When Faced with an Obstacle, What do you do? - MaximizeU. What is causing your stress & handling it effectively - MaximizeU. Mental Health | Wellbeing | Mindfulness Courses Online - MaximizeU. There are multiple dimensions of our life- work, competencies and skills, spiritual, relationships, health and wellness, finances, relationships etc. For us to lead a more fulfilled and balanced life, and improve our mental wellness, these dimensions need to be developed and working in harmony with each other.

Improve your knowledge by learning at your own pace in your preferred format. We have mental health and wellness courses online and in-person, that focus on improving mindfulness, overall health and impact. With a combination of video, audio, written content, articles, blogs, Q&A and more, the content is presented in an engaging, intuitive and immersive format which enables learning and understanding.

We have multiple courses & K-12 School solutions across 3 categories-Leadership and Team Management, Sales and Negotiation and the Fundamentals to Leading a Balanced Life. Jordan’s Success video. Customized Coaching at Maximize U. The critical role of Discomfort - MaximizeU. The critical role of Discomfort - MaximizeU. Developing Emotional Intelligence - MaximizeU. Importance positive mindset and attitude on a balanced life - MaximizeU. Your Thoughts Have Power - MaximizeU. Why Cultural Intelligence or CQ is critical? - MaximizeU.

Developed Skill Through The Sales And Negotiation Program.