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Open Learning Initiative. MathTV - Videos By Topic. Free Online Courses From Top Universities. - World of Math Online. Free Online Courses From Top Universities. VideoLectures.NET - VideoLectures.NET.

Welcome to IMABI! - IMABI. Annenberg Learner - Teacher Professional Development. Make high school easy - Math, Science, English, SAT, ACT, college application help - Brightstorm. Tarrou's Chalk Talk. Learn French with free online lessons. What is All This “AJATT” Nonsense? Find Out When You Get Nutshell: The Entire AJATT Method Condensed Into 1 Page. Hey, what’s up?

What is All This “AJATT” Nonsense? Find Out When You Get Nutshell: The Entire AJATT Method Condensed Into 1 Page

What exactly is the AJATT (“All Japanese All The Time”) method? That question doesn’t have a short — or permanent — answer. Nor, in my opinion, should it. Why? Because it’s always evolving, and people always need clarification. — that’s this site — has grown quite a bit over the years, from its humble beginnings in 2006 to its arrogant, bombastic, decadent present.

So what? Easy now. So there you are. But now you’re here and you’re just confused. Short answer: Nutshell. Nutshell? In college, I read a slim volume by a man named Adam Robinson (the man who more or less invented the (SAT) test prep industry), called What Smart Students Know. Nutshell is basically that. Me going out and changing existing blog posts after the fact, no matter how old, would be an exercise in utter folly. Nutshell, on the other hand, is made to be broken: updated and modified regularly. ‘Bet you’re excited now, aren’t ya? Learn Japanese by playing games! iKnow! - Learn faster and remember longer - iKnow! - iKnow! Online Japanese Language and Culture Resource. Answers » Ask Questions. Get Answers. Tofugu – A Japanese Language & Culture Blog.

Learn Japanese Language. Japanese Language Stack Exchange. Oxford Owl - Welcome. Read Theory Workbooks. English Worksheets. CSDN.NET - 全球最大中文IT社区,为IT专业技术人员提供最全面的信息传播和服务平台. Welcome to MRUniversity. Home - MOOC Campus. Education. Education Spanning five schools — architecture and planning; engineering; humanities, arts, and social sciences; management; and science — and more than 30 departments and programs, an education at MIT covers more than just science and technology.


Arts, business, global languages, health and more complete an education at MIT, and the Institute makes freely available its class lecture notes, exams and videos through MIT's OpenCourseWare and complete courses are offered through the new online-learning initiative, edX. schools School of Architecture and Planning School of Engineering School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Sloan School of Management School of Science. MOOC自习教室小组. My Blog. 随着常数 m 和 n 的变化,参数方程 x = sin(m · t), y = sin(n · t) 将会画出一系列漂亮的曲线。

My Blog

法国物理学家 Jules Antoine Lissajous 曾在 1857 年研究过这类曲线,因此人们把它叫做 Lissajous 曲线。 我在 reddit 上看到了一个 Lissajous 曲线的动画演示,觉得看起来确实非常爽;但那个动画里没有解释曲线的生成方法,很多细节也有让人不太满意的地方,于是决定自己制作一个。 这个动画展示的是 m = 13, n = 18 时的 Lissajous 曲线。 2016 年 7 月 30 日至 8 月 7 日,第 39 届欧洲杂耍大会(European Juggling Convention)在荷兰的阿尔梅勒举行, 8 月 3 日凌晨的搏击之夜(Fight Night)自然再度成为了众人关注的焦点——它是杂耍斗(combat juggling)这项运动最大的赛事。 在杂耍斗的圈子里,有两个响当当的大名你必须要知道:德国选手 Jochen Pfeiffer 目前世界排名第二,之前拿过 6 次搏击之夜的冠军;英国选手 Luke Burrage 目前世界排名第一,之前拿过 8 次搏击之夜的冠军。 杂耍斗是一种两人对战类的体育运动。 典型的一局比赛大致就像下面这样。 TED: Ideas worth spreading. 果壳任意门 - 发现你最爱的网站. 18個月週記系列. 自然笔记. MBA智库百科,全球最大的中文经管百科. Quora. 关注互联网创业. 果壳网 科技有意思. 知乎. 译言网. 一起分享好内容. 星空天文网·太阳系.