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Mridula Tandon Walk with Me - a day in SAKSHI.cec NGO Centres across Delhi NCR.mp4. Best NGO in NOIDA PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:10386902. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds..

Best NGO in NOIDA PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:10386902

Best NGO in Gurgaon | Best NGO in NOIDA PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations Email Sent Successfully Embed Code Embed Code Copied... Link Download Presentation Presentation Transcript. Pin on Best NGO in Delhi. Best NGO In INDIA Support Educating Underprivileged Children. Sakshi NGO is one of the Best NGO INDIA.

Best NGO In INDIA Support Educating Underprivileged Children

It offers a platform to educate under underprivileged children across the country. working with tireless dedication in the field of education, health and comm... unity development which we believe are the areas of greatest need and deserve. We are best ngo in delhi to offer a positive direction and a healthier approach towards their life. Education, Health, Child Development, Water & Sanitation, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality, are all of major importance in the community and the basic building block in any effort towards these goals is Education. We do this through well planned by doing comprehensive programs in our different kind of visions like Basic education, Protection, Proper healthcare, Healthy environment for their better livelihoods for more details: 91-9811233595 #Best_NGO_India Did you work on this visual?

Get a Quote. Pin on empowering girl. Best NGO in India - Sakshi NGO by Sakshingo. Exclusive interview with Mridula Satish Tandon on sexual violence_480p. Best NGO in India For Empowering Girl child. NGO in Delhi: Working for better life of Underprivileged. Best NGO in Delhi - Helps to Improve poor Women and Children Life. Empowering Girl child for the future. Awareness is the most important face of promoting girl child education.

Empowering Girl child for the future

Education is an important tool that enables women and girls to participate in decisions that affect their lives and in improving... their social status. Inequality about girl child is a vast problem which includes many areas like inequality in education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, protection, honour, child marriage and so many.then we are organised the awareness campaigns on empowering girl child and creating a healthy and safe environment for a girl child.

It can also be a personal endeavour to improve the quality of education by sponsoring a child and undertaking the responsibility of educating her. A personal touch always works wonders when it comes to maintaining a quality of life and education for the child. . We also run vocational training for girls in order to earn sufficient income after their study and skill development training for more details: 91-9811233595 Get a Quote. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the work place. Need of more focus on girl empowerment. In the past month we have celebrated national girl child day.

Need of more focus on girl empowerment

The day was an initiative of the ministry of women and child development. It was inaugurated with the objective to provide support and opportunities to the girls of India. It also aims towards promoting awareness about the rights of the girl child and to increase awareness on the importance of girl education, and their health and nutrition. Empowering Girl child. Empowering Girl child for a Brighter Tomorrow. Sakshingo - Best NGO in Delhi. Girls Empowerment is very important for powerful society buildup. There is extreme important of women and youth in building healthy society.

Girls Empowerment is very important for powerful society buildup

Data states that women and youth lead the voice of India. Gender equality and women empowerment can give us victory over violence, war and negativity. But Speeches and slogans will not change the social situation. Best NGO INDIA. Best NGO in INDIA by Sakshingo. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the work place by Sakshingo. Sakshi NGO - Best NGO in INDIA. Education programmes for underprivileged children. Education for all is the necessary weapon to break the cycle of poverty.

Education programmes for underprivileged children

The ongoing circumstances have enforced safety and precaution regulation to avoid physical contact and spread of the Virus. Schools have stayed shut and education has moved online. Our SAKSHI education program is ensuring that children from rural and remote areas continue learning during the global pandemic even while schools are shut and they can’t go outside for schooling. We are providing e-lessons through WhatsApp to such underprivileged children.

Yet there are many children whose families cannot afford smartphones. SAKSHI EDUCATION CENTRE at Bhawani Enclave, Gurgaon continues its education program for the underprivileged children from marginalized communities through online classes and house to house staff visits. समाज देश और दुनिया में महिलाओं और युवाओं की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका समाज देश और दुनिया में महिलाओं और युवाओं की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है ।

समाज देश और दुनिया में महिलाओं और युवाओं की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका

चाहे वो शांति बनाए रखने की बात हो या संस्कृति को बचाए रखने की बात हो । आंकड़े बताते हैं कि महिलाएं और युवा वैश्विक आबादी के बहुमत का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं । समय के साथ लोगों के विचारों में परिवर्तन लाने और संस्थाएं कैसे बेहतर काम करें…इस दिशा में महिलाएं और युवा अपना योगदान दे सकते हैं । Easy-To-Use Content & Distribution Tools. COVID-19 Pandemic: SAKSHI NGO is Responding. SAKSHI NGO, is on the ground reaching out to the most marginalized, especially the stranded migrant workers in cities and the workers who have reached home with no source of income and a bleak future.

COVID-19 Pandemic: SAKSHI NGO is Responding

We are also reaching out to the homeless, the migrants and the rag pickers who have no access to ration or shelter. With over 5.40 million confirmed cases and over 3.49 lakh deaths worldwide, the COVID-19 is impacting lives in ways that the world has been unable to fathom, leave alone deal with. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19, a pandemic on March 11, 2020. In India, over 1.51 lakh people are infected with the Novel Corona virus and over 4000 have died. These numbers are increasing with every passing day. However, what the lockdown did was to render millions of migrant workers jobless, without money, without food and without any transportation to return home.

Sexual Harassment at work Place: what is the solution? When popular people blame someone for sexual harassment at the workplace then it creates sensational news.

Sexual Harassment at work Place: what is the solution?

Both the victim and accused circulate in media. Electronic and social media runs and circulate the news for some time out of which some cases get proved and some get obsolete from the scene. But the situation of common women is worse than celebrities. Skill Development and training centres for underprivileged Workers. Education and skill development goes parallel to earn basic livelihood and stand on own feet.

Skill Development and training centres for underprivileged Workers

Sakshi NGO has taken many initiatives for upbringing skill of migrant workers, women or girls. Proceeding on this path Sakshi NGO has taken a new initiative in December month with Inauguration of Sakshi Skill Development & Creche Centre at Dundahera, Udyog Vihar Phase-1, Gurugram, Haryana Due to the COVID pandemic, migrant communities have no work, so SAKSHI Sustainable Livelihoods Project has opened the centre and enrolled migrant workers. This step will give a choice of enrolling for training in either Garment Stitching or Mobile repairing.

Subsequent to their completing the training, the workers will be provided employment in different companies. The Creche is for children of the trainees, thus enabling single parents / women to come for training after admitting their children to the Creche. Motive behind Initiative. Best NGO in Gurgaon. Sakshingo is one of the Best NGO in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. Our purpose of existence is to enhance the lives of disadvantaged children and women, and to offer a positive direction and a healthier ap... proach towards their life. Education, Health, Child Development, Water & Sanitation, Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality, are all of major importance in the community and the basic building block in any effort towards these goals is Education. for more details: 91-9811233595 Did you work on this visual? Claim credit! Get a Quote. Best NGO in Gurgaon. Your little contribution can make festivals of needy people really happy. The world wide pandemic has devastated the situation of poor people more than earlier.

Especially those who are out of reach from any help or live in extremely remote areas. Despite of many social reforms and NGO activities, mostly population lacks the basic necessity of life. Our primary focus is to equip them with all the basic necessary tools as education, healthcare, safety and nutritive foods. With all these facilities they can gain personal growth and contribute towards society and country’s growth. As festive seasons are approaching and after many months some joyful moments can bring happiness in their life. Here are some ways through which you can contribute your bit in fighting against poverty. Best NGO in India. Best ngo in india. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the work place.

Best NGO India. Prevention of Women from Sexual harassment at Work Place. Sexual harassment at the Workplace is a world-wide problem whether in developing or developed nations. What is Sexual harassment? It is unexpected or unwelcomed behavior by individuals towards him/her. It is a problem that impacts the mental state of men and women both very negatively, so this problem is becoming a serious problem everywhere. The problem becomes more severe when it gets related to senior management or top-level officers at the workplace/ field of work simultaneously. It may include many things as: · Attempt of sexual assault · Unwanted staring, touching, leaning over, cornering or pinching · Unmannered jokes, sexual teasing, jokes or remarks · Whistling at someone. A Salute to the spirit and selfless dedication of NGO workers. The lockdown and world-wide pandemic had affected the lives of everybody but some of the most vulnerable communities across the country, such as migrant workers, daily wage earners, under privileged children, single mothers and artisans are impacted severely.

It is to cushion the impact of the crisis on these sections, and to ensure their access to essentials, that not-for-profit organizations are sending out appeals for funds. Despite a crunch of funds, non-profit organizations have risen up to the occasion, to provide food, rations and hygiene kits to the poor, along with awareness generation about the virus and preventing its spread. We at Sakshi NGO are educating people on social distancing, norms to prevent virus from spreading, importance of hygiene and sanitation in this time, helping to combat the stigma, providing shelter and setting up community kitchens for those in need. We have distributed rations and cooked food wherever it was possible. Like this: Like Loading... Giving with Compassion. This Festive season lets light up the lives Last few months have been devastating for many of us.

However, now that the festive season has begun, lets shed our inhibitions and make this a safe and happy Diwali for everyone. We at Sakshi are making our continuous efforts to make it a healthy and safe festival for each one of us in the communities. You too can help us in continuing the chain and reach those in need to celebrate like you, me and us. How to improve child nutrition programs and address underprivileged children. Embed Code. Prevention of sexual harassment at workplace. Best ngo in india. How to improve child nutrition programs and address underprivileged children. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the work place.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the workplace. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Work Place. Pin on Best NGO in Gurgaon. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Work Place. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Work Place. Empowering Girl Child. Meals for underprivileged children. Donate for Migrant Relief. Empowering girl child. Best NGO in Gurgaon. Best ngo in india. Educate underprivileged children. Best NGO in NOIDA. Empowering girl child. Pin on Best NGO in Gurgaon. Best NGO in Delhi. Educate underprivileged children. COVID-19 Relief program-Sakshi NGO – SAKSHI COVID19 Community Awareness Campaign. SAKSHI COVID 19 RELIEF PROGRAM provides for and benefits the marginalized and underprivileged communities in many different ways. We are also broadening the scope of our activities related to the COVID19 RELIEF PROGRAM in response to the changing situation and based on the Community’s needs.

A vital component to strengthening the war against COVID19, the SAKSHICOVID19 Community Awareness Campaign which creates Awareness about the Corona Virus and its impact on the community, Precaution and Prevention of its spreading thus contains the spread of Corona Virus. A comprehensive SAKSHI Community Awareness Campaign has been launched in partnership with Rio Tinto (Singapore) and CAF India in Gurugram district, Haryana.

The Program will include -distribution of IEC material (pamphlets, leaflets), Print Electronic and Digital media, and wall paintings. The community members will be given training on using the Aarogya Setu app; Like this: Like Loading... Empowering the girl child. Meals for underprivileged children. COVID-19 Relief programs-Sakshi NGO – Appreciation and Acknowledgement from Shri Manish Sisodia, Dy Chief Minister of Delhi NCR. The enormity of the tragedy in the wake of the global pandemic has left a devastating trail of impoverishment and deprivation. Our burning desire to help those in need met with the help of so many known and unknown faces.

Our COVID RELIEF Program expands daily and adds new dimensions to the basic core as needs arise daily. Meals for under priviliged children. Project Overview. Pin on Best NGO India.