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37,000 Year Old Art Reveals Complex Lives of Early Humans. Brain may not be hard wired to link numbers and space. New Ancestor Grasped At Walking. Using Chemistry to Understand Ancient Migration and Social Interaction. Science News. Is Your Language Making You Broke and Fat? How Language Can Shape Thinking and Behavior (and How It Can’t) Rethinking the social structure of ancient Eurasian nomads. Anthropological view of globalization at the local scale. Neanderthals Used Red Ochre Pigment 250,000 Years Ago. 20,000-Year-Old Buildings Discovered in Jordan. On Overconfidence. The social and biological construction of race. Will is Power… from the Selfish Gene to the Transcendence of the Human Being.

42,000 year old Neanderthal art found. Analysis of 2,135 of the world’s known languages traces evolution of human communication. Science News. The many unexpected sides of romantic love. Neanderthals had differently organised brains. Anthropologists clarify link between Asians and early Native-Americans. Stone Age Social Networks May Have Resembled Ours. [VIDEO] - New study of hunter-gatherers suggests social networks sparked evolution of cooperation. Dawn of social networks: Ancestors may have formed ties with both kin and non-kin based on shared attributes. Neanderthals and their contemporaries engineered stone tools, anthropologists discover. Neanderthals were using paint 250,000 years ago - 'thousands of years earlier than previously thought' How Long Will Everyone Think Your Baby is Adorable?

From Conservation to Crowdsourcing: A Typology of Citizen Science. The erectus within? Archaeologists find clues to Neanderthal extinction. Do some cultures have their own ways of going mad? [EXCELLENT VIDEO] TO UNDERSTAND IS TO PERCEIVE PATTERNS. » How the Brain Spots Faces.