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Invitations + Hadyas

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Art Party Invitations by ThePreppyLadybug. Let's Paint Birthday Party Invitations Art by pisforpartypapers. Lulastic and the hippyshake. I am pretty lucky with my job (community and activism campaigner with an international development charity) in that it involves as much creativity as I can handle.

Lulastic and the hippyshake

I get to work with loads of inspirational people- like the Craftivist Collective who are just subversively, cross stitchingly fabulous. But one of the other top bits of my job is the team I work with who are so crafty and creative, and, as I type, are in the corner of the office baking chocolate cakes in the microwave. Yes, we may have a brand new government, cabinet ministers may be being declared every half an hour, the future of the political landscape shifting every moment, but hey, you know what? Baking is important too. One mug. Baking taking place on our special coffee table, a massive round bit of wood left over from the Make Poverty History campaign. *4 Tablespoons cake flour. A Cup of Coffee Cake (in Under Five Minutes) I don’t love chocolate.

A Cup of Coffee Cake (in Under Five Minutes)

BLASPHEMY I KNOW! It just doesn’t do it for me, what can I say? I do, however, love me some cinammon. And some crumbles. And some crumb-topping, if you will. But okay, I don’t always feel like making a giant coffee cake and eating it for three days straight until it’s gone. So I messed around with ingredients, a measuring spoon, and a microwave, to see if I could create a crumbly, cinnamony coffee cake in a cup that could be made in a microwave in about five minutes at 11 p.m. while i watched The Notebook for the 5,000th time (hey girl, don’t even try to pretend you don’t love Ryan Gosling, I won’t hear it). Get my five minute cup-of-coffee-cake recipe after the jump… While you’re at your microwave, head on over to Jaime’s Lazy Late Night Cooking Corner on our YouTube channel for more microwave treats like, Single Serve Cinnamon Roll, Rice Krispy Treat, Blueberry Cobbler, and Strawberry Shortcake for Two. Well, first you’ll need a cup.

Add a tablespoon of butter. Chalkboard-mugs.jpg (5120×2880) The Gift of Art (DIY Art Box and Free Artwork Download. Box gobelet en carton. Bonjour, Voici une sympathique façon de fabriquer des petites boites, facile comme tout et comme j'aime vous le proposer.

box gobelet en carton

Les enfants aimeront personnaliser leur boites, les remplir de friandises, chocolats ou petit cadeau. Ces petites boites peuvent également servir pour un mariage, baptême, anniversaire etc.... Des gobelets en carton, il en existe de jolis avec des motifs, ou des unis comme ici. J'ai tout d'abord décoré certains gobelets avant de les couper, ceux où l'on doit dessiner ou peindre, parce que c'est plus rigide donc plus facile surtout pour les bambins. Ensuite j'ai coupé comme ci-dessous. Pour savoir ou couper, plier le haut en deux et couper aux marques, placer les deux coupes en face et plier à nouveau, ensuite couper entre chaque coupe à égale distance.

Pour la hauteur de coupe, mon gobelet fait 7 de diam, j'ai donc coupé sur 3 cm. Je me suis amusée à faire différents modèles, les possibilités sont nombreuses, 582 DIY Colorful Crayons Box Boy Party by SillyMonkeyPrints. Crayola crayon party invitations. After helping Chica peel crayons for handing out at the craft fair, we had a few actual Crayola crayon boxes left over.

Crayola crayon party invitations

I started thinking of what I could do with some of the leftover, unpeeled crayons and the empty boxes, and decided they would make a great party invitation. Even though I didn’t have a party to plan for my own daughters any time soon, I went ahead and made up one of the invitations to share with you. I’m also going to show my sister-in-law so she can use it for my niece’s upcoming birthday. Crayons Art Paint Craft Birthday Party Invitations.