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藤井袋物作品集: メッセージを加えて心が伝わるお手伝いをさせていただきます。 Monitor: Can Twitter predict the future? E. Coli Outbreak Reaches Deadliest on Record as Kidneys Fail. (Updates with death toll in second paragraph.) June 3 (Bloomberg) -- E. coli that has sickened thousands in Europe has become the deadliest outbreak of the bacteria on record as a rare strain is causing kidney failure in unprecedented numbers, U.S. health officials said. At least 18 people have died and 1,823 cases have been reported, according to the World Health Organization in Geneva. The number of reported cases is based on hospital records, and the actual number of infections may be 10 or more times higher, said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. The strain circulating in Germany and nine other European countries produces a toxin not usually seen in E. coli that can damage the kidneys and other organs.

Germany alone has reported 520 cases of the kidney ailment and officials advised against eating raw tomatoes, cucumbers and leafy salads. U.S. The U.S. ‘Alarming Standstill’ Novel Bug? ‘Overstated’ U.S. WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk. Cell phone use 'possibly carcinogenic' NEW: Experts say there are ways to minimize cell phone radiation It's in the same "hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroformUntil now, WHO has said no adverse health effects have been establishedThe cell phone industry maintains that there is no conclusive evidence of danger (CNN) -- Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization.

The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. Before its announcement Tuesday, WHO had assured consumers that no adverse health effects had been established. A team of 31 scientists from 14 countries, including the United States, made the decision after reviewing peer-reviewed studies on cell phone safety. The team found enough evidence to categorize personal exposure as "possibly carcinogenic to humans. " Is your cell phone safe? Dr. How to use your cell phone safely. Possible Pyramids Discovered From Space. Hide captionA satellite image shows a field of what may be buried pyramid sites in Egypt. Courtesy of DigitalGlobe Images A satellite image shows a field of what may be buried pyramid sites in Egypt. hide captionSarah Parcak examines satellite imagery of an Egyptian landscape.

Courtesy of BBC Sarah Parcak examines satellite imagery of an Egyptian landscape. When you think archeology, you think shovels, brushes, brooms and other time-honored tools used to uncover archeological treasures. Now a new way to peer beneath the Earth's surface may have made an exciting find: more pyramids, buried deep under an ancient Egyptian city. By studying infrared images taken by NASA satellites, Sarah Parcak and her team from the University of Alabama at Birmingham identified the suspected pyramids in Tanis, Egypt. "What these satellites do is they record light radiation that's reflected off the surface of the Earth in different parts of the light spectrum," Parcak explains to NPR's Rachel Martin.

Germany: Ten die from E.coli-infected cucumbers. 28 May 2011Last updated at 23:38 It is unclear whether the cucumbers were infected at source or in transit The death toll in Germany from an outbreak of E.coli caused by infected cucumbers has risen to at least 10. The cucumbers, believed to have been imported from Spain, were contaminated with E.coli which left people ill with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).

Hundreds of people are said to have fallen sick. Officials in the Czech Republic said the cucumbers may also have been exported there, as well as to Austria, Hungary and Luxembourg. Adults at risk The aggressive form of E.coli is known to cause kidney failure and affect the central nervous system. Most of the cases have been in the area around Hamburg. The Sweden-based European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said this outbreak was "one of the largest described of HUS worldwide and the largest ever reported in Germany".

HUS cases have also been reported in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK - linked to German travel. The Water Industry: A Massive Market Bubbles to the Surface. At this year's H2O Global Water Summit in Toronto, Canada, two hundred of the world's leading water companies and authorities gathered to assess the latest market developments. The event provided a telling barometer of opportunities and challenges in the water industry. It's an interesting time to appraise the "blue segment" of green business. Over the past year, we have seen a torrent of water-related events that broadly impact society and industry: the Gulf oil spill; the completion of China's controversial Three Gorges Dam; the Mississippi flooding; and, most recently, the breakthrough of "Big Becky" under Niagara Falls. Big Becky is massive drill that has been boring bedrock for five years to provide hydroelectric energy to Canada.

It is the largest renewable project of its kind in the world. Despite these headline events, water has taken a back seat in sustainable business and cleantech. The Current Market Need is Growing -- Fast Water quality is equally pressing. フェイスブックノートデザイン. 世界のビールを飲み干すベトナム人 | ビジネス. 『江戸の卵は1個400円!』 - 成毛眞ブログ. 数センチの地殻変動も測定 東北大などGPSで海底監視. 海上保安庁や東北大学など官学の機関が巨大地震を引き起こす地殻変動をとらえるため、海底観測の精度向上に力を入れている。 全地球測位システム(GPS)や高性能水圧計の技術を応用すれば、数センチメートルの微小変動も測定可能で、東日本大震災では海底が大きく変化したことを突き止めた。 観測点を増やせば、地震発生のメカニズム解明だけでなく、近い将来高い確率で起きるとされる東海、東南海地震の予測にも役立つかもしれないと期待される。 ■基地局の設置偏る 海上保安庁、東北大、名古屋大学のグループはGPSを応用して2000年ごろから本格的な観測を始めた。

GPSで位置を特定した船から海底基地局へ音波を発信、跳ね返ってくるまでの時間から距離を割り出す。 船を動かしながら測定を繰り返す。 海底の観測精度は当初の1メートル程度から数センチに「飛躍的に高まった」(海上保安庁海洋情報部の佐藤まりこ主任研究官)。 東日本大震災の引き金となった海側の太平洋プレートのもぐりこみで、陸側の北米プレートは西に年間約8センチ動いたことが分かっていた。 海底基地局は東北沖から東海、東南海地震の想定震源域の紀伊半島沖まで計30カ所に設置済み。 一方、海洋研究開発機構のグループは高性能水圧計を使い紀伊半島沖、北海道十勝沖などの観測を強化している。 ■地震予測に期待 10年12月に起きた父島沖のマグニチュード(M)7.4の地震では、わずか1センチの津波も検知できた。 海底は陸上に比べて変動を起こす地殻に近いため、わずかな動きや前兆をとらえやすいとされる。 関連キーワード 大震災、巨大地震、地殻変動、海底観測、全地球測位システム、海底基地局、東南海地震. 「地震と共存する文化を」~衆議院で石橋教授が原発震災を強く警告(全文) - 気になるニュースファイル. 中国、日本企業に海外旅行業務ライセンス 温首相表明. エアコン設計にみる昭和的発想 - Chikirinの日記. 改札エラー防止!『アイクレバーカード』が便利. 1つストレスが減りました! 電車に乗る際、いちいち切符を買うのはスマートじゃないので、私は2枚のICカードを使います。 しかしこの2枚を財布に入れていると、エラーで改札を通れないことが頻繁に起こりました。

後ろにいる人に何度もイヤな顔をされ、なんとも申し訳ない気分。 かといって、わざわざ財布からカードを出すのも面倒です。 ところが、最近それを解決する便利グッズを手に入れ、ついに解決したのです! アイクレバーカードで改札エラーにサヨナラ これです。 要は、電磁波を遮断するカード。 2枚のカードを使い分けることのできる財布や定期入れも売っていますが、自分の気に入った財布を使いたいので、このカードタイプを選びました。 カードが二枚入ってます。 こんな順番で財布や定期入れに入れておけば、 A側を改札にかざすとTOICAだけ反応B側をかざせばmanacaだけが反応してくれるのです。 値段が安いのも良いですね(同種のもので倍の値段するものもあり)。 これを使い始めてから今のところエラーゼロです! オススメ便利アイテム 関連リンク 今日の名言 zenback読み込み中です。