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Manhattan's Beat. EN1CT.jpg (1879×864) 1 день осени - #...madagaskar stone forest. Images. Artist Daniel Dociu. Daniel Dociu is Chief Art Director for ArenaNet, the North American wing of NCSoft.

Artist Daniel Dociu

Projects in which he participated: Guild Wars, Need for Speed, FIFA Soccer, MechWarrior, James Bond 007. Great architecture, fantastic and bright world you can see in his beautiful artworks. Sistine Chapel. 50 Beautiful and Stunning Animal Photography. Photo Essay: The World’s Most Spectacular Roads, Vol. 2. THE FAMOUS SPANISH WRITER Miguel de Cervantes once said “The journey is better than the inn.”

Photo Essay: The World’s Most Spectacular Roads, Vol. 2

While a lot of the world’s roads are boring strips of pavement that are merely connecting Point A to Point B, there are still a few roads in the world that provide a spectacular enough journey that no final destination could possibly be better than them. This list is a part two to a previous piece on the world’s most spectacular roads, and it’s based almost entirely on readers comments from that piece. Are there any that we missed? One good polar bear story... (thanks JB) - helen's posterous.