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Sage Advice provides wholesome guidance and support to people in times of need. To be a springboard for their aspirations and thoughts, as they travel along their great journey of life. Our mission is to help people through counseling. Start a chat session, or book an appointment now at

Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach. A Great Counselling Session is transformative!

Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach

‘There are no coincidences, only divine appointments!’ At Sage Advice, we witness this comes true so often when a great counselling session has a life-altering impact on someone’s life. As the pandemic continues to linger, reluctantly but surely, many interactions, consultation work, therapy and counselling have moved online. These models are thriving and benefitting people, especially those whose geographic location was a great impediment when it came to gaining access to experts. Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach. A Great Counselling Session is transformative!

Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach

‘There are no coincidences, only divine appointments!’ At Sage Advice, we witness this comes true so often when a great counselling session has a life-altering impact on someone’s life. As the pandemic continues to linger, reluctantly but surely, many interactions, consultation work, therapy and counselling have moved online. These models are thriving and benefitting people, especially those whose geographic location was a great impediment when it came to gaining access to experts. Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach.

A Great Counselling Session is transformative!

Online Counselling & Emotional Wellness Coach

‘There are no coincidences, only divine appointments!’ At Sage Advice, we witness this comes true so often when a great counselling session has a life-altering impact on someone’s life. As the pandemic continues to linger, reluctantly but surely, many interactions, consultation work, therapy and counselling have moved online. Sage Advice. ‘There are no coincidences, only divine appointments!’

Sage Advice

At Sage Advice, we witness this comes true so often when a great counselling session has a life-altering impact on someone’s life. As the pandemic continues to linger, reluctantly but surely, many interactions, consultation work, therapy and counselling have moved online. These models are thriving and benefitting people, especially those whose geographic location was a great impediment when it came to gaining access to experts. There is always a hesitancy when one approaches a counselling service for the first time. But a good counsellor will work her magic right in the first session and allay all doubts. Sage Advice. We live in an era of superfoods; with exercise regimens, people are achieving supreme fitness levels.

Sage Advice

Great hacks for physical fitness are just a scroll, swipe and a click away on our smartphones. What is harder to come by is advice for wellness, which is truly an inside out phenomena. True wellness is achieved when the mind is unruffled and calm. Great sportspersons report that ‘peak performance’ is only achieved in a state of perfect inner stillness. Sage Advice. As uncertainty regarding an impending third wave of COVID-19 looms large over our heads like dark monsoon clouds, we are all trying to claim our lives back.

Sage Advice

Careers, social-connect, vacations and travel, we are all aching to roll back to normalcy. Experts are assuring us, history is providing evidence that the end of the nightmare is near. And this very thing is testing our patience. If you also feel you have also been stretched to the limit and the strain of the past year and half has left you fatigued and exhausted, you are not alone.

Sage Advice. Counsellors at SageAdvice have been closely observing the rising stress levels among teenagers.

Sage Advice

They have been reaching out to educational institutions with strong warnings. Here are some of the key areas that are resulting in increased anxiety and uncertainty among students. Research indicates online classes with prolonged screen time have depleted their ability to concentrate, absorb concepts, and retain the taught material, leading to an erosion of confidence and self-belief.

An uptick in google search for a student therapist is a clear indicator that they are reaching out for help. Sage Advice. Impact of negative media on suicide Stats on Suicide In 2019, India alone reported over 1.39 lakh cases of suicide, out of which, over 90 thousand were committed by youngsters, according to the latest data which was released by National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB).

Sage Advice

Compared to the previous year, we have seen a jump of 4% in the cases. Of the youngsters who took their life, 7% were struggling with some form of mental health issue. Sage Advice. Impact of negative media on suicide Stats on Suicide In 2019, India alone reported over 1.39 lakh cases of suicide, out of which, over 90 thousand were committed by youngsters, according to the latest data which was released by National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB).

Sage Advice

Compared to the previous year, we have seen a jump of 4% in the cases. Of the youngsters who took their life, 7% were struggling with some form of mental health issue. We can clearly see the statistics don’t look good and the stigma attached to mental health in our country does not make it any better when it comes to seeking help. Sage Advice. When to seek help from a mental health professional?

Sage Advice

We have seen people wrongly spreading the notion of not seeking help from a professional until you are not at the rock bottom of your problem. Most people abide by this philosophy of “only seek help when you absolutely require it”. When such misconceptions are being spread, how can one make an informed decision? Let us tell you a basic rule of thumb- if any issue you are facing is interfering with your personal relationships, professional life and social circle then it’s time for you to start looking for professionals. Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? We are now living in a technologically advanced and work-oriented society.

We see more diverse households now than before. Families now comprise of single parents, same-sex parents and whatnot! Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? We are now living in a technologically advanced and work-oriented society. We see more diverse households now than before. Families now comprise of single parents, same-sex parents and whatnot! We are evolving and adapting to better ways of living but one’s family structure and environment are of utmost importance to them. Children’s behavior and personality are shaped according to their primary caregiver’s behaviors towards them and in most situations these primary caregivers are parents. Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? We are now living in a technologically advanced and work-oriented society. We see more diverse households now than before. Families now comprise of single parents, same-sex parents and whatnot! We are evolving and adapting to better ways of living but one’s family structure and environment are of utmost importance to them.

Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? We are now living in a technologically advanced and work-oriented society. We see more diverse households now than before. Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? We are now living in a technologically advanced and work-oriented society. We see more diverse households now than before. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice.

Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. ASK SAGEADVICE 3- Is your boss flirting with you like Miss A’s? – Site Title. ASK SAGEADVICE 3- Is your boss flirting with you like Miss A's? - sageadvice. ASK SAGEADVICE 3- Is your boss flirting with you like Miss A’s? ASK SAGEADVICE 3- Is your boss flirting with you like Miss A's? Write In Private: Free Online Diary And Personal Journal. Home. ASK SAGEADVICE 4- Invalidation at workplace. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Is family therapy beneficial? Sageadvice — Is family therapy beneficial? Is family therapy beneficial? – Site Title. Is family therapy beneficial? - sageadvice. Is family therapy beneficial? - sageadvice. Write In Private: Free Online Diary And Personal Journal. Is family therapy beneficial? Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1. Disqus_VipSh4UH45. Captain Sir Tom Moore- You never walk alone. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice.

Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Difference between mental health professionals: Choose yours wisely. Home. Difference between mental health professionals: Choose yours wisely. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice. Sage Advice.