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Rational _: Unified : Process. R: U: P work components. IBM® Rational Unified Process,®or RUP,®suggests that project managers construct plans before beginning a project but does not provide detailed guidelines for doing so. This can create challenges: Although project managers may know what major pieces of work need to be done within each phase, constructing an actual Gantt chart for the iteration schedule might be difficult.

Trying to incorporate all of RUP's phases, disciplines, activities, and so forth may feel overwhelming. Even when project managers do succeed in creating a Gantt chart, the major units of work get shredded across various disciplines and the work does not flow in the typical way, from top left to bottom right in the chart. Figure 1 below shows a typical Gantt chart for the RUP Elaboration phase, including workflow details under disciplines. Figure 1 : A typical RUP Elaboration Gantt chart Click to enlarge Let's suppose the PM (project manager) has asked a PMO (project management office) member to review this Gantt chart.

Rational: Unified_ Process. SRS.

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R: U: P sample documents: Inception. Here are sample RUP documents I created for a training I gave: The requirements set: BOSBusinessCase.pdf BOSVision.pdf BOSGlossary.pdf BOSUCOrderBizcochos.pdf BOSUCRetrieveConsolidatedOrder.pdf The management set: BOSSoftwareDevelopmentPlan.pdf BOSRiskList.pdf The most important ones are the vision document and the use cases. One important thing I see missing in many “processes” is an explicit focus on finding what the user needs (can be very different of what the user wants), clearly stating the problem to be solved helps a lot in that direction. Also you need to have some alternatives identified.

Also the alternatives are important: developing good software is very difficult: sometimes, something like excel is good enough! Basically, it boils down to clearly defining the problem and have the alternatives in mind instead of jumping blindly into a development project. BTW, the problem statement is not exclusive of RUP, they're just requirements management good practices.