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Safe Tech Installations Limited is an installer and distributor of specialist coatings and cleaners.

Bacoban: The Most Effective &Popular Hotel Disinfectant Cleaning Solution. Though the cases of people affecting from COVID-19 started subsiding around the world, people are still conscious while travelling outdoors.

Bacoban: The Most Effective &Popular Hotel Disinfectant Cleaning Solution

If they are planning any outdoor trips, they are particularly checking with the hotels about disinfectant cleaning solution and cleaning protocols they are following regularly. Before planning any trip or checking into any hotel, they want assurance of safe and hygiene rooms with regular cleaning and disinfecting. The tourism industry is one of the worst affected industries during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of now, people are willing to move outdoors, the hotels are taking every possible precaution to give them assurance of safe and hygiene living environment. The reputed hotels are hiring companies for disinfecting their entire premise whereas motels are doing cleaning and disinfecting task themselves by using the best quality of Hotel disinfectant cleaning solution like Bacoban. An Insight into Liquid Glass Nanotechnology — Safe Tech Installations Ltd.

Recent developments in the field of science and nanotechnology have led to major breakthroughs, which have revolutionised cleaning solutions.

An Insight into Liquid Glass Nanotechnology — Safe Tech Installations Ltd.

Technically the product is called “Si02”, but also commonly referred to as “liquid glass”. The possible applications for this high-end cleaning solutions are numerous and simply astonishing. It can be used to coat anything- yes, almost anything; from household items such as windows and doors, through to furnishing, even exteriors, and the list goes on. It has the potential to effectively replace all the toxic cleaning products that you have been using to clean and disinfect. Liquid Glass Technology A spray application of liquid glass produces a water-resistant coating of around 100 nanometres thick. What are the Benefits? Firstly,it is safe for cleaning even around food, and other edible products. In the home, the spray-on liquid glass coating makes cleaning cycles over 50% more efficient.

With liquid glass, virtually any surface can be protected. Educational Institutions Cleaning Solution. Bacoban Disinfectant Offering Surface Disinfection with Over 99% Accuracy - Article View - Latinos del Mundo. Different companies have been manufacturing surface disinfectant for different purposes from a long time.

Bacoban Disinfectant Offering Surface Disinfection with Over 99% Accuracy - Article View - Latinos del Mundo

Over time, the ingredients of disinfectant have been changed significantly offering a greater degree of protection. For instance, few years ago, companies have been using vinegar but now they have shifted to more effective ingredients like hydrogen peroxide and alcohol for disinfecting different surfaces. But even these disinfectants do not offer the highest degree of protection for a long-term.

Thus, search for an effective disinfectant that ensures effectiveness for a couple of days continued for years and finally, ended with Bacoban disinfectant. What is it? Bacoban WB Concentrate: A Disinfectant with 10-Day Effectiveness by safetechin. Bacoban Nebuliser: Easy to Use Dry Nebulisation Method. Disinfecting large areas like hotels, hospitals and clinics is not an easy task.

Bacoban Nebuliser: Easy to Use Dry Nebulisation Method

It is because these places have many hard-to-reach areas where manual disinfecting is not possible. And even cleaners clean these areas manually, they use standard disinfectant that does not provide long-lasting protection from bacteria and virus. Therefore, it becomes important to disinfect these areas with highly advanced disinfectant like Bacoban Nebuliser to keep surroundings safe and hygienic for the long time. It is one-of-its-kind cleaning tool that cleans the large areas effectively, easily and quickly. The nebulizer contains Bacoban disinfectant that provides 99.9% protection against germs, pathogens and microorganisms. How it Works? This nebuliser uses heating and ionising turbine for nebulising the disinfectant.

The professional cleaning companies use Bacoban Nebuliser for cleaning the commercial spaces and they follow the necessary safety precautions. Home. Keep Hotels Germ-Free by Availing Professional Disinfectant Cleaning Solutions During winter season, people prefer spending time indoors to stay safe and warm but as soon as the summer approaches, they start making travel plans.


Previously, people seldom check about the disinfecting plans of hotels before making any booking or checking into it. But, after the COVID-19 pandemic, they actively ask from the hotel authorities about the Hotel disinfectant cleaning solution they follow for the safety of visitors. Before moving further, let’s take a brief look on the meaning of disinfectant. What is a disinfectant? A disinfectant is a chemical solution that kills microorganisms, pathogens and bacteria up to 99.9% on both hard and soft surfaces. Some of the places in hotels where disinfecting activity carry out periodically are: Lobby areaRestaurants and Meeting areasCommon area near swimming poolFloor corridors. Stay Safe & Secure by Availing Healthcare Disinfectant Cleaning Solutions from Professionals.

Hotel & Leisure Disinfectant Cleaning Solution — Safe Tech Installations Ltd. Educational Institutions — Safe Tech Installations Ltd. No one is more concerned than with the safety of children.

Educational Institutions — Safe Tech Installations Ltd.

Covid-19 has forced Schools to reassess their cleanliness at microscopic levels. Institutions renowned for being hotbeds for contagion spread must now become trusted bastions of safety. We have products which can provide immediate sterilisation and maintained pathogen resistance on surfaces even in high traffic areas. We have products which can be used proactively to create the hygienic environment.

We have products which can be used reactively to create ongoing sterility in identified risk areas following trace activity. Safe Tech Installations Ltd.