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Bass. Chick Corea - Stanley Clarke Duet biletleri. Resmi Biletix Sitesi. Read it later! Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words. I love Photoshop techniques that offer all kinds of possibilities for experimentation—and the following tutorial is a perfect example of one of those techniques. In this issue, we’re going to take a portrait and replace the person’s image with text (think 2009 Grammy posters).

Pick a portrait that offers good contrast—a photo that’s very dramatic and dark probably won’t work as well. I’ve had the best success with straight-on head and shoulder shots, but again, feel free to experiment with all types of photos. For the best results, choose a photo that has a light background (or select the background around the person and make it lighter). Create a new document (File>New) in a size that’s smaller than your photo: the specifics don’t really matter. Switch back to the photograph. Then, press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to copy the selected pixels onto a new layer. Go back to the Select menu and choose Color Range again. Click the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. 22 of the Coolest Sculptures You'll Ever See. Today, we've compiled an extensive list of 22 modern day sculptures that are as cool as they are freaky. These three-dimensional pieces of art are mind-blowing not just because of the materials that have been used but because they leave an indelible mark on our memory.

From the hyper-realistic sculptures from Ron Mueck and Duane Hanson to the magically moving sculptures of Peter Jansen and Saúl Hernández, each piece tells an interesting story. It is only through our shared experiences that we come to appreciate how sculptures have evolved as an art form as we reflect on the meaning of each visual piece. Ron Mueck Materials used: Mixed Media [link] Nathan Sawaya Material used: LEGO bricks [link] Peter Jansen Material used: Polyamide [link] Saúl Hernández Material used: Bronze [link] Gerry Judah Material used: Steel [link] Jason de Caires Materials used: Cement, sand, micro silica, fibre glass, ceramic tiles, live coral [link] Chris Dorosz Peter Callesen Materials used: Paper and glue [link] David Mach.

TicTac flashlight. How to draw your hand in 3D. 2048 Alphabet Game. Gelmiş geçmiş en zor mantık bulmacası. L'indovinello più difficile del mondo (Gelmiş geçmiş en zor mantık bulmacası), Raymond Smullyan'dan esinlenilmiş ve İtalya'nın başlıca gazetelerinden La Repubblica'da yer almış şu mantık bulmacasına ABD'li filozof ve mantıkçı George Boolos tarafından verilen ad: Boolos şu açıklamaları yapar:[1] Tarihi[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir] Boolos bulmacanın yaratıcısının mantıkçı Raymond Smullyan olduğunu ve 'da' ve 'ja' sözcüklerinin hangi anlama geldiğinin bilinmemesi kuralını ekleyerek bulmacayı zorlaştıranın John McCarthy olduğunu belirtir.

Smullyan'ın eserlerinde benzer örnekleri bulmak mümkündür. Örneğin What is the Name of This Book? Analiz ve çözüm (Farklı bakış açısı)[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir] A, B, C tanrıları için Doğru, Yanlış, Rastgele (3! Çözüm[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir] Boolos çözümünü bulmacayı ilk defa ortaya koyduğu makalesinde açıklar. Boolos'un sorusu şudur: 'Da'nın anlamı, senin ve yalnızca senin Doğru olman ve B'nin Rastgele olması koşuluna da bağlı olarak "evet" midir? 1. 3. “The Art of Clean Up” by Ursus Werhli « TYPOGRAFFIT : BLOG. German artist Ursus Werhli takes obsessive compulsive behavior to a whole new level with his work in completely organizing various objects and situations in clever ways. Here are some selections from his book, “The Art of Clean Up”. (source) This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 at 05:16:26 PM and is filed under BLOG English, BLOG Japanese . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. A woman from inside out at Evolution door - Mind-blowing door mechanism - dsgnrt - daily dose of inspiration! - find your inspiration! architecture, design and art daily! You may think that You cannot do anything really diffrent about doors - we have sliding doors, rotating or revolving doors and many more similar inventions, but this is something else! Project: Evolution door Designer: Klemens Torggler Austrian designer Klemens Torggler designed completly unique door mechanism that opens up new applications for the door. The basis for his design is dividing door into to squares that rotate sideways without using any external track system. The process of opening and closing is absolutely absorbing to watch. Klemens Torggler is working on his concept since 2008 and produced many prototypes. Check out his website for more information.