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German words in English. To my surprise an encreasing number of German words find their way into the English language (both in Britain and the US).

German words in English

So the German language still has some vitality in that it has coined terms which are more precise than those in the lingua franca English. I am not a linguist at all and do not claim to be a champion in English, so my explanations about the words and their use are those of a layman. "The Awful German Language" by Mark Twain. A little learning makes the whole world kin. -- Proverbs xxxii, 7.

"The Awful German Language" by Mark Twain

I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. I spoke entirely in that language. He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a while he said my German was very rare, possibly a "unique"; and wanted to add it to his museum. If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it. Deutsch 101-326 University of Michigan. Improve your German.