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How to install Bonita User Experience on a Tomcat server? | Priyanka Kapoor. Prerequisites: 1. Download the Apache tomcat from the bonitasoft site and unzip it. (Note: You need to download Tomcat 6.0.33 from the “Bundles” tab, by doing this you save basic setup configuration required to run bonita engine on tomcat) 2. MYSQL should be installed on your computer. (See How to install LAMP in which you get Apache, MYSQL and phpmyadmin 3. (or you can see installation of java in topic: How to install BonitaSoft) Once you are done with prerequisites follow the below mentioned steps:- Step 1. Commands: $mysql -u root -p Give your root password for mysql $create database bonita_history; $create database bonita_journal; Step 2. CREATE USER 'bonita'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'bpm'; GRANT ALL ON bonita_history.* TO 'bonita'@'localhost'; GRANT ALL ON bonita_journal.* TO 'bonita'@'localhost'; Step3. 1. 2.

Here is commented portion in 4. 8. 9. How to configure BonitaSoft engine with Tomcat and Mysql database- Step by Step Process. Pourquoi les startups échouent-elles ? BM|DESIGN|ER - EXPLORER. Business Model Alchemist. BM|DESIGN|ER. Enterprise BMM v3. BRG:  Resources.