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Sites Like - Find and share similar websites. Gartner’s Software Hype Cycles for 2012. In a series of reports, Gartner has evaluated the maturity, adoption and future direction of more than 1,900 technologies and trends for 2012. The technologies are viewed from the perspective of the hype cycle consisting of the following five phases: Technology Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, and Plateau of Productivity. The Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle 2012 contains a number of new technologies which have entered the stage, including Big Data, Internet of Things, and In-Memory Computing, while others are at the peak, such as HTML5, Hybrid Cloud Computing, Social Analytics: The hype cycles help evaluating various technologies, to see their maturity and suitability for investment.


Contribution. Error management with BOS « Bonita open source BPM community blog. Bonita « Sébastien Prunier. J’occupe actuellement mes heures perdues avec le challenge "Pimp My Bonita" ! C’est l’occasion d’alimenter mon blog avec quelques astuces que j’ai utilisées dans le cadre du challenge. Menu du jour : Récupérer la liste des utilisateurs d’un groupeExécution de tâches conditionnelles en parallèle J’espère avoir assez de temps pour proposer les fruits de mon travail. Rendez-vous au plus tard le 15 mars pour plus de détails ! Lire la suite Once will not hurt, I’ll try to write a short blog article in English! I would like to talk about my last contribution for the Bonita’s community : the integration of jsTree into a very simple Bonita process. The extension is available here : So as to explain how to integrate jsTree, I made a small video tutorial !

J’ai récemment mis à jour ma contribution des connecteurs Bonita permettant d’utiliser l’API Google+. J’ai également contribué un exemple d’utilisation de chacun de ces connecteurs. Lire la suite. Course-builder - Course Builder. Comapping. Management Innovation eXchange | Improving the technology of human accomplishment. Late Night Pizza: Extending Hackathons Beyond Technology. Guide-du-routard-de-l-intelligence-economique-2012-b-3.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

Big Data

Performance. MSP-Budget. Sami. Création de trafic, expérience de navigation et performance commerciale : que nous apprennent les 500 plus importants sites marchands américains ? | Haon | Systèmes d'Information et Management. UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: UC Berkeley Webcasts | Video and Podcasts: Events by Category. Model Thinking Model. JTips. DDD. GEOGEBRA. Exercice 3mn cohérence cardiaque. CognitiveFun. From UC to Code through Design. Animation. Pegasus Systems Thinking in Action | The Value Web. At the Pegasus Systems Thinking in Action Conference this year, a cross-sector community represented by nearly 500 people from each continent gathered to connect, learn, and reflect in regards to the session theme: “Fueling New Cycles of Success.” We all know in our bones what it’s like to find inspiration from leading thinkers. We follow their books, talks, ideas – seeking to absorb their insights into our own, apply their provocations to our best intent and action.

But to recently scribe for some of the people who are most influential to my own facilitation practice brought a kind of mental model and process high. This feeling, combined with a series of truly gut-reaching questions, leads me to share highlights here – so the word can spread and take root in as many concerned global citizens as possible.

Here are some threads of particular relevance to the whole of our work: Andy Hargreave presented his thinking on The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change.


DirectX. FOA. .NET. J2EE. CANI\NETBEANS. BMM. AGILE : Agile Testing and Quality Strategies. Uml. UML Tools. TimeLeft - Free clock, reminder, countdown, stopwatch, timer, sticker, auction watch and time synchronization utility using Winamp skins to show digits and text. The de Bono Group - Six Thinking Hats. Tom Wujec: Build a tower, build a team.

Entreprise Architecture Principle

NetDuino-Electronic. Training Language. Architecture - ADL. Sami. Sychrotron. BestSite. ProjectManagemnt. BioTechnology. Softe Plume. Langue. InfoPath. Connaissez-vous Microsoft Office Infopath? Salut, Merci pour le petit résumé et ton avis! Mais je ne suis pas d'accord avec ca: Citation: Tu oublie les webservices avec lesquelles tu peux faire n'importe quelle connection. et Biztalk et Sharepoint. Moi je ne mettrai pas ca dans les inconvénients! Mais dans les avantages! Se programme peux ce plugger a tous suffit de créer les liaisons avec le webservice correspondant (que tu devras biensur écrire)! Et il ne faut pas non plus oublier le correcteur d'orthographe qui en mode remplissage est bien utile! De plus: A moi de passer par un autre programme qui te le convertit en "webform" (infoscope, infoview, infojetsoft, VisionForms, InfoPath Dev Forms Viewer) mais c'est vrai que tout n'est pas toujours supporté et que a part infoscope qui supporte presque tout!

A noter quand même que microsoft a anoncé l'arriver d'un infopath serveur (qui permettra la publication des formulaires sur le net) dans la version 10 d'office qui devrait sortir sauf erreur mi 2006! Thierry. Imprimer › BPMC 2011 - TS Flash Cards (PMBOK) - Detailed Project Integration Management.


Vidéos Pearltrees. Help.