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InDesign tuts. Suurustaminen : chillaillen. Viilenevät ja erityisesti tuuliset säät ovat taas herätelleet chili-innostusta. Sen lisäksi minullakin on toisinaan vapaa-päiviä, joten eräänä päivänä keittelin sitten tilanteeseen sopivan pataruoan. Ainoa mitä kauppaan lähtiessäni tiesin, oli se, että haluan broileria ja chiliä.

Siellä sitten hyllyjen välissä kulkiessani kerääntyi koriin sellaisia tarvikkeita, jotka vaikuttivat selvästi pataan sopivilta. Tästä padasta tulikin välittömästi suosikki, joten tämän voinee julkaista muillekin. {*style:<b>Chili-broilerpata </b>*} Sekoita marinadi ja broilerit. Paloittele broiler paprika ja sipuli. Laita kasvikset valurautapataan ja kuullota hetki. Broilerin ei tarvitse tässä vaiheessa kypsyä täysin. Kun broiler on saanut värin pintaan, lisää pataan kanalientä niin, että muut ainekset juuri peittyvät.

Suurusta lopuksi niin, että neste on enemmän kastikemaista. Itse tarjoilin padan thaityyliin keitetyn riisin kanssa mutta tätähän voi tarjota oikeastaan minkä kanssa lystää. Adobe InDesign CS4 and CS5 Tutorials, Templates from InDesign Magazine. 15 Great Resources for Learning Adobe InDesign. Alright vector lovers, let's turn on multiple-pages 'eh! Adobe Illustrator is great, it's my favorite program actually, but even with the new Artboards feature in CS4 it just doesn't compare to InDesign for creating multi-page documents. If you've been meaning to get started with InDesign, but have put it off for whatever reason, well now is the time to get stared! This article rounds up a bunch of great resources on learning Adobe InDesign, which will get users started and keep intermediate users growing.

And for any of you advanced InDesign users out there, or professional InDesign craftsmen, drop us a line because we're looking to add more InDesign resources to Vectortuts+. Now let's review these InDesign resources! Blogs and Sites 1. This site is loaded with great features. 2. If you're not familiar with Layers Magazine, well then you should be. 3. This website is meant to accompany the book "Instant InDesign," which focuses exclusively on the art of template design and production. InDesign Docs. Support for DPS Apps in iOS 7 and iOS 5 Let’s start with a quick summary. Older (pre-v24) apps don’t work on iOS 7. Any DPS app created with v24 and earlier fails to work properly in devices that run iOS 7. For one thing, landscape folios just don’t appear. If you have a v24 or earlier DPS app in the App Store, you should update it.Known issues with v25/v26 apps on iOS 7.

DPS apps built with either v27 or v28 work well on iOS 7 devices. Let’s go over these details . . . Continue reading… Creating Panorama Assets for DPS [Note: I updated this blog entry in August 2013 to include information about a great panorama tool called PTgui and to provide more info about taking panorama photos.] A panorama overlay can give you the impression that you’re inside a building or cockpit, allowing you to spin around and zoom in and out. A panorama overlay requires six images that represent the inside of a cube. Here’s how to create the images required to build a panorama overlay in DPS. Continue reading… InDesign « Layers Magazine Layers Magazine.