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Mehr Besucher: 17 kreative Wege zur Traffic-Steigerung | DR. WEB. Einen Mangel an Traffic auf dem eigenen Blog zu beheben, ist eine der größten Herausforderungen, denen man sich stellen kann. Immer wieder hört man, dass “Content King ist” und mit guten Inhalten der Erfolg schon von selbst kommt. Doch leider ist dem nicht so. Denn was nutzt der beste Inhalt, wenn er nicht gelesen wird? Daher beschäftigen wir uns in diesem Beitrag einmal näher mit kreativen Methoden, mehr Besucherverkehr zu generieren und zu halten. 1. Viele Blogger promoten Ihre Artikel nur auf den allseits bekannten Sozialen Medien wie Facebook, Twitter und Google Plus. 2. E-Mail-Marketing ist interessant und auf lange Sicht nutzbringend. 3. Überschriften sind das Salz in der Suppe eines Artikels. 4. Bieten Sie bekannteren Blogs an, Gastartikel für sie zu verfassen. 5. Auch wenn Sie gehört haben sollten, dass Social-News-Sites auf dem absteigenden Ast sind, tot sind sie mit Sicherheit noch längst nicht. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Nur Text allein geht heute nicht mehr. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Why You Should Be Building Trust, Not Traffic. I have a friend in SEO who consistently pumps out posts about strategies to drive “massive traffic” to your blog or website. As any experienced marketer knows, nearly all of this traffic is represented by people who take a quick glance at a link and then never come back again. They are little more than tourists to your site.

When I asked him why he put so much emphasis in this area, he replied, “Where there’s traffic, there is hope.” That’s a nice sound bite, but frankly a lousy marketing strategy. If I presented a marketing strategy based on “hope” to my boss, I would probably be kicked out of the office—and deservedly so. Instead, I would humbly like to present another way to think about actionable marketing strategy by focusing on an area you may not have fully considered before. I recently wrote a book called The Content Code, and for more than a year, I dove deeply into the economic drivers of content and social media. Wait. You mean it’s not clicks, followers, or likes? The Dilemma. Kultur & Blog: Vorstellung konkreter Aktionen | Social Media im Tourismus. Kultur und Blog – passt das zusammen? Das passt super!

Welche Aktivitäten können Museen auf ihrem eigenen Blog durchführen bzw. welche Möglichkeiten bietet diesen die Zusammenarbeit mit Bloggern? Auf der ITB Berlin hielt ich hierzu unter dem Titel „Culture meets Blogs“ einen Vortrag in der Culture Conference Lounge. Dabei ging es weniger um die Theorie, vielmehr präsentierte ich konkrete Fallbeispiele aus dem Kultursektor. In diesem Beitrag findest du sowohl die Folien des Vortrags als auch eine Zusammenfassung von diesem. Der Vortrag Culture meets Blogs Für alle, die es eilig haben, hier direkt die Folien: Kultur & Blog: Aktionen auf dem eigenen Blog Multimedia & Hinter den Kulissen Die Deichtorhallen in Hamburg erstellten für ihre Ausstellung „Gute Aussichten“ ein Video. Multimediale Inhalte vermitteln mehr als ein reiner Text.Biete Einblicke hinter die Kulissen/ in die Gedanken der Künstler. Verknüpfung von Kanälen Spiel Aktionen über mehrere Kanäle (auch offline!) Bloggerreise Tweetup.

Ex-Berater packt aus: So wurde Obama zum Social Media-Star. „Spaghetti-Strategie“ für Obama Viral Videos, Blogs und Interviews mit Youtubern: Barack Obama hat mit dem Social Web keine Berührungsängste. Das ist vor allem einem Mann zu verdanken: Kommunikationsmanager Dan Pfeiffer unterstützte den Demokraten bereits beim ersten Wahlkampf 2008 und war seither Senior-Berater für Strategie und Kommunikation im Weißen Haus. Jetzt tritt der Mitarbeiter des Präsidenten ab und spricht in einem Interview darüber, wie er das Staatsoberhaupt in Social Media-Kanälen platzierte. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde die Nutzung von Social Media-Plattformen in der ersten Amtsperiode eingeschränkt, berichtet Pfeiffer. Erst bei der zweiten Amtsperiode setzte das Kommunikationsteam die Offensive fort.

Kleben blieb unter anderem Facebook. Inspiration im Silicon Valley Ob ein Kanal tatsächlich funktioniert, bewerten die Obama-Berater anhand von Kennzahlen. Einige Maßnahmen sorgen auch für interne Kritik. Via Don’t Just Curate Content, Harvest it. Jim Burns, PresidentAvitage Mark Gibson, CEO and FounderAdvanced Marketing Concepts Enterprise marketing leaders and chief content officers use many tactics to serve numerous content constituents and their use case requirements. The emergence of the digital enterprise elevates requirements as groups beyond marketing, including sales and channel sales partners, but also customer service and HR (talent acquisition), must be supported in their use of content and content marketing tactics.

One tactic marketers have embraced is content curation. To improve content quality, operational efficiency and return-on-content (all comprising ROI) we think organizations must go beyond current curation practices, to “harvest” the content they curate. Verb: Curate — “To pull together, sift through, and select for presentation, as music or website content.” Verb: Harvest — “To reap; to gain, win, acquire or use; return or proceeds.” The business problems curation addresses © 2014. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Take-aways. How to Use the NEW Flipboard 3.0 to Market Your Business. Last week when I visited the Flipboard headquarters in Palo Alto, I realized that this simple mobile application is quite a lot more than a pretty face. According to Techcrunch it already boasts 100 million downloads. With the addition of customized topics it is now a force in the digital space. What Is Flipboard? Flipboard is a mobile app that helps you create magazines by curating articles from the Internet that relate to a chosen topic (i.e. The application is elegant and simple.

Why Flipboard? There has been a lot of “buzz” generated in the last few weeks surrounding the release of Flipboard 3.0. Soon I started creating my own magazines and discovered Flipboard’s versatility could be applied to our business. Tips to Turn Your Business into a Flipping Success Too many business applications can be overwhelming.

Creating Shopping Catalogs:The shopping season is on the way and there is no time to build an online store at this late date. Portfolio: Product Branding: Conclusion: Tips for Using Flipboard with LinkedIn to Promote Your Brand. Flipboard is a powerful mobile app that allows you to create visual magazines, curate content and read the articles around selected topics (i.e. News, photography, health). It is not only informative and newsworthy, but it engages and interacts with the viewer. I have been using the platform since 2013 and the more I create Flipboard magazines the more I discover the multiple uses this app has to offer. This article is intended to show how Flipboard coupled with LinkedIn can be a powerful business tool for engaging and connecting businesses with potential customers.

Because companies are always looking for novel or innovative ways to promote their brands and showcase their achievements, utilizing both platforms is a powerful marketing combination. First Things First: You need a Flipboard magazine to feature your brand. Once you create a magazine you are ready to share your company portfolio. Here is a handy guide by the FlipboardClub to get you started: Kick Your Social Strategy Into Overdrive: The Ins & Outs of Testing S… Spring: 22 kostenlose WordPress-Themes für den Kickstart 2015 | DR. WEB. Hero Areas, Ghost Buttons, Material Design, Parallax Scrolling und ein paar andere Gestaltungslinien sind der heiße Scheiß in 2015 und kombinieren sich perfekt mit responsivem Design. WordPress-Theme-Entwickler haben sich an die Arbeit gemacht und ihre Interpretationen des Themes der Zukunft vorgelegt.

Wir haben uns an die Arbeit gemacht, diese Interpretationen zu finden und zusammen zu stellen. Nutzen Sie die folgenden Themes als Inspiration oder verwenden Sie sie gleich so. Sie benötigen nur ein selbstgehostetes WordPress und los gehts… Im Grunde müsste bei unseren Neuzugängen auch in diesem Monat wieder für jedermann etwas dabei sein. Alle Themes sind kostenlos. Für einige können zusätzlich kostenpflichtige Varianten vorhanden sein.

Eptima Corporate Erstellt von: Sketch ThemesFeatures: SEO vorbereitet, geeignet für Firmen, Unterstützung von Shortcodes, farblich stark anpassbarLizenz: frei für persönliche und kommerzielle Zwecke | GNU General Public License Aventurine Create Counsel Bloggr. Ariwoo | Just another WordPress site. Ariwoo Just another WordPress site Stylish Page Theme Voluptate Velit Esse - Get Started Today! Erat dolor purus turpis hymenaeos vel luctus integer consectetuer porttitor ut. Stylish Page Theme Voluptate Velit Esse - Get Started Today! Our Services Web Development Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Our Blog Morbi ullamcorper enim vitae Donec magna massa, hendrerit sed lacus vel, varius rutrum leo.

Read more Donec sagittis pharetra vulputate Read more Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Read more About Us Who We Are Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elite. Etiam rhoncus. Why Choose Us? Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Contact Us Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. About Company Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Recent Post Sample Content Get in Touch. M.fastcompany. If you scroll through Kelly Clarkson's Twitter page, you'll notice something curious. Among the tweets promoting her new album, recognizable by the #piecebypiece hashtags, are also lots of regular quips and honest responses to fans. One of the reasons Jordan Blaugrund, VP of digital marketing at RCA Records, says his team chose to work closely with Twitter for the release of Clarkson's upcoming album Piece By Piece is, "It's the place where she's really herself.

" During the promotional ramp up to today's album release, Clarkson has also taken advantage of Twitter's new audio cards. The integrated audio functionality enables followers to listen to music inside the Twitter app while browsing their timeline. The topic of music overall remains one of the most popular on the service, year after year. That may be one reason Twitter has been continuing to work on its music strategy for the last few years.

And if artists' promotional campaigns are successful? 3 things you need to remember about creating great digital content for your target audience. SEO is getting more hardcore and complex with every Google algorithm update. It’s understandable because Google always wants to provide the best user experience to their users and by this they are filtering out all the content with lower relevance to the search query. What makes content relevant? Google has always been saying that quality unique content is key, but the problem is what is quality content. One issue with unique and quality content is that it takes more work, research and investment to make sure you are getting the best results online. Even though quality content is needed to be successful in the SEO space, it also supplements your social media marketing strategy and basically all of your marketing campaigns. Don’t just create content for the sake of it Quality content should always be created on the needs of your clients, what they want to read and share with their social circles.

Focus on the needs of your target audience and always provide value to them. +300 Awesome Free Things for Entrepreneurs and Startups — Entrepreneurship, Startups & Life Hacking. 8 Keys to Creating More Meaningful Content. Hello ! @ # $ % ^ & * I was staring at my keyboard when I got the idea for this post. And there they were, right in front of my eyes and at my fingertips: eight keys to content marketing. Take a look at your keyboard. Look at the number keys, specifically the eight symbols on the number keys. In my mind (and now yours), each symbol suggests an effective approach to creating more meaningful content. The holy smokes key The exclamation mark.

Strong feelings inspire you to act. Thinking about this simple idea made me think of how author, speaker, and marketing leader Jason Falls often speaks of what he calls “holy smokes” content. The conversation key The @ key gets a whole lot more use now than it ever did in the typewriter age. If your content is all about looking out for number 1, you’re a self-serving bore. Social media is where it’s @ Discover content there and put content there. The what’s happening key The hashtag key has become the ubiquitous symbol of unity. The money key The star key. Boost Conversion Rates: 10 Content Marketing Strategies. ‘Do your work and do not think about the result’- This line does not work anymore in today’s world. One of the main reasons that low budget films do not become box office hits is because of the lack of promotion. Whether it is a movie or your company, you need to follow strict and fruitful marketing strategies to climb the stairs and reach the top. Important tips for effective content marketing Content is extremely powerful when it comes to marketing your business.

If your business is facing low conversion rates, implement content marketing strategies and see the huge difference for yourself. Here are 10 tips for the content marketing strategies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Content marketing is an art, but simultaneously, it is also a source to earn potential revenue and create a sustainable platform for your business or service.

Use Selfies in Content Marketing to Enhance User Engagement. The selfie, that ubiquitous form of photographic expression found on social media, could play a major role in brands’ 2015 marketing strategies. Forbes predicts marketers will embrace customer storytelling this year, creating outlets for customers to share their experiences with products and services. This tactic serves to make brands more human and relatable, while also reducing the content creation workload. Consumers share their own content; brands simply clean up that content and publish it. Brands are looking at selfies, themselves a form of storytelling, to enhance their marketing efforts. These photos drive likes, shares, and comments, according to MarketingProfs, and savvy brands could harness their power to increase engagement with products and services. Integrating the selfie into content marketing could be as simple as capturing “behind the scenes” moments at the office and inviting comments on social media.

But other brands are taking the selfie approach further. How to Increase Your Website’s Traffic Without Any Marketing. Viral Couponing - Ist das eine gute Lösung? Eine neue Mobile Couponing Art ist mir in der letzten Woche am Münchener Flughafen begegnet. Viral Couponing! Grund genug, diese Viral Coupons auszuprobieren. D.h. ich als User partizipiere am Gutscheinwert, wenn ich den mobile Coupon an meine Freunde und Bekannte weiterreiche. Wie das genau funktioniert und was für Ziele hierbei verfolgt werden, erfahrt ihr gleich hier. Pilotkampagne Virales Couponing Im Terminal am Münchener Flughafen hängt ein Plakat, dass ich ab sofort 15% Rabatt für meinen nächsten Esprit-Einkauf erhalte. Wie ist es technisch gelöst? Jeder Coupon wird durch einen eindeutigen/individuellen QR-Code repräsentiert. Detailierte Auswertung und Analyseoptionen Das Analysieren der Verteilung der individuellen Coupons ermöglicht das Erstellen detaillierter Statistiken über die Erfolgsquote verschiedener Kampagnen.

Was sind die Ziele und Herausforderungen? Spaß machen neue Produkte, wenn beide Partner davon profitieren. Aus Händlersicht Aus Kundensicht Mein Fazit. Communications for Open Source (Marketing, PR, Community) | Age of Peers. Werbung: Was bringt Onlinewerbung?