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Come usare google doc in classe. I recently stumbled across this handy infographic from Oakdome that shows a step by step guide to using your iPad for a paperless workflow/classroom. Since its no secret that paper is no longer the staple of the classroom, and since we’ve been looking recently at a few ways to make your classroom greener this year , we thought this step-by-step guide would be particularly useful!

It tells you what you need and how to distribute, submit, grade, and return assignments using Google Drive . So whether you’re just starting on a paperless journey or have been doing things a different way, this should help you on your way! Set up student Gmail Students create and share a folder with the teacher in Google Drive Teacher creates a class folder with subfolders Teacher creates a shared folder to share documents with students Teachers distribute and collect assignments via the shared folders.

5 modi per condividere le conoscenze sul web. The communication of knowledge and ideas is intrinsic to the human condition. Our earliest ancestors had a rich oral tradition, through which they passed on what they knew about the world, often across great distances. Our systems of communication have evolved and matured, from those oral traditions to the earliest cuneiform writings and all the way up through books and newspapers, to radio and television. With the advent of the modern age and Al Gore’s gift of the Internet, we’re now able to share our knowledge, ideas, and lots and lots of cute pictures of cats, around the world in less time than it has taken me to write this sentence.

Today, the avenues available to our quest to gain and share knowledge are boundless, but I’d like to share with you five of my own personal favorites. #5 — Reddit #4 — Scribd Scribd is an online repository of the written word. . #3 — #2 — Yarny Yarny describes itself as “novel writing in the cloud,” but for many users it is so much more than that. Do Your Students Know How To Search? The Connected Student Series: There is a new digital divide on the horizon. It is not based around who has devices and who does not, but instead the new digital divide will be based around students who know how to effectively find and curate information and those who do not.

Helene Blowers has come up with seven ideas about the new digital divide – four of them, the ones I felt related to searching, are listed below. The New Digital Divide: In an age of information abundance learning to effectively search is one of the most important skills most teachers are NOT teaching. They assume students know how to conduct a search, and set them free on the internet to find information. They assume that students have the skills to critically think their way through the searching and the web. Teachers – especially in the elementary grades -need to develop a shared vocabulary around the skill of searching. Here are some of the searching skills and vocabulary we should be teaching students : my. Come pubblicare eBook sull'Apple Store. Grazie a Internet pubblicare libri non è mai stato così facile. Se vuoi che il tuo ultimo lavoro venga reso disponibile in formato ebook per i lettori di iPad iphone ecc.

Apple offre la possibilità di inviare il tuo libro direttamente al negozio iBook. Ma ottenere il tuo libro là fuori vuole un po' di preparazione. Apple ha esigenze diverse quando si tratta di presentare i libri da soli, i quali devono essere soddisfatte prima che il libro è in vendita. Mentre alcuni servizi di terze parti offrono di prendersi cura di tutto il lavoro sporco a pagamento, con un po 'di preparazione, è possibile inviare il tuo libro in iBooks tutto da solo. 1 Acquisire un codice ISBN. 2 Converti il ​​tuo libro in formato ePub. Continua la lettura 3 Iniziare l'applicazione su iTunes Connect sito web. 4 Inserisci l'username e la password del tuo account iTunes; fare clic su "Continua".

Come vendere un ebook su Amazon Come Autopubblicare Un Ebook Come pubblicare un ebook su iTunes. Learn Ideas and Tips.

Teorie dell'apprendimento

Blog. E-learning. Idee per la didattica dell'italiano. Presentazioni. Cooperative learning. Flipped classroom. Ipad. Pet pARTners: Art with Heart. We have been having the best time with our community service project, pet pARTners! In case you haven't heard, my smartest artists are working to help solve the problem of homeless pets in our community by raising awareness of our local animal shelter, FurKids, through our artwork. We are posting the artwork on our school's social media and will display the original pieces in the community as well. Our goal is to bring in donations for food and care, and get more animals adopted into forever homes.

In addition to serving our community, which many artists do, we are expanding our drawing skills with careful observation and learning to break down complex forms into simpler geometric shapes. We are practicing good composition by filling the space and including negative space design in the background. This will be an ongoing project and we will try out some different media in the next round of portraits. Students can access the FurKids site with current pet photos using our iPads.


Laboratorio Formazione - LIM, apprendimento e cooperative learning. L’ambiente di apprendimento generativo viene definito (Grabinger e Dunlap, 1995) come un luogo nel quale, intenzionalmente, vengono avvalorati aspetti atti a favorire l’apprendimento e lo sviluppo continuo di competenze. Se l’obiettivo della scuola è quello di formare intelligenze plurali in grado di processare, selezionare, organizzare, trasformare le informazioni significative e educare intelligenze multiculturali capaci di scegliere, in differenti situazioni e contesti, i valori e le intenzioni che guidano i propri progetti personali, allora si manifesta ineludibile la necessità di adottare dispositivi che si preoccupino di: Gli ambienti generativi di apprendimento devono essere consapevolmente progettati e, secondo Ann Brown (1997), si distinguono per le seguenti prerogative: La LIM elemento del processo di apprendimento All’interno di questo scenario la LIM non può essere considerata esclusivamente al modo di mero strumento, conchiuso nelle proprietà che lo definisco come tale. 2.

Open education scuola. LTTO Episodes | COFA Online Gateway. Contact Us Home LTTO Episodes Learning To Teach Online Episodes context, planning and teaching case studies technical glossary context, planning and teaching Welcome to Learning to Teach Online What are the aims of the Learning to Teach Online project? COFA Online Cracks the MERLOT Learning To Teach Online, a video-based program from UNSW... 02 May 2012 Why is online teaching important?

What role does online teaching have in our society? Conducting effective online discussions Strategies for creating and sustaining online interaction. 23 Feb 2011 Managing your time when teaching online How can you make the most of your time when teaching online? Learning management system or the open web? Key considerations about using an LMS or open social media. 26 Oct 2010 Integrating online resources into your teaching Benefit from using online educational resources. 10 Mar 2011 Planning your online class Important considerations for planning online curricula. 17 Jan 2011 Engaging and motivating students case studies. Welcome to MOOC.CA ~ MOOC.