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Oscar Pistorius trial grabs the world's attention

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State granted appeal for conviction in Oscar Pistorius Trial (with image, tweets) · sabcnewsonline. Oscar Pistorius appeal ruling, 10 December 2014. State wins bid to appeal Pistorius sentence:Wednesday 10 December 2014. The appeal against Oscars conviction will be heard next year (SABC) South African prosecutors on Wednesday won their bid to appeal the culpable homicide verdict handed down to athlete Oscar Pistorius for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and will now seek a murder conviction.

State wins bid to appeal Pistorius sentence:Wednesday 10 December 2014

The decision could leave Pistorius open to a prison sentence of at least 15 years if he is convicted of murder. "I cannot say the prospect of success at the Supreme Court is remote," Judge Thokozile Masipa said in granting the appeal. The Olympic and Paralympic track star, aged 28, is currently serving prison time after being convicted in October of culpable homicide after a seven-month trial.

He has admitted killing Steenkamp on February14, 2013, by firing four shots into the locked door of a toilet cubicle in what he said was the mistaken belief an intruder was hiding behind it. South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) welcomed the decision. Oscar Pistorius verdict appeal: 9 December 2014. Too much mercy for Oscar: Nel (with image, tweets) · sabcnewsonline. Youtube. We will never get closure: Reevas mother:Friday 21 November 2014. June Steenkamp launched her book titled “Reeva - A Mother's Story” on Thursday night.

We will never get closure: Reevas mother:Friday 21 November 2014

(REUTERS) The mother of slain Port Elizabeth model, Reeva Steenkamp, says she is not concerned about the outcome of the appeal process, as it will neither bring back their slain daughter, nor closure. June Steenkamp launched her book titled “Reeva - A Mother's Story” in Port Elizabeth on Thursday night. June Steenkamp launches her book in PE:Thursday 20 November 2014. Reeva Steenkamp’s mother June Steenkamp says the family will never find closure.

June Steenkamp launches her book in PE:Thursday 20 November 2014

(SABC) With an appeal process looming against the verdict and sentencing of Oscar Pistorius for the death of his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, her mother is launching her book: 'Reeva - A Mother's Story' in Port Elizabeth. In her first interview with the SABC, June Steenkamp says she is not concerned about the outcome of the appeal process, as it will neither bring back their slain daughter, nor bring them closure. “It is never going to happen. One is a fool if you think you can get over this. Steenkamp says she plans to use the money earned from international media interviews to set up a trust to open a shelter for abused women in the name of her slain daughter. Steenkamps family will never get over Reeva's death: June Steenkamp.

Oscar defence files opposing papers:Wednesday 19 November 2014. Krejcir, Oscar train together:Friday 14 November 2014. Czech fugitive Radovan Krejcir and paralympian Oscar Pistorius.

Krejcir, Oscar train together:Friday 14 November 2014

(REUTERS) Czech fugitive Radovan Krejcir and paralympian Oscar Pistorius have trained together at the Kgosi Mampuru Prison in Pretoria. In a letter of complaint, Krejcir wrote that he made a request in July for a bicycle and treadmill so he could exercise, and the request was approved. The equipment was installed in the passage next to his cell at the prison. "My equipment was offered to Mr Oscar Pistorius, to train on, on his arrival at this facility... without my knowledge," Krejcir wrote in the letter, of which Sapa has a copy. "I did not object to Mr Pistorius utilising my equipment after he arrived at this facility and in fact Mr Pistorius and I started training together. " However, on Sunday the equipment was moved to the visiting area and then again to a single cell on the ground floor of the prison, he said.

Correctional services refutes Oscar monitoring reports :Wednesday 12 November 2014. Oscar Pistorius was jailed for five years for the culpable homicide of his girlfriend.

Correctional services refutes Oscar monitoring reports :Wednesday 12 November 2014

(SABC) The department of correctional services on Tuesday dismissed reports that convicted paralympian Oscar Pistorius would not be eligible for correctional supervision because an electronic monitoring device cannot be fitted to his ankle. "The department rejects any notion that attempts to pre-empt any decision that will be taken with respect to the offender concerned, and that will have an impact on his rehabilitation," DCS spokesperson Manelisi Wolela said in a statement. "DCS also calls upon journalists to refrain from irresponsible reporting and to take care to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. " Wolela said that the correctional services regulations stipulated that "electronic monitoring devices must be compact, un-obstructive and allow persons under community corrections as far as possible to carry out their normal daily activities.

No special bathroom for Pistorius: Dept.:Sunday 9 November 2014. Oscar Pistorius is serving a five-year jail term for culpable homicide(REUTERS) Paralympian Oscar Pistorius, who has been sentenced to five years in prison, is not getting a special bathroom, the Department of Correctional Services said on Sunday.

No special bathroom for Pistorius: Dept.:Sunday 9 November 2014

"The planning and actual work to construct a bathroom and general maintenance by contractor RC Civils started long time ago," spokesperson Manelisi Wolela said. "It is part of a three-year RAMP (repair and maintenance programme) and was due for completion on 31 May 2014, many months before Pistorius was even found guilty. " Wolela said Pistorius was using a communal bathroom at the Kgosi Mampuru Prison in Pretoria. City Press on Sunday reported that prison authorities were doing everything in their power to ensure the athlete was well taken care of while he spent time in jail. Pistoriuss lawyers oppose verdict, jail sentence appeal :Friday 7 November 2014.

Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius was sentenced for five years for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Pistoriuss lawyers oppose verdict, jail sentence appeal :Friday 7 November 2014

(REUTERS) Oscar Pistorius's lawyers have formally opposed an appeal by the state against the athlete's culpable homicide verdict and five-year jail sentence handed down last month, prosecutors said on Friday. Pistorius was sentenced in the negligent killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp after the state failed to convince Judge Thokozile Masipa that he intended to kill when he fired shots through a locked toilet door at his luxury Pretoria home. NPA appeals Pistorius sentence, awaits date:Tuesday 4 November 2014. Oscar Pistorius was jailed for five years for the culpable homicide of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

NPA appeals Pistorius sentence, awaits date:Tuesday 4 November 2014

(SABC) The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is keenly awaiting a date on which its appeal against paralympian Oscar Pistorius's conviction and sentence will be heard. Pistorius was jailed for five years for the culpable homicide of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and for the discharging of a firearm at a restaurant; he was sentenced to three years, suspended for five. The sentences run concurrently. The NPA filed papers on Tuesday morning hoping to eventually secure a murder conviction. The state describes the conviction and sentence as shockingly light and inappropriate and says Masipa did not consider how many times Pistorius had pulled the trigger.

The prosecution says she overlooked his use of dangerous ammunition shooting through a small toilet cubicle and that the paralympian shot through the bathroom door knowing there was someone behind it. State appeals Oscar conviction, sentence:Tuesday 4 November 2014. Oscar Pistorius is serving five years in prison.

State appeals Oscar conviction, sentence:Tuesday 4 November 2014

(SABC) The State has filed its appeal against paralympian Oscar Pistorius's conviction and sentence, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said on Tuesday. "Today (Tuesday), we announce that the NPA filed the application for leave to appeal both the conviction and sentence. The appeal on conviction is based on the question of law," said NPA spokesperson Nathi Mncube in a statement. "The merits of the NPA's argument in this regard are contained in the papers that were filed with the registrar of the North Gauteng High Court on Tuesday. Dept considering disciplinary against Pistorius witness:Monday 27 October 2014. Annette Vergeer testified during sentencing proceedings for Pistorius in the High Court in Pretoria.

Dept considering disciplinary against Pistorius witness:Monday 27 October 2014

(REUTERS) The Social Development Department is considering taking disciplinary action against probation officer and social worker Annette Vergeer for offering private services to the defence team in the Oscar Pistorius trial. "In line with the provisions of the Public Service Act, Ms Vergeer applied to the accounting officer of the Gauteng Department of Social Development to render private services while still working for the department but the application had not been granted pending more information from Ms Vergeer," the national department said in a statement on Monday.

"The department is therefore considering disciplinary action and seeking legal opinion on what seems to be a conflict of interest. " Oscar judgment not well reasoned: Expert:Friday 24 October 2014. Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to five years. (SABC) The judgment in the Oscar Pistorius trial is not well reasoned and can be appealed on a question of law, a legal expert said on Friday. "In my view that judgment isn't very well reasoned and I also don't think it would stand up to constitutional scrutiny," Wits law professor James Grant said.

However, the State could encounter a "hurdle" because of the Supreme Court of Appeal case, State vs Seekoei, which limited the State's right of appeal. The 1982 Seekoei case held that the State could not appeal if a conviction was made on a competent verdict. "The Pistorius judgment was a competent verdict, he was acquitted of murder and convicted on a competent verdict," Grant said. If the NPA could overcome the Seekoei issue and is given the opportunity to appeal, two things could happen. "retrial is not impossible," he said. Correctional Services refuses to comment on reports of Oscars crying:Thursday 23 October 2014. Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to prison for five years for the culpable homicide of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp(REUTERS) The Correctional Services Department on Thursday declined to comment on a report that convicted paralympian Oscar Pistorius wept himself to sleep on his first day in prison. "We have never given a blow-by-blow account of how an offender is progressing on a day to day basis," department spokesperson Manelisi Wolela said.

"We have never done that for other offenders and we won't do that for him. " The Times quoted sources as saying that Pistorius cried quite a bit before falling asleep at the Kgosi Mampuru Prison in Pretoria on his first night there. "You could hear him. He would begin a 21-day risks and needs assessment The newspaper reported that his routine in prison would include waking up at 5.30am daily, eating breakfast at 7am, lunch at noon and dinner at 4pm - all in his cell.

Unprecedented social media reaction to Oscar Pistorius sentencing:Wednesday 22 October 2014. Oscar Pistorius bids his family goodbye after sentencing on Tuesday 21 October 2014. (SABC) Social media saw an unprecedented reaction to the Oscar Pistorius sentencing on Tuesday. Pistorius sentence is good: Attorney:Wednesday 22 October 2014. SABC Digital News, 22 Oct 9am Pistorius sentence a good sentence: Attorney · SABC News and Current Affairs – iono·fm. Pistorius needs psychological help: Expert:Wednesday 22 October 2014.

Oscar Pistorius spent his first night in jail after he was sentenced to five years in prison for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. (SABC) University of Cape Town Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, Tim Noakes, says blade runner Oscar Pistorius is going to need a lot of psychological help. SABC Digital News, 22 Oct 8am Pistorius needs psychological help: Expert · SABC News and Current Affairs – iono·fm. Reevas family, friends upset:Friday 12 September 2014. Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide. Oscar Pistorius Pre-Sentencing Arguments: Thursday 16 October 2014, Session 1. Youtube. ANCWL pays for June Steenkamp to attend trial: Report:Tuesday 6 May 2014. June Steenkamp lives in Port Elizabeth.

(REUTERS) The ANC Women's League is footing the bill for June Steenkamp's travel and accommodation costs allowing her to attend the Oscar Pistorius murder trial, Beeld reported on Tuesday. "She will attend the trial for as long as the ANC Women's League is able to pay for her travel and accommodation costs," Steenkamp's lawyer, Dup de Bruyn, told the Afrikaans daily. Pistorius is charged with the murder of her daughter, Reeva Steenkamp, who he shot dead on Valentine's Day last year. He has pleaded not guilty in the High Court in Pretoria, saying the shooting was an accident. Gauteng African National Congress Women's League spokesperson Jacqui Mofokeng confirmed to Beeld that they were paying with the help of the Progressive Women's Movement of SA and individual donations. "We are doing this so that she can get some closure," said Mofokeng. Steenkamp lives in Port Elizabeth. Pistorius testifies that he and family have been victims of crime :Monday 7 April 2014.

Media coverage of Pistorius trial hits record high:Friday 12 September 2014. More than 300 000 unique articles were produced on Thursday after Judge Thokozile Masipa cleared Pistorius of premeditated murder. How the world reports on Pistorius Trial :Thursday 11 September 2014. Pistorius. New witness expected to testify in Pistorius trial:Monday 24 March 2014. First bullet hit Reevas hip bone:Wednesday 19 March 2014. Evidence gathering delays Pistorius trial :Tuesday 18 March 2014.

After entering court, Oscar Pistorius briefly had a chat with his two cousins. Pistorius greets Reevas mother :Monday 17 March 2014. Firearms trainer, Sean Rens, has told the court he sold several firearms to Oscar Pistorius in 2012. June Steenkamp leaves as images are shown:Monday 17 March 2014. Earlier, Pistorius's sister, Aimee, had approached June Steenkamp and kneeled at her feet, speaking to her. Pistorius sent for evaluation at Pretoria psychiatric hospital:Tuesday 20 May 2014.

Pistorius to be an outpatient at Weskoppies Hospital.