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KDE (Puppylinux)

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Puppy Night Kde 4.6.3 (english/spanish) I did discover Puppy Night Kde 4.6.3 (english/spanish) thank this discussion at the Puppy forum and I find it great.

Puppy Night Kde 4.6.3 (english/spanish)

As the save file don't work, I am using now a different method to work with it as my prefered daily use Puppy version: I did remaster it and - save my more important spaces (Seamonkey, Instantbird as instant messenger client, Skype, Wine) outside of the lupu_528.sfs directly in the partition (I only have 2 partitions on my PC: sda1 swap, sda2 ext2 on the hard disks with max. 80 Gbyte or ext3 on the hard disks with 160 or 500 Gbyte because of long partition check if the system crashes!) - link (# ln -s /initrd/mnt/dev_ro2/... destination) so I don't need some save file at all and I can use this construct in all Puppy's I am testing or really daily use (my actual daily use puppy before I did discover you Puppy Night KDE4 was Quirky 1.2 with KDE4 as external *.sfs!) Downloading File /Other/kde/kde4.12.3.sfs - LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE - OSDN.

Project Description LxPup is a version of Puppy Linux using the LXDE desktop environment and is an updated “descendent” of loukitchou’s LxPup13.01.

Downloading File /Other/kde/kde4.12.3.sfs - LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE - OSDN

LxPup offers the Openbox window manager, LxPanelX (a fork of LxPanel) panel manager and PCManFM file manager. Optional enhancements to the desktop are available via the Options button on the Change Appearance menu item. There are various "flavours" (currently 4+2 *) of LxPup built as derivatives of official Puppy Linux builds thereby offering different kernels and access to the software repositories of the base Puppy. PuppEX Linux Live CD. Index of /PuppyLinux/Dingo/kde-libs.

KDE Puppy

Puppy Linux with Compiz Fusion and KDE. KDE on Puppy Linux. LxPup - Puppy Linux + LXDE - Browse /Other/kde at KDE. HomePage > Components and HowTos > GUI > DesktopEnvironments KDE is a free software community and the name of its desktop enviroment.


KDE is not standard on Puppy. KDE software is based on the Qt framework. The platform is mainly written in C++, it includes bindings for other programming languages. Related Webpages. KDE Dropbox Context Menus.